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Everything posted by chingu77

  1. Nice! although the green isn't as quite as I remembered it...
  2. Just ordered from HLJ! and my AFC-01Z finally is in stock today with BTS...
  3. My MB Freedom in stock notification just arrived which was delayed for 3mos... your probably not far off on the April date
  4. Dang it.. even my MB Freedom2 is on hold since NOV
  5. Anybody get theres from bbts yet?
  6. This thing is rad.. kept the wings back to achieve a more dynamic look it leaves the arms and legs with more play and makes posing so easy
  7. Here's their reply... you think they'd at least bundle the price given the situation. Anyway opted for the ferry, another 3mos wait, yay.................... "Thank you for coming back to us Here the shipping method we can use for your country We already took in account what you already paid" order# 741732 Ferry 760 yen to pay UPS saver 4895 yen to pay order# 770977 Ferry 50 yen to pay UPS saver 5306 yen to pay Update... We sent you an invoice inside your account for the new shipping method It's appear like an order to pay After the payment, the order will be update to the new shipping method 770977 < we won't ask you 50 yen Kind Regards Nippon-yasan.com Customer Service
  8. I spoke earlier with live chat again this time raising hell and frustration.. towards the end of my rant and complaining he just said he will have NY contact me right away, exactly what the 3 previous live chatters told me. I then concluded indicating I had been a loyal customer since 2016 with a crap load of purchases but never again would I deal with them again.. NY just now responded to my 7/7 (3rd ticket) escalation about an hour ago. They indicated I need to resubmit another ticket, subject lined "Change shipping method" "VERY IMPORTANT : If you wish to change the shipping method, send us a ticket with the subject: Change shipping method." Best regards, Nippon-yasan.Com
  9. Anyone here have orders from NY (Eco - SAL)? I have a pre-order package released FEB this yr and a metal robot barbatos on hold due covid... I've opened three tickets up to now to see if I could possibly change shipping method but they don't respond at all and their live chat is utterly useless...
  10. I pre-ordered my Robot Spirit (Ka signature) SIDE MS FAZZ Action Figure from them back in 6/2017, when i finally got the item the knee joint was stuck(still stuck to this day) and foot joint missing... I reached out to them a number of occasions but was completely ingnored. I never used them again.
  11. jjaaa jjaaang... get em while they hot ladies!! hehehe
  12. I live in neighboring city to Bluefin.. it looks like my package will arrive tomorrow, whoohooo.. signature required but I'm stuck at home atm so no matter hahaha Hope everyone is enjoying theirs
  13. such a drag.. I see korea and japan already opening theirs and showing off on youtube lalready hahaha...
  14. Anyone know when Bluefin starts shipping pre-orders out on the Snow White? thnx Nvmind... Looks like mid JUL according to bluefin CS
  15. Wow, I thought I secured one last night 30min in from the 2nd batch release. I got confirmation from FJ and made payment but this morning received an email indicated "cancelled".. Looks like I wasn't the only one This post really helped me navigate through FJ tho, thnx
  16. Paypal won't even allow to open a case due to it being past the 6mos window...they suggest I go through bofa as I had paid using my bank account via paypal for the pre-order. I contacted bofa and they issued a temp credit but in the end they reversed it stating the payment is past the 78 days and no longer able to file a legal claim against the seller, what ever that means...
  17. Yeah, gonna file claim through paypal...I think paypal's disclosure indicated that you can only file a claim on a purchase within a 6mos window and since this preorder was prepaid back in June I may be out of luck...but gonna file the claim regardless and try to get a refund. I guess partly my fault for not researching the site first because the link/address indicated bandai in it but will never order from them again.
  18. I had a recent pre-order for "1 x Robot Spirit (Ka signature) SIDE MS FAZZ Action Figure (Completed)", the item was shipped in its own box only bubble wrapped and the model itself had a defective right knee joint (would not move at all). Trying to move the knee joint thinking it was just stuck, the left foot fell off...there is a pin that is supposed to be in the left ankle joint but was missing. I've sent them emails a number of times with no response from them at all...this is a first for me where customer service have refused to reply back and since their overseas I don't know what I can do...and the right knee joint is still stuck!!
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