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    eBay ID : an-cer<br /><br />Collecting - Macross , Soul of Chogokin, Aoshima, Fewture

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  1. i believe that HLJ has them yep . http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00177
  2. if its anything like the vf-19 fire then its mostly plastic . the hip/leg hinger bar - i think is metal and the ankles - maybe - i get mine this week i hope. what i dont get about the video is the title why call it robotech ? why not call it Macross ? Any way its a shame that the max and miria are exclusives I hope the theres general release of the vf-1s , vf-1d , vt-1 , and ve-1.
  3. BBTS has the new sci fi revoltechs Booska Jack Skelington Gamera Gyaos etc up for pre order . i'm waiting for amiami.com to list them
  4. i dont get all the chogokin stuff so... anyway, recent stuff I got includes 86 Hero Mickey Mouse - nice figure plenty of metal , extra hands and Santa hat , hands do fall off they dont want to stay put SOC Getter Robo - small yes , great figure yes. SOC Getter Dragon - same as above. SOC Big O - wish there was more metal , but a Solid figure . SOC Energer Z - love this figure Some Items I'm Waiting for and some coming soon Fewture Shin Getter Drossel Daitarn 3 Tobikage - skipping es Alloy Getter 1 es Alloy Getter 2 - skipping es alloy Getter 3 - skipping es alloy Steel Jeeg + Parnsaroid - skipping - already out es alloy Goshogun es alloy Gowappa 5 Godamu Dorvack EM Alloy 01 Mugen Calibur - skipping Dorvack EM Alloy 02 Generic Calibur - skipping
  5. I really want to just rant about this. just go off and complain. However , That still doesnt make it better. A Big Thanks to Graham for doing what he can to make this better.
  6. the revoltech line is coming out with some cool figures . hopefully Kaiyodo won't be too random when it comes to figures. the whole line is nicely varied and thats great but i hope that the Alien series get more that than just 2 figures as well as Trigun . That being said i dont really want to see all the incarnations of each character . I really don't need to see 20 different color variations . I do want them to bring to make Mazinger and Knives and more than just one Predator.
  7. I suppose its the "don't shoot the messenger" deal . but why aren't there any messages?
  8. checked my vf-1s roy w/pak yep both shoulder are cracked i will add pics later on after i get a chance to check more valks Why not have Yamato directly give Graham a whole bunch of new shoulders to give out to every body here on this board. Just show proof that you have a damaged shoulder on your valk . As of right now I need 2 shoulder and 2 pins (gonna try filing these pins down) I hope i dont need any more.
  9. I have yet to check my valks but can you pm me with info on How to Fix this problem. my idea is to check with local hobby shops and replace the pins . I'm hoping that there aren't any stress marks or cracks . If there are then what should be done?
  10. I have yet to use OD and it seems that for right now I will stay away . HLJ has been ok for the most part though i don't like not being able to add in stock items together after getting a payment request . When a package / items have yet to be paid for and So all they have to do is put them all together in to one box. amiami now offers sal registered shipping for packages within size and wait limiit and EMS if it exceeds that limit. I have placed several orders with them in the last month and have been very pleased. Now HLJ still gets my business with free shipping or significant sales. I use both right now. A majority of pre- order items cost less at amiami so I compare prices. I still use BBTS as well . it just depends. below is the english version of AmiAmi since they now ship to the US http://www.amiami.com/shop?set=english
  11. Its been forever since I checked the board here and I find this news So this Breakage has me worried. I now have to go and check my recent purchases What a bummer.
  12. Les is the man . He'll make it out alive Bear ate a zebra eye ball raw . as funny as that is... I think he'll need some ant acids and pepto to get out alive .
  13. cute figures . not gonna get any of them but they're cute.
  14. medicom kind of a mixed bag to me some things look really nice and overall the quality is nice and sometimes the quality is lacking all i buy from them now are the Ultraman figures . glad they're re releasing a bunch i missed them when they were 1st available other than that its hard to keep up with everything they put out
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