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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. What the ... I just saw these and man i'm on the fence. On the one hand its a new valk to have but on the other hand the paint jobs aren't working for me. I'll probably still get them but i hope they improve significantly before they go on the market. yeah chrome would have been better but i wanted a sky/cloud scheme low viz
  2. I might go, but probably not... Its justseems like the same old stuff...
  3. I don't know that it will help the Pegasus with or without Lee. I just think that somehow we'll be back to a single ship protecting the rest of the refugees. Also that was a well played move on Baltar's part. I'm tired of Roslyn's Presidential style. And ready for some more political manuevering. The Fleet going to start truning against her more and more the way she's going. And now that Billy's out of the pic, how convenient (need a shoulder ot cry on D?) for Lee to rekindle the old flame.
  4. what size is that? Is it 8.5 x 11 inches, cause it looks like it was taken out of a comic book. it may have been a fold out, but i couldn't say from where.
  5. i like the tactical scheme the two-tone would look very nice on a VF-1
  6. You bring up an interesting point here in the last 2 paragraphs, it seem as though their either trying close some of the loose ends with Zak, really its more like they just want forget that it ever happened, which is probably for the best since there's kind of a consensus about plot points that dont go aywhere. Just aswell since it never really got developed fullly. Going to have to wait and see this deal with Anders either I can see them/Starbuck asking ot go back to save the rebels from Cylon control or maybe the initial talks of Peace allow for a quick venture back to take the people there and maybe a few cylons unknown faces to htis new planet in the hopes that they can all start fresh together. Again just going to have ot wait and see this all happen.
  7. I'm anxious to see what other Human-Cylon relationships will come up. The more cross relationships there are, the more complex the story will get as opposed to just one side fighting the other for survival. Dualla hasn't looked that good since Colonial Day, but I still say the cast needs some uber-cuteness in it; someone that you'd find in the O.C., Laguna Beach, or Buffy or something... 370934[/snapback] i'm waiting for the femalel version of Boxy and her pet Muffet, Lee's adopted daughter and her loyal sidekick
  8. Whats wrong with Uwe Boll directing? Everything!!!!!!!!!
  9. SRP = Suggested retail price like MSRP
  10. "Amen to that! One thing that I'd like to add is that if there is room in the world for both Coke and Pepsi, certainly there is enough room for Robotech and Macross?" There may be enough for coke and pepsi but for years we had the cola-wars and it was one mishap after mishap after mishap. Shadow chronicles is the new flavor of the month. lets see how this turns out
  11. Could you post pics of each item to clear up any questions about what it is Thanks
  12. Great pics !
  13. Looks great , very creative do you have more pics
  14. I'm not reffering to the blue box packaging its way to big , that would have been trash, I mean the vf1s. but now that its coming out anyway... Anyway what did this sell for?
  15. That would have made great bundle for the Holidays. Who knew?
  16. Yeah regardless of what type it is i'll be getting it , but i'm hoping for a 1J or 1S. I'd really like to see an Enigma paint scheme or like either of these:
  17. i just received one today and your're right this thing is huge and really heavy. I would have preferred a smaller box and a sturdier one for the 1/48 Valks. Man this thing is awesome edit : haven't opened it yet but i will tomorrow it supposed to snow all afternoon so i'll locked be locked in at home with my new GBP set.
  18. Poor Billy. I didn't expect him to go, although i kind of hoped he'd been a Cylon spy the whole time. Starbuck needs to either move in or move on, Lee wont be falling for her with her shooting him up. But in all fairness he jumped into the line of fire. And talk about a botched rescue what was Starbuck thinking trying to take on the bad guys with a room full of hostages and a half-azz plan like that "i'm volunteering" yeah volunteering to get people hurt. Oh well Dad to the rescue
  19. \ it's basically the same idea robotized as the Volks dolls that girls (I hope ) make personalized. 368876[/snapback] Are you going with RC or autonomous with the girl version? 368971[/snapback] She'd be dancing the Robot at all the Clubs
  20. They look nice but Hikaru looks awfull skinny I'm not sure about the 1/100 though I'll have to wait and see what else pops up around that time of year.
  21. Great customs, man i wish i had the time to start/finish my 1/48 VF1D
  22. Enjoy Macross/Robotech for what they are. i've read the boards a couple of times over there and they're super censored so why bother posting. When they do something interesting it like they were able to come up with it on their own and Wow it fresh to those that havent heard of any thing else. Which is just the way it was for me. But if i had not been over their it wouldn't have sparked the interest to learn more and then have found this great Board. I'm failry new and the comments and news available here surpasses what they have at RT.com This is a great board.
  23. "again I need to ask... third ? tot max 1A was not ever reissue before ? anyway... another soon to end just for sake of anyone whom is interested (like me) " http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1 i'm watching that one too but there exists a very strong possibility that a re-issue will pop up in the next few months. The vf1a hikaru is coming out so why not the rest.
  24. Since the ultimates the tralier looks lilke Gi joe to me
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