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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. that would make about how tall though? Thanks for the help.
  2. is this the small or larger version?
  3. looks great. wish there were more of these out there at that price "$65.oo"
  4. still waiting on mine from TMP I'm hoping that these QC issues are so rare I shouldnt worry. Looking forward to panel lining mine as soon as they arrive
  5. Sorry this is slighty off topic and no offense if i seem to hijack this thread but what works well on removing paint from diecast toys? I bid and won a customed chogokin figure and i want to redo it. paint job is poor it looks like nail polish ,propbably acrylic but i'm not sure what it is.
  6. the news about these disc made my day.
  7. i like the look of the trailer and what it promises but i dont care fo the new suit and the choice in lead actors just doesnt work for me
  8. QC issues definately should not have been an issue on any of the VF0S , at this stage it should have been perfect. i can only hope that this is a 1/100,000,000 type situation. What does mean for the VF-1J super-stealth?
  9. heres hoping all goes well on my order o f these
  10. isnt that the guy from Iron Chef , sorry i cant remember his name at the moment. Chairman ____________. unsure about the movie
  11. well i'm not big fan of jet li , but i do like a good helping of Tekken if done correctly
  12. i usually read a bit at Macross Nexus or Samurai Monkey, but mostly I just wait it out.
  13. excellent!!
  14. You work for yourself, not for her! Now stop hiding your collection and display those Valks with Pride.
  15. are these guys pics correct? I see that they are http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...%2509%26fvi%3D1 edit: just saw the earlier page with the store stacked with these --- Nevermind I've got 2 on order.
  16. ok , i get his point about the initial distribution in 1982/1984. Which is fine for that time. I I like the questions posed. However Yune's justifying the popularity of robotech dvds thru sales. Bugs me . its as though all the versions they sold before are way better than the oroiginal Macross or their re-release w/Marii reprising her role. the "to each thier own" remark about the various choices and what Fans like ie: manga comics or their version. also bugs me. he pretty much says that all are different and dont have very much to do with each other except in name. So ... he seems to be saying forget the original SDF and Robotech is great. then he seems to blow off Macross Zero he just doesnt answer, it all comes down to the licensing again. And he keep blaming Japan for the lack of material coming to the USA. But isnt this the same company that blocks and censors their forum members from talking about other properties? You cant mention anything Macross thats not their own so WTF. blah blah blah....
  17. Are you looking in the "Coming Soon" list, or just for all things Eva? Re-releases often don't show up on the Coming Soon page, but instead the previous item will go from Unavailable to having a restock date. 394578[/snapback] i typed in gx-21 and then gx-22 and i got the no search results match. and under a search for evangelion i searched thru the results but its not there, atleast not yet.
  18. i didn't thinl it was scary either, creepy yes. i've played the games and was hoping for more.... i dont know what they could have done maybe changed the ending a bit. Never the less i enjoyed it and was very pleased at how true it stayed to the games. I hope they make another and expand on the world of Silent Hill.
  19. BBTS has these on pre-order status , states that they wont arrive until winter.
  20. great !! didn't see the eva on HLJ though
  21. I'd like to see a "clam shell" style so you can open and close the box and reduction in size
  22. i was under they impression that their Military followed a more or less conventional chain of command. the next highest ranking officer would take over until someone else of higher rank showed up to assume control. or maybe there would have been a sturggle for power coupe or something ; different factions attemtping to domintate one over the other.
  23. let begin on a neutral planet. NOT Earth. 4 Queens & 200 + aliens : lets see them interact and 100 + predators 15 to 20 + ships weapons galore the plot : My first serious Hunting Party or mineral mines on the nuetral planet whatever... have the Preds talk to each other in their language, have subtitles where needed. same thing goes for the Aliens Now "lets get it on!"
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