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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. Are these still available? i need wings
  2. Forget it theres no point in cussing anyway. how many curse words can you really Use before you either get you point across or piss off everyone so much they just Could care less about what you have to say. Either you are able to express your Knowledge about the subject matter or your just spewing dribble.
  3. I used to have a Voltron ( lion ) it was the best toy I ever had when i was a kid but it was stolen. I used to take it everywhere. I've never gotten another.
  4. I want the ve-1 vt1 and vf-1d and new Mac+ all in 1/48 scale well atleast proportionaly bigger. Oh and not to come out so fast , give my wallet a chance to breathe. I'd love to see a vf1 made of die cast from nose cone to tail and perfect transformation multiple heads VF-1 ,1j, 1a in a nuetral color like a low viz. It'd be heavy and expensive but why not. A one time offering that I'd have to own 2 or 3 of. Now in what scale? definately not 1/60 .....maybe 1/48 1/50 1/55.
  5. sweet more pics
  6. More pics please.
  7. Just saw this thread and its funny. You gosh darn son of a needle-nosed plier! edit: Who needs to curse when its more fun to make something up, besides it limitless
  8. Macross73

    Latest Custom 1/48

    excellent job. great detail. great tiger transition of stripes from the canopy onto the nosecone.
  9. Saw it and was entertained was it better than the others? well .... but i liked it and hope that they can come up with a great 4th movie
  10. That was awfull and Funny
  11. Sweet!
  12. I dont know the answer howver heres a comparison. I think the Yamato set offers much better detail.
  13. Yeah, Yamato Rules. I love my 1/48 and 1/60 Valks.
  14. Mad DOG!! Rabies bite! Bad dog! Bad dog!.....Medic!!
  15. what i'm really hoping to do is find one at an antique shop but who knows I'm really temptated to just use ebay and get it now. edit : i just looked up parks website and saw 12 - 14 weeks for delivery! for those that are interested prices start about $150 http://www.parksabers.com/features_info.html I think i'll take my chances on ebay right now.
  16. I think you should buy what fits your wallet and the Fast packs are a great addition to any Valk 50-60 after that get the GBP 100-130 . BUY both of them. either way they'll continue to re-issue some things down the road.
  17. thanks I've heard the same things about Parks. I'm looking through other shops for the Graflex handle. its not easy to come by. I'll be sure to chekc out Roman's though. thanks
  18. i was wondering if any body ever made a saber from a Graflex flash handle or from scratch ? I'm considering getting a Graflex handle and doing this. I've googled the heck out of this and it seems fairly straight forward. Is it worth it? What i really want is a removeable blade. I thought about buying a modified Master Replicas FX. There some I thnk look nice and may buy.
  19. poor guy. One kick and his right is dislocated.
  20. I like the cases on either side simply b/c ther taller
  21. Not sure if this the final prodction version of the SOC Gunbuster this posted at BBTS http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...ail&picture=out
  22. It was released here in Hong Kong at the end of last week. Graham 401414[/snapback] do you mean the SOC or the dvd? The figure is out, available at HLJ.
  23. yeah make them, too that'd be great
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