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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. Macross73

    1/48 Gbp

    yeah when does this come out and whats the (new lower )price?
  2. i'd love to see these taller say 10 to 14 cm. I dont know why but I'd like them bigger.
  3. I'd love a Minmay Guard version too, don't care which one it is. 376008[/snapback] That would awesome to have. of the two Minmay guard versions I want the Moon Act. Yeah I'd have to get bunch of those.
  4. Cerbus that was good at the beginng but towards the end the lack of wit and leaping 10 or 20 years at time left me asking what happened? The Watchmen is one of my favorites. You dont see it coming at the end and Rorshach is the only one who wont waiver regardless of the consequences. V for Vendetta if you haven't read it do so. Miracle man by Gaiman it never finished and is almost impossible to find but absolutely a must (too bad theres a fight over who owns it) the Sandman by Gaiman is another favorite. Any one read the original Cry for Dawn (the black & white short stories)?
  5. I used to visit my local comic shop regularly but now work gets in the way as well as all the new 1/48s. Now I just buy the TPB its easier and i dont have to wait a month for the next issue. I like Alex Ross's work. He brings the charactes to life. Saw his work fir the 1st time in Kingdom Come and Marvels and Astro City. I wasn't too enamored with his work in Earth X and such. But his art work is top notch. Garth Ennis work on the Preacher that was great. Frank Miller Rules, Sin City an excellent series, The Dark Knight excellent.
  6. Are there any hints about the packaging designs for these? BTW: My wallet and I are no longer on speaking terms.
  7. my mistake. i thought it was a sky pattern stealth Great Collection
  8. those are the low viz 2.0 & stealth i wanted yamato to make edit : spoke too soon Its a not a Low Viz ..... Blue Rose
  9. the difference in design to me is size Ex : the VF-OS length is considerably longer than its Vf1 comrades and so 1- my thinking is if the VF0 is so much larger than the Vf1 then its like the early versions of a vaccum tube Tv versus a thin LCD Tv. in Mzero the VFo has a long nose and larger engine and inner workings. B/c of size it takes longer to transfrom and maneuverability is different. Fokker mentions this to Shin during training. he says something to the effect of being aware of that during combat. sure in 1984 they could have made the vf1 series look more futuristic but why? they had good plane design atleast for the tv show, and its grounded in our reality. it was a plane that changed that was enough.
  10. you're right it definately depends on where you live. Twinmoons does seem to have a lead at the moment. plus if you have coupon code from Twin moons, its even sweeter
  11. These pics are better here than the WF pics. not crazy about the paint schemes maybe would have preffered something else. i'm thinking about buying them, though
  12. This is what I got You scored as Moya (Farscape). You are surrounded by muppets. But that is okay because they are your friends and have shown many times that they can be trusted. Now if only you could stop being bothered about wormholes. Moya (Farscape)........................... 100% Babylon 5 (Babylon 5)....................100% Serenity (Firefly)............................100% SG-1 (Stargate)..............................94% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica)........88% Bebop (Cowboy Bebop)...................75% Millennium Falcon (Star Wars)..........75% Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix)...........75% FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files)....69% Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 50% Deep Space Nine (Star Trek)............50% Enterprise D (Star Trek)...................50%
  13. It's the exact reason why I don't like the Stealth scheme Yamato has chosen. It's all cool with me, Graham knew about the schemes and he has seen fighter pics of the LV. I think the final release won't have to many changes. The LV2 was envisioned sporting SEA cammo, and the Stealth version sporting different shades of grey. We're not getting something radically different for the final releases, accept it 372949[/snapback] Going to have to wait for the final product to arrive, I choose not to accept these as the final versions until its done
  14. Casshern, I heard about this. Was this some dude that looked like a mecha-ninja? It was a Japanese live action/CG production if I remember correctly? 372492[/snapback] Yes, a very terrible live action with very heavy CG... Wow, I'm just speechless... Hotaru is one of the finest pieces of storytelling I have ever watched, and most people who have seen it say the same thing. How you could even consider posting it in a thread called "the worst anime" is beyond me, or say that "its success is based on word of mouth, but its really plotless" It deserves every accolade it gets. It told war in a way that few films would ever dare to, and the story reflected that. There isn't any great climaxes or huge story lines, but it showed the true hardships of war, the stuff that you never ever see, that people should know about. I guess once the B-29s passed by your interest in the film must have plummeted. 372675[/snapback] The emotional content made it good Father presumed dead, Mom gets burned & dies, Sister starves & dies ,and the Brother too. My female freinds have cried like babies watching this
  15. Damn . This is cool. the temptation to buy it is strong but ..... I must resist.
  16. Overtime and selling off unwanted stuff on eBay is the key for me I'm single and my grilfriend doesn't care as long i'm not deep over my head. I like buying several of each, I've bought atleast 3 of every yammy 1/60 and 1/48, and for the Bandai Re-issues had to get 4 of each there. I try to get more than 2 of each so i can put one up on display and keep the others in storage for safe keeping. I used to buy a bit of everything but i'm concentrating on Macross and Soul fo Chogokin. Just started on the Chogokin and i didn't know there were so many variations oh well i'll be working on that for awhile. Thank goodness theres always overtime available or scheduled
  17. I've got a bootLeg from ebay and though the subs get off track towards the last episode its not horrible. It could have been bettter. Overall the story is ok. You dont see much interms of the SDF1 or multiple types of mecha being tested like MacPlus. The end really had me asking WTF just happened and how does this tie into the Macross universe?
  18. Think about it,who wouldn't want to take a hot steaming bowl of fish head?
  19. just wanted to say thank goodness they weren't final runs the stealth shown isnt as hporrible as i thought but i'm really glad that camo scheme wont be showing up in stores. Those were great pics of the VF-os and who was the lady in the background with the black jacket?
  20. and a Vf-1 in every garage/hanger
  21. can you/are you able to post better pics ?
  22. That grey VF-E looks great. I'd llike to see that as a 1/60 or better yet a 1/48 whatever scale is more appropriate
  23. I googled and found this maybe you've already found this page, I thought it might help. http://www.jpsmodell.de/dc/luft_flug_e.htm wish yamato would look at for better ideas.
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