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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. i say bring'em on. more Valks is good Valks
  2. i was watching this wondering where it would end up and This is wheres its gone so far 603346795 Robotech Macross Yamato 1:48 MAX VF-1A Rare http://cgi.ebay.com/Robotech-Macross-Yamat...1QQcmdZViewItem
  3. Then we heard crickets. Basically, no one knows except Yamato. I think someone deduced the number of LowVis' at one point. Something like 5000 if I'm not mistaken. Now, if we could then determine that each run was 5000 pieces we could figure out exactly how many of each type would be... Unfortunately, I'm not certain about the 5000 LVs and I'm less certain that we could use that to ascertain that that is exactly the number of each production run. PS - the 1/48 is profitable (or Yamato is a very bad company). Why do I say this? Their pricing model would almost certainly be such as to recoup the costs of the toy after completion of its FIRST production run. Now, using the old creedo that everything costs twice what you hope it will we should be able to determine that after the Second run Yamato had at least broken even. Everything since then is gravy baby. PPS - here's some speculation for you. We just saw the Hik 1A, 1J, and 1S get reissued (all use the exact same red right?). My guess is at some point we will see the Max Super 1J and Max 1A get reissued. As someone posited earlier, it's going to be the odd ducks (CF & Miria) that have less likelihood at more runs (unless they prove very demanded). 367589[/snapback] I certainly hope that they reissue the super 1j Max etc. i need to fill out my collection.
  4. BOOM BOOM Boomer Grace Park:wub:
  5. I gave a couple 1/55s away as Christmas gifts to my nephews. That how you get them hooked, they like the toy and need more info.
  6. more is always better!! I dont need many more but at lower prices, heck yeah.
  7. Does anybody know what the production runs have been. how many VF1S, VF1A low viz, vf1a Max, etc have been produced
  8. I need this!!
  9. You still can get them at The Right Stuf for $40 per box. Limited quantities left. I might have considered the ADV new version, if I hadn't got the Animeigo version already. 364921[/snapback] I think that Robs Anime Corner Store still has them. He`s good I have used him many times and has a wide selection and good shipping rates 365223[/snapback] Thanks just bought the box sets!! Finally 365442[/snapback] Congrats on an excellent purchase! You won't be dissappointed! 365444[/snapback] That was the Fastest shipping ever. I got all 3 box sets :9 dvds in just 2 or 3 days
  10. Theres no way i'm selling off anything macross that i have i love my 1/55s and the 1/60s look great and the 1/48 are just are unrivaled. Will there still be a strong fandom well thats upto us isn't?
  11. Crooked skull or not I need this i missed out on the 1st go around. So i have to get this.
  12. Excellent decal work on the 1D and that Enigma is sweet !
  13. Willie Wonka > the remake or the original?
  14. In RT Hikaru is definately a wimp and it takes him forever (going off memory) to get his act together I dont see the batman/robin complex here between him and Roy. Hikarus just so naive in RT. In DYRL he already in the UN Spacy forces and is more commanding even if a little young. And in Macross he sounds older and acts a bit mor mature. But if I was trapped with a very pretty up and coming singer for a 12 days somethings bound to happen.
  15. Thats one disturbing "love trianlge" Happy Valentines Day all of you.
  16. You still can get them at The Right Stuf for $40 per box. Limited quantities left. I might have considered the ADV new version, if I hadn't got the Animeigo version already. 364921[/snapback] I think that Robs Anime Corner Store still has them. He`s good I have used him many times and has a wide selection and good shipping rates 365223[/snapback] Thanks just bought the box sets!! Finally
  17. I have enough of the vf-1s Roy. A #5 or #6 re-issue is great if your just starting like i am, but i really need a vf1a max and a vf1a hikaru and vf1j Super max vf1j Super millia Something other than a vf1s roy. Retailers still have it in stock
  18. if you only offered the Armor then it might be easier to offer it as a kit
  19. Kinda like a certain VF1-D Minmay loving future Skull leader we all know. Seeing that Lee Adama has a life out side of his flight suit was great we need to see more of this type of episode. I agree they sometimes seem to be trying to cramm to much into every epispode. OMG there are more than 3 ships in the fleet. Well to all you Roslin haters just remember she can still die (hopefully) once her agenda has been revealed. She seems to have a big picture plan up her sleave and knows much more than her school teacher apperance lets on. Maybe the nanos will get her or she will be turned into a Cylon........ 365236[/snapback] i'm glad to see Lee doing more but he's no Apollo. and i think Baltar's anouncement that he wants power will be Roslyns undoing, which i'm ready to see.
  20. Kite was ok but c'mon how abou some Originality holly-wood? have you guys heard that some small production houses with films in limited release will have their flix on dvd at the same time as the movie goes into theaters. Straight to DVD takes on slightly different meaning.
  21. Wouldn't it be nice if Yamato took a Poll kinda like this and asked the fans what they wanted to see made in the future?
  22. um yeah, what he said. regardless of scale big is big and production costs are ... whatever they are. how much can it cost to keep on releasing VF-1 valks that they already put out? Shouldn't the price drop a bit? A new paint scheme some ABS and there you have an vf-1a max/Lv/Hikaru/etc. I wrote before on this that they are worth it and they are the best so far. but after dwelling on this for a bit I'd really like to see prices drop a bit. i've gotten lucky and i've gotten some 1/48 for what i thought were decent prices. given the going rate on online stores and auctions. I dont feel that i've gotten ripped off and re-release have allowed me catch up on missed items, my collection is almost completed to my likeing. I guess i'm ready for new Valks not repaints. I'm looking forward to the VF-0S.
  23. Those are great cases but the light bill probably wouldn't be that bad. Its the size that gets me. they take up a lot of space and there not multi level. They deifinately display the figures prominantly. Fantastic if you have the space for them.
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