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Everything posted by izzyfcuk

  1. izzyfcuk


    i woudn't have believe that was a hase if nobody mentioned it
  2. owner of the takatoku one, but i wouldn't consider it to by my holy grail..cos as huge as it may be..but it's seriously lacking in details. i thought that during the interview graham had with yamato, it was mentioned that yamato would not rule out the possiblity of an SDF-1?
  3. that's another good idea..hmm. thanks a lot
  4. alright, thanks, i was thinking whether is there a perfect match or not
  5. one for me please. from singapore
  6. hi all, im gonna start to make a custom, yes the ever lame but cool max 1S, basically the heads. What i need on info is- What's the best "blue" to match that of Yamato's 1/48 on max? Any help is greatly appreciated thanks
  7. ok i have gotten an e mail from CHAN..apparently his display case is.....6000SGD, which is roughly about 4000USD...ok, it's not happening for mine already
  8. that's exactly what i intend to do....though my wife isn't too supportive? anyways, that would have to depend on my budget...............wee!!!!! i'll show you guys when i get it all up im not sure how much it cost, but i e mailed CHAN, hopefully he'll get back to me and i'll find out the price
  9. Yes, i found it, it's CHAN's display!
  10. Ok, first off sorry if this is in the wrong section, but here goes Not too long ago, i remembered pics of a certain MWers showing of his valks in his display case. Now that is something that im trying to get my carpenter to do up for my new home. The distinctive thing about the pic is that the Member had threes of each 1/48 valks in specific mode, battaroid, gerwalk, and fighter. Wonder if any kind MWer had that pic or please direct me to it. Thanks in advance
  11. Geez i got mine for $60
  12. Geez i got mine for $60
  13. though the left one is more proportionate, i still like that right one because it's one.........BIG Second......FAT Thirdly.......UGLY Lastly........"GET OUTTA MY WAY" LOOK
  14. welcome home, we should meet up someday, together with the rest of the macross mafia and yes, GST is 5%
  15. Which RED did you use?
  16. wait till you come back, we'll hook u up
  17. yes, there are lots of places that sells them, but heck, why do you wan the toynami ones for?
  18. Not really a club, but a bunch of 20 year olds, about slightly over ten of us, hanging around together collecting macross
  19. The hands are from MG Gundam..but don't ask me which one
  20. he's getting the decal's done up next
  21. Not mine, but just something on display at Dotcon05 at Singapore today, if im not wrong, the head is from Rohby's recast, cos i sold one to him more can be seen below http://photobucket.com/albums/v239/izzyfcuk/
  22. Here's some more links if you guys are looking for pics http://www.sgcollect.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=38052
  23. oh damn, i couldn't make it out........poo my myopia's getting there think this serves no purpose already
  24. sorry to bother you guys, but i have never seen this before...any clues? http://page.auctions.shopping.yahoo.com/sg...81?aucview=0x23
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