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Everything posted by izzyfcuk

  1. izzyfcuk

    A custom idea

    i was looking for a pair of vandals. but it seems they are over season in singapore, had to settle for the adidas i didnt' get the shimizu as well, just didn't dig it, but your dunks for the roy is really a compliment
  2. izzyfcuk

    A custom idea

    Was at the mall trying to pick up a pair of Nike DUnks for work....but didn't managed to get one and ended up with a pair of adidas While mucking with my models after i got home..i had an idea.. Im gonna add a little bit along the way untill the shoe fits up to a valk.. Now im thinking of getting another pair of sneakers in NORA's matching Colors and decal it up...since i have a extra decal sheet... I think im bitten by the custom shoe bug
  3. wonder if u want these http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...c=19358&hl=
  4. izzyfcuk

    1/48 GBP

    Doesn't look so nice after all
  5. izzyfcuk

    1/48 GBP

    i believe that waw a "contest" valk prize from one of the magazines, can't remember which one though, The mag sorta showcased all the previous macross toys, it also had an interview with shoji
  6. izzyfcuk

    1/48 GBP

    Credits Gits_sac Linky http://ga.sbcr.jp/g-toys/miyazawa/09/index.html
  7. the only pose i'll put it in is probably gonna be gerwalk, the battroid aint bad.
  8. frankly, i dont' see us moving forward..the last two pages are full of nothing but previously posted pics.. We gotta move on for this thread to take off man..if not i'll just be stuck here forever..
  9. http://www.moeyo.com/2006/11/post_1503.html
  10. Panasonic "Daylight" 11W, 50/60Hz, 90m/A 220-250V Again i'll like to stress..Light aren't that a big deal. u dont' need extremely bright light. The key is positioning..which im still learing too.
  11. a non-valk photo Same Setup Shot on tripod. macro mode. Post Production, photoshop "Curves"
  12. This thread is exactly what myself and other members had gone through you can try readling through this link, it will save u lots of unneccessary trouble too http://www.sgcollect.com/forum/index.php?s...TOY+PHOTOGRAPHY
  13. U can try to PM REMY about his set-up, i'll be very interested in how he does his pics as well
  14. 40- 60Watts? daylight, think around that region P.S don't be too caught up with the lights. i went through the process..ain't really too much to bother with Point is u gotta play around with it, u'll have to constantly adjust the light's placement understanding what u see from your eyes will never be what ur camera see is the first step to taking great shots
  15. im using "tracing paper" for the diffusion, that was my previous set up. This is my current set up For me i think there's two types of toy photography, 1. The photoshop type - relies heavily on Photoshop post-production Here's two examples http://www.timbrisko.com/commercialtoy.html http://www.toysdaily.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=37834 2. Secondly the more "photography based" one The best example would be www.tfkenkon.com. Remy's webby Personally i prefer the "photograhy based" kind. but im mucking around right now with both set-up im using a canon IXUS 5 megapixel cam
  16. Here's my set up, and some shots. i only play with "curves" in photoshop http://img358.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img27119dz.jpg This is how i take my pics. The background is a mounting board brought from art stores. Those are inexpensive light from Ikea. daylight of course. not using warm lights http://img224.imageshack.us/my.php?image=img25445zq.jpg
  17. Credits. GA Graphics http://ga.sbcr.jp/g-toys/plamodel2006/32/index.html
  18. its' the 21 oct today, no more pix? im dying to see the boxart
  19. mods please move as appropriate thanks
  20. this is a DARN good year.. first we have YF-19..possible followed by the 21... Wave's giving us a SDF-1.... Now Alpha Fighters by Aoshima..(hopefully Beta to follow) and Graham's got something up his sleeve..
  21. Not much is know about this at the moment, Unsure if it's a kit or completed toy but it sure looks good Credits GA Graphics
  22. izzyfcuk

    Graham's Sig

    2007 Super Dimension Fortress! nah..that's twenty two underscores
  23. Re-structuring. .louis, Re-structuring...
  24. that display cabinet replaced the wall between his Dining Area and Work Area yeah, his house is WAY Cool. i never get sick of visiting his place
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