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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. 1/60 = vt1 2 , ve1 2 , vf1d 2 , vf1j mass prod 2 , vf1s roy 2 , vf1a hik 2 , vf1j hikl 2. total = 14 1/48 = Low Viz 1 1/55 = 7 Valks x 4 of each = 28
  2. Depends on the location. Fastpacks when in Space and w/o when not. The extra bulk does make for aggressive looking Vf-1, especialluy in Battroid mode
  3. i dont understand completely why its so high when there otheres fro $20-$30 less? Oh well . At least the seller gets some spending $$.
  4. If it wasn't for robotech i wouldnt know about Macross, The robotech fans i think will see that they cant survive on Toynami toys for long QC issues and the current of the Beta, so in that regard robotehc fans and instant product recognition will allow Yamato to at some point expand their line to this "untapped market" Why do Yamato Valks cost so much ? if we ever get sweeter deal all us will all over it.
  5. I was just reading thru tfans and theres mention of Nemesis Prime , apparently it just alternator prime painted black. Another repaint ... but its a truck and i like trucks
  6. Dont quote me here but I've a only a few auctions where they have gone for 75 to 100. I saw a miria BIN for 50 + Sh just depends on the willingness of bidders. edit : just checked ebay but nothing showing had hoped to provide a better idea of the current value if any
  7. If you're interested / perhaps you already saw that a kit version of a Zentradi soldier was being offered here in 1/72 scale. I think Cap made it . cant recall at the moment. edit : heres the link http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=17737
  8. True, but who can't resist a giant transforming ass kicking robot flying in space? 380445[/snapback] The incentive : You will be able to fly in one of these reaction : Sign me up now! Yes Now!
  9. just as long they give us short btreak to save up some more $$
  10. I really hate the short packed stuff. I'm not talking about the variants. i'm talking about the fact only one of a particular figure is in a box of 12. that bothers me. So in that respect I really hate it, yeah let it crash.
  11. True to some the mere hint of rttech is taboo but for those that cant or dont want the animeigo version or dont want to read the subs thens thats their choice. I was able to get two of the animeigo sets for a bargain.
  12. More MP goodeness I hope it continues
  13. That works for me.
  14. its been one year since they were together and we see her asking for help for Husband (who i don't think is gonna make it) They'll only get back together if he gets to save her from being stranded or something like that. But she wont be going off the show you're right its way too soon for that.
  15. Welcome to Mworld Your right about the # of episodes there it has episodes 7 thru 11. I just checked it at rt.com I'm not sure how they've chosen to divide up the series on these maybe someone else gett shed some light on this.
  16. What if Starbuck just cant get to a ship in the escape from New Caprica or what if she gets shot down? Then she coulf get stranded with a cylon (not 6 or
  17. Ii picked up Rollbar #19 at the local walmart yesterday i thought it wasnt do out until April. Has ricochet or prime become available? BTW the new mirage looks great.
  18. Remember "keep your expectations low and you'll be pleasantly surprised' besides for now you can save up for other things you may want
  19. Thw new (Ninth Doctor) is going to be on the Scifi channel this Friday. i read the episode summaries for season 1 and they could be good. Any one going to watch? I have admit that favorite incarnation of the "Doctor" was played by Tom Baker.
  20. Agree with you on the costume it too trimmed down. The "S" should be prominent The cape isnt quite right. whats with the speedo briefs? Will i see it? probably Atleast, it takes place 5 years after the events of Superman 2 Thats the good part.
  21. my brother has my copy of the book & i really wanna re-read it. going to have to wait until i can get a hold of him. I might see this i might not. I dont care what the main stream reviews are. I only care if the movie stays true to the source. V was a good book that i enjoyed and still do. I can only hope that it works on the screen.
  22. this question has been answered over and over and over. the reason is b/c it bigger in life than the 1/60 vf-1s/a/j so its a matter of scale.
  23. If the rumor is true about HG not likeing Toynami's products well, its about time they said so b/c neither am I. There 1/55s aren't upto par. As for the packaging/boxes I like that it says Macross. Maybe they'll come to some agreement where its allright to have Macross on the box.
  24. I read it and I didn't like it for the same reasons you've stated. But thats kind of the point i guess. Its not supposed to be an exact copy of the original. However i really think that the story should have gone in a totally different direction, what that should have been i couldn't say. As for the artwork. I really could have done w/out the colors. Black and white would have been just fine or even Black white and red like some of other that have come out. edit :sp
  25. Just one? it wont be just one that you'll get. just like everyone else you'll see how well they're designed and how impressive they are. you'll say "well, maybe just one more." then 2 or three more. You'll say that vf-1s roy is great he needs a buddy, i could get a vf-1s hikaru, but what about back up so maybe a vf1a mass production and another (cause you need an extra to make that custom VF1D), Oh but wait what about vf-1j hikaru tv vers. b/c its from the show and a VF1A Max too. you cant have those and not the DRYL version so I'll get a vf1a hikaru, and then you'll think about the vf1j Miria w/pack , vf1j Max w/pack, What the Low Viz thats cool so you'll want that and GBP armor and dont forget necessary number of Strike/super sets and the clear parts set and the vf-1d conversion kits you had to get and multiples of all the upcoming releases that you just have to get.
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