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Everything posted by Wes

  1. Teh Internets perhaps.
  2. Hello and welcome to the Internet. That being said, I think the backgrounds and buildings seem really special, but the veritechs/mechs seem out of place with their textures. Reminds me of those generic 3D movies where they try to "jump out" at you. If they worked on those more it would "look" great. Don't yet see a "story" yet but I'll look more tomorrow.
  3. They have the trailer before Transporter 3 with a release date of 3/6/09.
  4. You watch too much anime. Yeah there should be death but it shouldn't be used for drama. Besides they only had enough stumps for 3 heroes. But in the next "revision" Lucas might add a spot for Jar-Jar. See what that "adds"
  5. I'm just tired of seeing "all my beloved old characters every week" when I like none of them. I don't like how they went with a more cartoony-cg instead of realistic-cg. And for the love of umm the force can they stop having bad feelings about what they're doing?!
  6. I think for an advertising group to be considered "successful" they must totally mislead your perception of what you're going to see.
  7. Is there a demo out?
  8. No he's a machine. Look for "I, Am Robot Legend" in 2010.
  9. Yeah but I didn't see it in Bioshock - 30-45 sec loadtimes for a 10min install. Just put in Endwar at it told me I'd have to wait 12min just to play my game! This is rediculous, it's like they saw there was a hd and decided to throw everything on it, having the disk as more of a check to make sure you own it everytime it starts up. Kinda reminded me more of the Matrix game, and how not fun that got to be. But this has actually been a very good Fall for games, some I have to convince myself not to go for some games. I now want Valkaryna Chronicles but I need to beat some of these games I've gotten.
  10. Season 1. They're giving the Canadians an early viewing?! Burn Hollywood for their obvious treachery!!
  11. Didn't get invite, didn't like Mirror's Edge myself - the controls weren't that smooth and I didn't particularly like the balance-beam throw-in.
  12. Sorry but we're a bloodthrusty lot.
  13. Like I said before, I think Sylar's ability can be described as super-engineering, where he can fix things, learn powers, or even improve powers. He just always resorted to a macabre way to do the last two. Peter can absorb others powers naturally, but he uses empathy to summon them up the first few times. That's how he healed the first time. He was able to use Sylar's stolen abilities with varying degrees of sucess, but the only way he connected his core ability to was killing, so he became violent afterwards. But yeah those losers need to die.
  14. Speaking on HDs I'm getting tired of these load sizes. What's the point of having these 25 GB discs if I have to install 5 GB+ just to play it?
  15. Actually, to keep up with the times, Max is going to be female now. Don't worry the character's still one with the ladies...
  16. Well The Day the Earth Stood Still trailer is playing on TV, 12 Dec release.
  17. People don't know how to do Black Friday anymore; the stores don't have many if any good deals and the customers will go to whichever they "think" will have the big deal, which is Best Buy for the $200 laptop only 6 people will get. And they'll stay in line long after they're gone, long after they were announced it's gone. Stores this year have been so desperate to get their numbers up they've done "Early BlackFridayese sales" and there have been a couple of decent deals. Have yet to hear something good for BF.
  18. It's the Internet if we had something better to do other than argue over a dollar we wouldn't be one the Internet.
  19. Well how do you know how much profit they're getting? If you conceed that blurays are costing them more then you conceed that there is extra expense. When a business's expenses go up, they're absorbed and/or paid for by the customer. I don't know they're business model and I'm sure it's different than the chains that have physical locations. So I can only guess they found that $1 was the better way to do it. Though yeah if you're not getting the movies you want there's no reason to pay for less.
  20. Eh so what. You could never play Protoman before and I hated charging. But I do miss the slide, and I wanted to select weapons with the top buttons. It's a great game for 10 bucks.
  21. If you're not getting them then I'd understand. But Blurays always have a higher selling price unless on sale. It's all what Netflix has to pay for them.
  22. One buck? Eh that's nothing. Though I got this blockbuster thing for 6 months for free.
  23. Well think Mega Man 9, Capcom realizes there's money in nostaglia. I don't care for fighters so I don't have an opinion on SF.
  24. The Simpson's rendition of "California" really sold it.
  25. Just got this game. Anyone what to beat it together? Also, does the craft I select in the beginning change the storyline in any way? Or is it non-important like 4?
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