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Everything posted by izzyfcuk

  1. welcome sci70716, good to see u here
  2. ya probably......er.....probably i should rephrase this? what this "protoculture"? as in "proto"........"Culture" How did they even came about, where did they exist before?
  3. Someone asked me what this question was and i suddenly realized that i didn't know anything about it. Protoculture was not really explained in the TV series so anyone can help me? i tried searching for it but to no avail
  4. definitely a great piece of custom. man i wish i had your skills
  5. if they see the demand on the market, they'll probably come out with the all clear ones? that will really squeeze us dry
  6. those guys looking freaking badass!
  7. im juz speechless
  8. Question asked the man anwered Case closed
  9. i think yo not the only one, me wan also
  10. hey i want some as well, joint orders?
  11. great work! man wish i could create something like dat! any chances of it in battroid?
  12. izzyfcuk

    Future customs

    i know that i want to have a pink minmay guard, but it's gonna take a long time
  13. do they mean that they are bring in the VF 1S only? hmm...... but that doesn't make any sensse as well
  14. YES! got my both no 7 and 8 today after pre ordering and waiitng for so long
  15. i like them both. it's a different from the previous black colored ones
  16. i think the box cover is the best looking for far
  17. i hope mine won't have any of these problems when they make to singapore
  18. izzyfcuk


    i would like to see the following 1/48 GBP 1/48 Max and Millia(how can we pass on them?) 1/48 VF 1D 1/48 Elint 1/48 Ostrich
  19. i second that! either you take prime or 1J, but i will prefer 1J
  20. izzyfcuk


    oh, sorry i thought that you are letting it go
  21. izzyfcuk


    so what's the going price?
  22. izzyfcuk

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    i do, i hope they complete the 1/55 reissues, im sentimental
  23. yeah, all my 1/48s does not come sealed
  24. izzyfcuk


    i wouldn't mind another one, if i had the dough to burn
  25. yeah really nice work Toonz, this is really only for hong kong shopathon ppl only?
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