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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. WTF. HG sucks at making stuff. What a bunch of Losers .
  2. customs or not these really are the worst paint schemes I've ever seen. How very sad.
  3. Sweet, that really great that you got em like that I hope mine come the same way.
  4. didn't realize how tall Ideon was going to be thats great. this justifies the price tag on it
  5. Started with a Jetfire and then the bandai's 1/55 re-issues followed by Yamatos 1/60 and 1/48 line
  6. spotted Alternators Ravage and Rumble this morning so if anybody wants one let me know. i'm no t getting either but they're out there
  7. i'm glad these are availabl... about bloody time
  8. the body is full of bacteria , so the bacteria in our bodies would help in the decomposition.
  9. i bought one of those type of enclosures awhile back (4-5 months ago) only in silver. Mom has it now and from what I've been told it works fine the case itself is ok I thought it would be aluminim or some metal but its plastic. Any way it works fine. Hope that helps abit
  10. Not really going for it. just too much stuff everywhere. its too busy or something. The truck mode looks good but the bot just doesnt do it for me. Hugo Weaving is a interesting choice but ... its not the same. Then again what part of this movie is?
  11. Ok i bought a Antec Sp-500 modular power supply only to have it start and then stop at the POST screen. Then theres smell of ozone . Now nothing happens. Dont buy one. I'm going thru ANTEC warranty to get it replaced or get something else not sure what there gonna offer me on this situation.
  12. hopefully NB4M is gonna have some of these during the summer or whenever it good weather to start casting stuff again
  13. Cool an "escape" fuselage You wont need to worry if the ejector seat fails.
  14. Thats too bad. b/c it would have been cool. maybe Bandai will make an SOC version down the road.
  15. I dont it would matter too much who makes as long as its a bigger version . This one looks great but as others have stated its just too pricey for what you get.
  16. an SDF-1 that size would be ideal. edit : i thought at first that perhaps the sound and light effects would be to gimmicky but it actually adds a lot to the ship especially the canon and engines.
  17. I dont really think anybody is gonna be able to get one thru without having the mod done to it. either way the biggest gripe I have about this isnt that a mod has to be done its that somebody has to mess with it before I do. I really prefer having MISB items.
  18. Hey are these in scale with the SOC Eva? I'm thinking of getting a couple to complete my Evangelion display. edit: the Kaiyodo one that i have works pretty well I never put them up together before but i still need one wings.
  19. the concept art looks ok i thought i'd hate the re-invention of the series but so far it looks good , i can live with it.
  20. At the moment I think that everybody is adding the Orange Mod to Megs
  21. So the 120 GB drive will sold seperately? any ideas how much? Because the 20 gb is kinda small.
  22. nice collection. is that the new Soudnwave on the lower shelf?
  23. Macross73

    Graham's Sig

    hopefully they'll release the "bundle" set first (if any) and then offer it as as stand alone figure. I really didnt like the way they VF-0A and now the 19 FP set have marketed. yeah I know its great for sales and all but not on my wallet.
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