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Everything posted by Wes

  1. It's who/how it's used. Yeah if you're a really old Jewish guy who studies descreately, seeing as it is supposed to be kinda secret, yeah ok, but Madonna going "YAH I got a red ribbon I'm with it!" no. And does anyone really like Yugi-Oh? Pretty sure it's one of those Scientologist-pyramid-scemes...
  2. We were taking about this a year ago and my opinion stands - Boring show is boring.
  3. How can you be experienced in a Hollywood fad? Then again looked what happened to Coolio after he tried to screw with Weird Al...
  4. Darn it I thought we were getting some new type of Armored Core; this is just fanfiction.
  5. It's like new Bond vs. old Bond. More a sign of the times more than any one man's idea.
  6. Shows in America (you remember that place right? ) takes a couple weeks off to show holiday specials and the like. And I for one don't want to see How Jar Jar Saved Christmas. And that would be odd as baby Jesus didn't show up THAT long ago and certainly not in any other galaxy.
  7. They might not be letting you canadians get to it. Try using a US IP.
  8. You say this on a Macross forum.
  9. As Weird Al put it - then I guess I gotta rent it!
  10. The lastest clue shows why Olmos is a badass.
  11. But he would have to show emotion. Couldn't he take over for Shatner as Kirk if he feels the need to fart things up?
  12. I'm just wondering where they're finding 130 million for this. Hollywood must be both intelligent and recession proof.
  13. I could care less about the trophies. The thing that I wanted out of Home was a way to setup matches of PS3 online-capable games. Some are pretty spotty. I'd like to know what other people play and join up with them instead of hoping to run into them in the game or hoping they're playing mine at the time sucks. I would like to start my gaming-day in Home and see what people want to do, then we can hit it off.
  14. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH sure. Just because a guy has a thing for female-like robots something's WRONG with him...
  15. What is the MW club called? I tried searching Macross and Omega1 but got nothing.
  16. I'm sure the assassin job would be a very profitable one. On PSN and most any MMO.
  17. That rumor has been tossed around alot, never seen a sign of it coming true.
  18. Interesting. That makes me happy knowing my roomate bought the bullet and got it for DVD. Now I really am happy to wait.
  19. Well I've been hearing people buying them up during these sales. I do like the Wii but I wish it had a hard drive or you could add one. The PS3 has made me see how important those are going to be.
  20. Yeah the Screamer did alot, a few have been posted.
  21. You opened a thread with Macross Frontier's "alternate opening" pic and you're just now worried about ramifications at work?
  22. I thought we already had a thread on this. Little down on the fact that the Wii version is shitty but I got a PS3 so I won't miss out.
  23. Aren't you trying to hard to parody a bad episode of Mad TV?
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