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Everything posted by izzyfcuk

  1. izzyfcuk

    Thunder Hammer

    Short phrase..........I got Hummed One question, what was the "piece" that was used for the visor cos it looked kick ass
  2. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=25566
  3. sure, and i'll sell it to you at $500 BAHAHAHAAHHAAH........
  4. ##$^#%&A*%#$Z*%^#$%#@ Why Do have to do this to a fellow SGer??????????????????????????
  5. oh, im happy with it for it's proportions and transformation engineering. but not happy with everything falling out with slight movement and overly small........ in short, not worth the value for it's price that it's commanding.
  6. Someone please just tell me that the feeling u got from this Alpha and Beta is the exact feeling that u got when u got the ride armor and i can rest happy - PASS ON THIS
  7. going by the current USD to SG rate, about 300USD, not evilbay, but yahoo auctions singapore
  8. Something tells me i can't place my hopes on Bandai for this Managed to score this, UN-USED
  9. for a while there, it had me look around the net for acronyms
  10. Sorry, FTW = ?
  11. nor the trustworthy durability
  12. izzyfcuk

    Thunder Hammer

  13. never caught before but totally enjoyed it with wolfx http://www.japanator.com/elephant/post.phtml?pk=6715
  14. That's the gundam "Action Base" do a search on HLJ. u'll get it
  15. Mailman sent this yesterday
  16. think most prob their pre-orders are filled
  17. nope, i saw that before, it's the same for masterpiece starscream, well rumors are rumors.....so guess we'll wait and see
  18. i've been hearing some rumours about a clear YF-21. does anyone has any official word on this?
  19. the "redhead" juz screams venom
  20. haven't talked to him yet.....but will do so when i collect my WAVE SDF 1. dont' think it's a prob... u want?
  21. i second shun's comment. though i do not know about their dealings with overseas customers, but i usually get my stuff from them nowadays..... they're are the local distributors for yamato and fewture products plus a bunch a other stuffs, pretty reputable in singapore. shun - have u talked to david and co regarding the megahouse's limited edition weapons?
  22. isn't that charaworks?
  23. i hate u.........lolz
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