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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. Asuka kicks butt. of all the characters she gave you something to watch. Shinji plays the psycho / wimp and Rei barely says anything. I hope this rebuild is good.
  2. In the end to each their own buy what you like and you'll be happy and when you get tired of it, sell it to somebody who'll give it a new home.
  3. How they justify classifying it as a replica gun when it turns into a robot makes no sense. Just show up with a bit of water based orange paint and mod the tip. Good luck
  4. I never heard of anybody breaking those. maybe they'd wear down but having them snapping off didn't occur to me
  5. Brushed aluminum I guess the biggest down side would be weight. But man it would kick butt in a display case.
  6. i prefer to keep them seperate.
  7. what pegs? Anyway the 1/60s are good IMO , yeah not great but they look good in Fighter Mode the 1/48s for me are much better the scale thing isn't really an issue for me. These 1st runs need to stop having problems ex: 1/60 Vf-OA/OS YF-19. I like metal in robots and would like to see an all metal VF-1 , perhaps someday.
  8. Pretty Cool Mod
  9. anybody getting this? SOC Angel new in august i've seen pre-orders on eBay but no where else http://www.tamashii.jp/campaign/majin-angel/index.html
  10. yeah how can he be anti weapons if he builds this weapon? I come in Peace... Blam!
  11. 1/2 off at HLJ clearance http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT33967
  12. got my Ideon today. Man these guys are big and heavy. i havent messsed with it yet but I like this one alot. definately worth it
  13. Post your request in the wanted section your bound to get some one that can help you http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showforum=10
  14. I wonder how well this has sold? I'm hoping that it was recieved well enough so that a larger scale is made down the road. Or that Wave atleast sees that there are folks that want a larger one.
  15. just cause its official doesn't make it good. heck they could have made these and whos going to buy them. I just dont think they'd appeal to the majority
  16. I display mine in Fighter mode but Battroid mode is the reason I watched the show.
  17. I liked Starship Troopers
  18. DYRL would be ok but I dont like the idea of massive script changes just to whittle it down to fit a 2 hr time frame. Even then I could adjust to seeing new faces to replace the ones I'm familiar with. It could work but I'd rather some other show be the prototype for this.
  19. man that was good. I had pitchforks and torches at the ready. ... and still at the ready
  20. Are you talking about the YF-19? or are your referring to some thing on the VF-0A? either way hopefully now that the weather is getting better NB4M will get the recasting-ball rolling soon, and fill a lot of orders
  21. that awesome in a weird and very twisted way
  22. I cant recall but, were there or weren't their special schemes in Mac+ plus for Sharons concert that were like the 2500th? i'll have to check it out tomorrow.
  23. Next up : Thundercats and their Eating Disorders what the Hell happened to him? He couldn't find a antelope and get dinner? Come on people. he looks the poster boy for Crack!
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