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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. I never cared for the matchbox valk it was fat and looked like it wasn't made right. When i saw a Jetfire on store shelf Transformer or not it was cool. My mom bought me a Jetfire and that was awesome until I opened it and saw that all the stickers were messed up. Anyway that got returned and I never got it replaced . Then i got a coupole of transforming models. I broke those pr messed the paint up or something. I had really bad modeling skills and no patience for paint drying or glue. Years later, I've discovered Macross and now there are plenty of Valks in my house.
  2. Yeah, they're correct at 1/55 scale they're smaller than the 1/35? Gakken Alpha. the exact measurements, I just dont know.
  3. Great work!!
  4. She was grown up then... 18 or 19 by my reckoning when she made the show. 385163[/snapback] So, shes about 40-ish now, and still looks Hot
  5. Any chance Yamato will go back to the old school hand printed box art and styrofoam inserts for this one? I have a feeling we'll be disappointed with the box. 384919[/snapback] I like the clear plastic tray more simply b/c the inner box is blue/cloud like. Although i still wish they could compact the boxes a bit.
  6. that just sound swrong GCI Prime looks good . his arms look skinny to me though.
  7. I'll be getting the PS3 The 360 is cool but i'm hoping that Sony delivers.
  8. 384605[/snapback] If she had my kids I'd make them like her music 384712[/snapback] i thought it said somehwere she'd gotten divorced, so shes available again
  9. I disagree only b/c i cant agree with you
  10. Just saw this, What project do you have in mind If its changing the Paint scheme from a vf-1a max to vf-1a Hikaru then a little tape and properly color matching spray paint or airbrush No problem. If its turning you vf-1s into a Vf-1D Custom from the Conversion Kit Then you'll need a small modeling drill (and a few more things) I forget the exact size but its in the instuctions post here i the forum just search Vf-1dD conversion Good Luck. edit try here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...1d+instructions http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...17012&hl=custom http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...&hl=customizing http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...&hl=customizing
  11. If I recall, most sentient life in the galaxy was wiped out at the end, with the protodevlin war. And there might still be some protoculture left. The chronology's last mention of them says "near annihilation of Protoculture". Once their interstellar network and central government collapsed, it would be a lot harder to track down all the outlying colonies. So there could be a few protoculture worlds off in the far side of the Milky Way. Very likely, or at least likely some additional Protoculture influenced worlds. The Zolan's have already been found afterall. Come to think of it, the way the AFOS left, and the way the Ginga Kujira left weren't entirely dissimilar, perhaps both were pieces of a test to finding the remaining Protoculture? I still say Sara & Shin will pop up in the next Macross Project.. 384498[/snapback] Speculation here but coudn't Shin & Sara have gone to have meet the "nearly extinct Protoculture' race? Perhaps as representatives of our peaceful culture.
  12. Looking at the scans of the transformation and comparing it to Mzero (from memory)I thought that the nose cone was too stubby, but now i see that given the length of the legs that the nose would have been too long and would have hung below or about knee level when in battroid mode. it would have looked off.
  13. Congrats! start'em young and their fans for life.
  14. You had her in your grasp, but like Hikaru you knew that her love for her music would interfere in your relationship. Maybe next time. Thats really nice of her to do that pic retake with you.
  15. My girl wants to get married, I havent told her that my brother just proposed to his significanrt other and they've been going out for less time Nobody in my family is telling her anything until i say so. edit : forgot to mention i'm 33.
  16. Thats incredible work
  17. Yay!! Snakes . umm What kind of snakes? are these venomous? how big a snake(s) is there going to be? wheres Cobra Commander?
  18. look at this way its only about $134.oo So still not bad. as stated in the auction will Combine shipping great Also, This the most expensive auction I could find, your thoughts. http://cgi.ebay.com/MACROSS-PLUS-YF-19-YF-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  19. Mari/Minmay she's all grown up, now
  20. We love adore worship cherish and ... you get the idea Yes, to answer the question. I prefer the original music over the english version Theres more ...mood or whatever you call it. It fits better than the other music does. I refer to the background music in each scene, although they get repeated abit its not like in robotech where the music gets repeated even more.
  21. 100 episodes of a bored luke; Tonight on TattoineVille, Aunt Beru: " Luke quit sulking you're scaring the Banthas! You know how the Sandpeople get when the Banthas cant produce milk. Go check on the generators and tell your uncle to get cleaned up for supper" Luke: "Damn, i'm bored, nothing ever happens. I cant wait to leave for the Academy." Watch next weeks episode when Luke says "Damn i'm really bored."
  22. it took him 36 episodes to grow a pair, and all that time after the spacefold to get'em back to earth, i thought pubery took less time.
  23. UPDATED 1/60 v 02 = 14 1/55 = 28 1/48 = 1
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