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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. Who is supposed to star in "Speed Racer"? and Whats up with the remake of "the day the earth stood still"? edit : for got to ask about Nanria: Prince Caspian the live BBC version wasnt that great Though I never read the book this has to be loads better that what i've saw.
  2. i'd rather be patient and wait for a bit to pop up on other sites. and July is far off. i thought the Good smile was 1/20 oh well it still looks good to me.
  3. So now that there something new on the horizon (Format Unknown) If a new movie is in the works and if toys will be made can BW circumvent any interference by HG and sell the toys globally?
  4. Thats a great price I'll have to check in my area if the price has gone down. My nephew would certainly enjoy one and I'm sure his dad would like one also.
  5. have these popped up anywhere yet? I've been away and was wondering if they've hit stores yet. Edit: Titanium series by Hasbro
  6. Yamato has done a great job. I'm very happy with the valks I've gotten from them. If Bandai or somebody else comes along and produce great stuff then I'll buy from them also. Seeing how Bandai is a bigger company maybe the overall cost to the consumer will be less. either way more is better.
  7. looks like the one to get it is the Good Smile version this was a great help
  8. princesse de soleil http://www.wordreference.com/enfr/princess http://www.wordreference.com/enfr/sunshine
  9. its the cms beta its on the boards somewhere already edit heres the link http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=21797
  10. any word on this coming out in the near future?
  11. After seeing how small it was and then the price thats what put me off getting it. Its a shame b/c it really does look nice. if it had been larger or cost less then that would have sealed the deal on this. As for this discussion about knees ... I don't remember any knees and I don't think it takes away anything from my childhood memories if it had them back then and doesn't have them now. I'm not really into knees anyway.
  12. only saw the last half of the show but it was good.
  13. very nice collection where did you get those lights from?
  14. i havent like Kara for awhile and i'm not sad to see her go. maybe something grander will come of her character getting killed but if it turns out she was saved at the last second then why bother "killing" her off in the 1st place. Even if she is a cylon that doesnt make sense since she was captured on Caprica. Why not just tell her "Hey your a Cylon and your one of the Final 5" though that really doesnt work since nobody knows who the final 5 are. Well whatever... I just I haven't cared to much for her mostly b/c she's a nut. The Vipers were nice though.
  15. those were cute
  16. the vt and ve area going for about $80-100 and the Cf is about $50
  17. i was thinking that i should have gotten this -layzner- and now from the pics I'm glad i didn't edit : got the Gunbuster today thats one great toy
  18. just checked out the video very nice
  19. Most of the worlds population is gone ..., so why not both of them Conventional thinking is useless . They have to think long term. Re-population is important. So who says he cant have both of them for wives. this is gonna get me in trouble isn't it?
  20. i was hoping it would be an exo-suit . It looks good but ... I cant get excited yet.
  21. Macross73

    Please Read

    i cant wait for the weather to finally give a bit so the parts can be made. Other than the arms on the VF-OA and VF-OS there are a few custom items I want.
  22. army camo or all grey low viz is cool. a digital camo scheme would be nice. color combination: grey n white , grey n black , dark grey n light grey black n white, black n grey , black n red the possibilities....
  23. It does look like on of the RoadBots. Is it the Land cruiser? either way it looks good.
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