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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. Freinds and i are going to see this tonight. I know i'm looking forward to it they're along for ride. So far comments are more positive than negative thats Good news.
  2. Everythings is still packed from moving so i'd grab my dogs and go. edit :just remembered I do have Prime 2Oth Anniv on the shelf I'd garb that and the dogs.
  3. So TwinMoons is/has processed my payment. Must mean that my order is on its way.
  4. Just got this, Very nice SOC
  5. my 1st impression of these designs is WTF. whats with the hat? are you cold? everone else is hot. these kids living on the streets? no money for clothes? Is she "walking the streets"? eating-disorder-purple
  6. just from the pics it doesn't look like it will disappoint. I hate waiting.
  7. I think its just the calm before the storm. sellers have stopped/slowed listing b/c ex: vf-1a cf isnt selling as high as before / the vf-1j hikki wasnt moving either / vf-1s is over abundant i see the vf1a cf sell for about 100. not 135 like before. maybe sellers know that with May about to arrive bidders aren't buying b/c of the new releases. bidders are saving up. I really dont know; this is my interpretation of whats going on
  8. thats a pretty cool pose
  9. Hmm?
  10. this is hard. I usually try and buy three or four of everything. thats not always possible, though. I've sold off quite a bit now too. #1 qty 9 Jet Fires Transformers #2 qty 4 Optimus Prime 20th anniversary #3 qty 4 VF-1A CF 1/48
  11. mari iijima sings: AI OBOETEIMASUKA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gYFSxyoFdQ...h=mari%20iijima AND Iijima Mari - Ichi Guramu no Shiawase http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaS_UaDxSw4...h=mari%20iijima EDIT : added 2nd video
  12. So if its in English and you have to translate into English to understand it then shouldnt I understand it before I translate back into English to understand it?
  13. 4??? This guy is loco.... 389561[/snapback] este muchacho es loco por los VF-0S. aver quien de todo nostros comprara mas? yo voy a comprar tres.
  14. That was really good. very well done.
  15. The character/CG mecha designs do suck. Will i watch this. i dont know. maybe in a year or two when ever they finish that is.
  16. Not single anymore. She's been remarried. 389477[/snapback]
  17. I've sold off my VF-1 toynamis and Alphas. I know the Alphas are all there are as far they're concerned but i cant stand the fact that these things are so fragile. The only VF-1 i still have is Ben's and i plan on repainting that or giveing it to my brother. the Sad part is that the hinge for the back pack broke and now i have to figure out how to repair so its stronger w/out compromising the rest of it
  18. So your making a VF-1D minmei guard?
  19. when I go to the local toy store I usaually hear the kids ask their moms to buy that great new toy on the shlef. But mom's usually reply "wait till Xmas". Its OK to a point for toy company to creat the chase figure if its something extra special but to intentionally withhold a childs opportunity to have a character that they love or just want, Sucks. No Parent is gonna want to pay 40 pr 50 bucks for an ML Iron man just b/c the scalper got to it 1st and there was only one in the box to begin with. Ultimately TOYs are for kids and should be abundant atleast enough to satisfy the kids. Who really wants to tell their kid that he cant buy a toy b/c there was just one and the Scalper go to it at midnight when they restocked the shelves.
  20. Thats a nice 1/48. is that Purple or Blue?
  21. of the two Durance would be my pick.
  22. I'll be honest I dont know what I want to see (new mecha), but more is better.
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