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Everything posted by Wes

  1. Both are dead. The RE series follows the best Jill ending... where Barry, Jill and Chris got out of the mansion. That would mean Rebecca got beheaded by a hunter. As for Billy Cohn.... I remember in a file in either RE:rebirth or RE2... that said that a body a con was found in the woods along with a few other bodies. That I think was Billy. SPOILER: At the end of RE:0, Rebecca radios in that she found Billy dead. So yeah, he could still be alive, if it even matters. I too would like to see the story be based around the games. The first one would have little trickly, but because you can beat all the games in 3 hrs., it isn't like the stories are too long. On a side note, who's looking forward to RE:4? It's looking just plain beautiful.
  2. Well, the first one wasn't totally stupid. I might see this one, sometime. ...so long as it isn't another MK:Annialation.
  3. Give us a follow-up: I want to know if the subs are worth an early import.
  4. EDIT: Strike this post. Misread.
  5. The "police" force is total @$$. Case in point, my ISP server at school emailed me, forwarding this email from MediaSentry, Inc., on behalf of Warner Bros. They directly "requested" that they cut me off because I had an "illegal" copy of Matrix Reloaded, when all it was was the MTV Movie Awards parody opening they did of it. Of course it had the movie name in the filename, but they could have just looked at it and found out they weren't one in the same: And these are the idiots who are saying how much access our computers have?!? I explained it to my ISP server, they droped it, and I also sent an email to MediaSentry asking for an explination. Let you know if it ever comes in. <_<
  6. Wes

    Ms. Hayes

    On the main shot, the eyes are just hing up there, even in relationship to her nose. The mini side-sketch to the left is perfect though. Just check on that.
  7. OK, leb, let's review: aka PAY ATTENTION!!! If you continue to show her that junk, you will either: 1) Run her off by showing her you're even weirder than you have earlier proved, or 2) You run the risk of getting a rabid Fire Bomber fan. In your own house. In your own FRICK'N HOUSE for crying out loud! Do you really want to chance either possibility?
  8. poo on the "Taisen" series. No Macross in it.
  9. ah, Vicious Cycle's based in Chapel Hill, NC, right? If you all really care, write down your complaints and I can drive 45 min and give them to them.
  10. Don't forget 'till it transforms to to a motorcycle. Not going to carry the whole thing arround town, after all.
  11. Bang on! That is correct and those of us who had the mental/physical stamina to sit through the Enter The Matrix game will know why the Oracle in Revolutions will look and sound like the one from the game. B) Join the six of us! B)
  12. ...they took the one at my university away...
  13. The heads' main job is senory information - the lasers are a little more of an afterthought, but still apreciated. So they would probably be the cameras that give the outside pictures to the pilot when in batt. mode.
  14. My sig is still Wes, although that isn't my real name. Who the hell am I? WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO KNOW!!!
  15. In M7's case, insignificant compared to the power of mute.
  16. poo
  17. Nope. Actually, it either is the same(just shorted) or they added a longer version of this one latter on. They were showing at my univ. both Matrixes back to back last night, because we're having some Matrix-themed back to scholl bash thing. I'm actually taking a break from today's thing right now.
  18. Uhhh, yeah I tried that - it's just a free-for-all. I just wanted to know if anyone knew of good sites.
  19. I want to get a new monitor, and, with Best Buy's sale they're having this 19" CRT MAG for like 150 (100 after rebate.) But how can I find out if it's poo or not? Anyone know of a good site that reviews monitors?
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