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Everything posted by izzyfcuk

  1. thanks guys, that's just a piece of black gloss acrylic place. easily available from art shops
  2. izzyfcuk

    Thunder Hammer

    Chinese HanYu PinYin Johny Mai Wan le....Mei You Le Ye Bu Hui Zai You
  3. damn, then's what's the coupon's for in this issue
  4. Can someone translate? 1. Is the coupon for the Magazine 01 issue just for Hikaru 1S or for both? 2. If it's for Hikky only, Magazine 02 is for Max? 3. The official numbers is 250 pcs only? 4. Coupon = "Sure get a valk" or "first come first served" or "lucky draw?" 5. Requirement to be a Japanese resident/address? 6. When is it available?
  5. g3173 has this max and millia from alpha, who has the vermillion squardon i wonder?
  6. im ready for the marriage set if you're letting it go one day..lol
  7. Replaced with a new Elint Best part is no tape residue, this one's for keeps Other photos can be viewed below http://www.flickr.com/photos/lens_perspective/2573306824/
  8. at least i know it went to a good home.
  9. enough bitching
  10. Guys, Don't get me wrong, not trying to show off or anything. been collecting for just over ten years now, during this period i went through what i believe what most have gone through or are going through, "buy buy buy" syndrome, being a "completist" etc. heck i used to own every single 1/48 and now im left with only 2 and 1J with GBP and a Low Vis ver 1. The rush of knowing a new valk is coming out and getting it in hand, slowly the feeling dies off...(thinking the dough could be better spent on other stuffs in life) this keeps going on and on in the last two years. End of the day, the old skool valks are the closet to my heart and i would like to preserve them in prestine condition. once im done with that, i can say im done with toys and oh, btw, im a virgo
  11. well, actually, there was a small tear at one of the flaps which i wasn't told by te seller.......hence, im gonna let this go and look for another again.....
  12. thanks bro, always on the lookout.
  13. with 1A in max and hikaru colors, i dont' see why the elint and ostrich wouldn't be done.
  14. yup, the site's quite old, had i seen it, i'll have bought it
  15. While mucking around, i came across this on the web it's from http://www.abctoyworld.com/index_files/RM0099.htm
  16. izzyfcuk

    Thunder Hammer

    EXO, i still want to know........what is that Visor made of? a pics?
  17. valk009 u're better off NOT doing anything any slight discoloration will be virtually invisible to the human eye, by the time u DO pick it up....the effect would have already taken months/years to develop and u're most likely not gonna get it off........ Unless u want to dip your valks in hydrogen peroxide every six months
  18. ask michael jackson? Nah, there has been several methods available on several forums including hydrogen peroxide, bleach etc, do note that they DO work to "certain" extend but will never restore toys to immaculate condition sum it up, there's no way to reverse the effect. and yes 1/48 do yellow too
  19. izzyfcuk

    Bandai VF-1?

    http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=25573 VALK-1S i have also mentioned it in SGC.
  20. there's enough love triangle around for an orgy if u ask me.........
  21. Yup, i did pre-order, but seems like it still ins't really living up to standard, i may not pick it up after all unless the price is really attractive
  22. shun, you got yours already? how much was it? im still deciding
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