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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. So i finally got my 19s today. Only opened one of them. The landing gear doesnt fully open not a big deal I'll work on that later as I got hru the others and check them out. I had stress marks on the grey pieces in the fusealage. no big deal they werent severe so I loosened the screws. the biggest hassle was pulling back and angleing it so that it would seperate. I shaved down the tan tabs a bit and angled them back as well no its no problem now. I biggest gripe is thelack of lcoking tab for the upper and lower body gonna have to figure something out for that. I have no clue whtat I'm gonna do. took lots of pics though some good others blurry.
  2. [attachmentid=39795]try this http://www.voltronforce.com/main.asp edit added pic
  3. nice pics Baltek it wont take long to increase the size of your collection
  4. Great pics I like that Newspaper balck n White shot Great Work
  5. This is what i'm leaning towards as much i want one as soon as it becomes available sometimes waiting is better than jumping in with both feet. I missed alot of the 1st series of the Vf-1 48ths but was able to find them down the road , though at a higher price for some but the 2nd had QC issues resolved.
  6. I'd like to have a more accurate 1-S head. the current laser are ok with me but a new face for the 1-S would be nice. [attachmentid=39733] [attachmentid=39734] edit: I just remembered wasn't it Fulcy that made those copper head lasers , it was for the 1/48s though
  7. The only change i see that needs to be made is that the legs are kinda skinny. to me. perhaps that will help with keeping it stable when transformed.
  8. I have to admit that i'm really surprised by all this - Graham man-handles his 19. I still havent gotten mine its at the UPS office waiting to get picked up. Work is getting in the way . Well as soon as I get mine i'm gonna check out everything and perhaps I'll have to start repairs . Thats not at all what i was looking forward to.
  9. this cant be good. hollywood continues to run out of ideas They've shown how they cant make anything wihout messing it up.
  10. i dont have any MPCs any more but I think the look of the MPC is much better than the 1/55. the accuracy is higher . To me the biggest difference is the choice of plastic used. the 1/55 are much more durable. the MPC feeel cheap and fragile.
  11. 1/60s. They do look good in fighter mode. Like others said the legs are the weakest part of it. If Yamato does decide to re-visit I guess it would be something I'd buy. Although I think it would drive the price of the current ones down. It would be nice to able to modify the nose section to accept / connect the legs in away that doesnt have them fall over. and getting rid of the large edit: perhaps theres someone thats already tried this. see pic:
  12. Robert Downey Jr is Iron Man? WTF. I just dont see it. Paltrow? Man, this thing better have one heck of story.
  13. looks good. I'm jealous
  14. i think there was point where they had to infiltrate the enemey ships and were in space crossing over into them either that or they were crossing back. I'll check later. Edit: i cant recall what FP /weapons if any the Sv-51 had. I just dont remember there being much to it other than the plane. I have to re-watch it this weekend. Most of the scenes go by so quickly that much isnt seen. In the hanger in the last episode the fuselages of the 51 are seen but no much of the plane since they're held in place vertically. I hope that the skulls / markings are all tampo printed and edit: will it The Sv-51 have follwoing : (taken from the Compendium) POWER PLANT: variable nozzles that pivot 90 degrees down for VTOL flight in Fighter mode. Two VTOL fan jets in center fore in Fighter mode Two micro-missile launcher/auxillary drop tank composite pods mounted on wingtip hard points. Option of two high-speed, high-maneuverability twin jet boosters equipped with ... composite engines with variable nozzles on overwing hard points ACCOMMODATION: Pilot only. (A two-seat variant also exists.) ... and the Two rear (back) mirrors. ARMAMENT: One (two in SV-51γ) fixed Gsh-231 12.7 mm mini-gun. One standard Gsh-371 55 mm gun pod with 120 rounds and one standard spare magazine stowed in unit's special aft gun pod rack. Six underwing hard points with four micro-missile launcher/auxillary tank composite pods (with 18 Turopov SA-19M I/IR-guided micro-missiles), Two R-33D Amos+ medium-range maneuvering missiles, or a combination of the above. Two auxillary pods are normally mounted on wingtip hard points. Four auxillary pods and two Amos+ medium-range maneuverability missiles were installed at the final battle at the island of Mayan due to the Amos+'s great destructive power It has been determined that only four auxillary pods are used for combat at close range. And an air blast bomb nicknamed "Daisy Cutter."
  15. 4 inches. w/ 1 cm tall pilots. I've never liked the hover tanks, though. They just don't make sense to me. Open-top-tanks in space. You know at the beginning of Mzero , I thought it was gonna be mostly battles not about some mystical / magical connection to floating rocks and what not. The Afos / A-force alien was kind of neat and it would be kinda neat to have. only i dont know what form it would be good in...Cms figure or 1/100 or 1/72 ore 1/60 although at 1/60 it would dwarf a SV51 or VF-0A/D
  16. Depending on what the paint scheme looks like customizing/changing Prime into G1 colors cant be that hard. It may look good in black , red , silver, etc. its a truck, its bound to look good in a less flame-inspired paint scheme.
  17. thats one crazy / desperate desire for some new BGC.
  18. so what up with some of this stuff. see pic
  19. How does he turn into Semi/Truck? I'd like to see this painted.
  20. If they make the telescoping neck from diecast or something metal would that prevent it from snapping in half. Would most memebers want it made from diecast? Would it be better to make it from ABS or something?
  21. I hope that they do. It would be awesome. I'd love to have an Engima scheme for each type of Valk.
  22. The cab/truck mode looks good. Hmm I may actually like this.
  23. Great job.
  24. So far i havent had a problem with any of them. even the VF-0A and VF-0S havent given me any trouble although, having loosened the screws may have helped. I removed the Pitot tube, due to fear of loosing it somehwere. Of the rest none have a broken a BP-8 or anything else.
  25. Thanks for posting the pics. I'll keep an eye mine and be concious of how rough I am with it when I transform it.
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