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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. Twin Moons said they would not replace my toy because it was not broken in shipping and it was the factory's fault. They told me to mail them my problem specifically (which I did) and that they would use this as evidence to petition Yamato. They did not say anything about ordering parts, which would have been fine with me. 411553[/snapback] thanks for clearing that up.
  2. Not clear, are you saying that Twinmoons Can order the parts or that they Wont order the replacement parts or Cant order the parts. If they cant order the parts is their an alternative?
  3. Why not. I would if I could. I'd have wharehouses full of all the toys and collectibles I wanted:D the only problem would be finding the time to pose every single one of them.
  4. for 60ish bucks they'd BETTER be better. Imho how ever the SoC's dont' have the gnarly look of the anime. they're too upright, their necks too short. yadda yadda 411278[/snapback] darn tooten, I was just admiring the fact that a 20 dollar toy has better engineering on the shoulders. I really wish my SOC's could pull off some of those poses. 411289[/snapback] these are good, but the size bothers me. anyway i still think my SOC are cool. although I agree if only the SOC could pull off those moves ....
  5. I just bought this for my nephew. it hasnt arrived yet but i hope he likes it. He picked it out (just the right size) Star Wars Custom Luxeon LED lightsaber for younglings http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?f...ghtsaber+luxeon
  6. lately i've been listening to The Reverend Horton Heat Rock-abilly!
  7. any pics? updates? any news?
  8. pics please
  9. a year ? Ok . i can save up to buy bunch of them!
  10. I cant wait to put this along my VFOS Graham are you able to say if this is a Limited Production? Will there plenty to go around?
  11. Germany 2 : Sweden 0 mexico vs Argentina in just a little while
  12. If there were a new movie in the works wouldnt there be a flood of items after the feature was released? I'm just wondering about the pace thats been set this past year. Can it be maintained? Can we the average consumer keep up? Will there be enemy mecha down the road and what scale? Will i need to take a 2nd mortgage to cover the cost of all the great Valks coming up.
  13. so that theres more 19s for you?
  14. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams ... glitter in the dark near Tanhauser Gate. All those ... moments will be lost ... in time, like tears ... in rain. Time ... to die. Graham 410092[/snapback] No the moments dont have to be lost just start talking and we'll gladly spread the word from one side of the galaxy to the other. So if these are schematics, when do we get to see the prototype? Yeah , you know the one on your desk .... .... or do you have the final version already?
  15. 1/60! 410047[/snapback]
  16. I'm in ! When? How much? What scale?
  17. Pm'd you with a question
  18. thats awfull. I think i may ask for the replacement bar now. so that i have it on hand when or if mine ever breaks. Of course i havent actually gotten mine yet.
  19. is there supposed to be one of these 1/6 figs for every character? Just curious.
  20. I'm hoping that your right. if the odds are 1 in 10,000 then thats great for the majority of purchasers.
  21. This just sucks. I was looking forwrd to this and now i'm not crazy about getting one. I dont know that i'll be holding on to this one once i get it. feels like a repeat of the MPC valks. I'm just not sure right now. i've ordered mine from Twinmoons. i'm not sure that mine have been sent out. But at this point in the game its too late to cancel i think. I may just leave in the box and admire it from afar.
  22. thanks for the pic gives me a better idea of what to watch out for thanks Graham
  23. The sellers name is Do-clo. I'm thinking of buying from SWG at some point, not sure or the www.thecustomsabershop.com
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