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  1. aw237

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks! I'll keep my eye out aron
  2. aw237

    Hi-Metal R

    Are the Missile Regults still available, and any recommendations on getting some? I missed the pre-orders (intentionally and now regretfully), and I haven't seen them in stock, last time I looked. or otherwise, what's the best way to grab some enemy mecha (cost effective?) I'm in Canada, if anyone has shipping experience thanks
  3. aw237

    Hi-Metal R

    Where is the VF-1A max from? i thought they only made the super-J max in hi-metal r?
  4. aw237

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not exactly sure. Obviously struggling to get it into position and put too much pressure on each side so that it cracked in the hump from behind the cockpit. I didn't think I was being rough at all. Lesson learned
  5. aw237

    Hi-Metal R

    Just got my first VF-1A CF model. immediately snapped the chest plate in half and had to superglue it back together. otherwise, I'm hugely impressed
  6. I ordered the imperfect box one - so it did end up coming back in stock at Amiami
  7. When you add in the discount AmiAmi had on, I think it's closer to Y7k? maybe I'll email them thanks
  8. Should I expect them to come back in stock at AmiAmi? They seem to have the best price but are back ordered. I've found it but for 8-10,000 yen higher elsewhere Wondering if I should just wait?
  9. Yup, guilty of catching a collecting bug already. I've already ordered an HMR and I'm looking for a Yamato/Arcadia to play with. I have my kids hooked on the TV show, so I, uh, have an excuse?
  10. Hi everyone, first post! I just got my first Valk since I was a kid and grabbed a 30th anniversary VF-1S GBP before i did any research. Obviously, all of the pluses and minuses apply - nice and affordable, not too high quality and will probably lead me to spending more money. Just basically wanted to say hello! Aron
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