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Everything posted by Wes

  1. I don't think Arnold could ever land the luck in that like Connery did in the original Highlander movie. The guy got 7 million for 7 days work! 'Course he came back for the sequel, I mean, it isn't like he could have lost money for it. B)
  2. When I was working at McDonnnalds, this guy I worked with came in one day with the Encyclopedia. I thought it was for fun, but he went thru that book.
  3. Come on now, if one thing can unite use, it's the love for "Kidnegarder Cop". Besides, what's so wrong with having a little fun with what's going on? btw, did the Governator make it in offically?
  4. Guys, it probably wasn't his idea... <_< ...at least I hope.
  5. IV. It's the only final fanasy game I've played that I was overjoyed everytime I found out a scene truely "wasn't" the end, instead of wishing it was. btw, if you like to see the series made fun of, read the RPG World comic: it's great.
  6. ...like the Simpson's episode: Kent Brockman: "We go here live to North Korea to see how American animation is made." I like it. I don't watch TV much right now, but I have seen the show and it's alright.
  7. ....ugh, where is the sense of innocence in this place. This quote comming from an individual with an avatar of a big-breasted woman running...
  8. I'm a sucker for good swordplay, (damn you, Highlander, my poor wallet... ) so I'll see it. It'll of course be at my local dollar + a half theature, but hey, it's where I always go.
  9. Guys, it's just a fact of mass production - they're going to be a few bad eggs. Case in point, I got a couple of Nerf guns, and one of then just stopped working. I called them up, told them I got a dud, and they shipped me a new one; didn't even ask me to return the defect. Sure enough, I could probably use the one they sent me quite proficiently today. That got alot of respect from me. Now, are all Nerf guns crap? No, or else no one would buy them, like Yamatos. But they obviously are willing to correct the problem. This is the main problem people have with Harmony Gold: they believe there efforts to hold onto Macross rights has privented Yamato from getting a good US company to handle distribution and QC items here. At least they are listening to consumer concerns and are willing to do something about them.
  10. The SNES just had great games, despite it's limitations. The GBA is getting there. If the crap Sony's trying to put out screws that up...
  11. That was great.
  12. Dude, I'm telling you, this as like a tie-dyed T-shirt man would rock.
  13. Dude, import. GBA's aren't region coded. You should be able to find a good video game importer, but the charge for a limited edition is anyone's guess.
  14. Yah, first to comment! It's looks really good, a nice diversion from your usual art focus. But (I know I say this like every time) could you make smaller? A huge Kawamori in the morning popping up with sleep deprivation due to a series of tests...I think I'm having nightmares this weekend.
  15. Square hasn't lost its touch, it's just going where the money is: their usual strategy. <_
  16. This one's still my personal favorite: *
  17. no........ yeah, that's not it. But the thing is, VII's story is done. Sephiroth got cut - very badly I might add, and the Lifestream turned the astroid into the biggest turd on the planet. And yet they want to keep the story going somehow. and I know it's been said, but... IT'S FINAL FANTASY, ALRIGHT!!! WHERE'S THE FINALLITY OF IT? Geez, they can't even kill one storyline now. Guess they're just going to the money...
  18. Try droping your firewall. I had that issue as well.
  19. I don't see why there's any suprise; the system was technically selling for 100 retail anyway, you just had to pick from one of six games to get with it(150 system - 50 game = 100 system plus 50 bucks ) And I don't see it doing bad - it's really getting some great support - no, not in quantity, but quality. I think it's the X-Box that's in trouble if anything, I mean, the same site said a couple of weeks ago PS1 was outselling it in Japan. And you know where a bunk of the game influence is still held, right?
  20. OK, I like how the craft/mechs are looking, but the characters look like utter poo. I thought Tartakovsky was into no-lines, like in Samari Jack, but it looks like he used all that extra ink on the guys in these shorts.
  21. Dude . . . don't you come over here dissin' Droids or anything. Can we at least bash Ewooks? I didn't mention it for that reason.
  22. Dude . . . don't you come over here dissin' Droids or anything. <_<
  24. Yeah, I always thougth of him as the "Mercutio" of the story.(Dude from Romeo and Juliet)
  25. It's hard for me to even think about hurricanes. Living on the NC coast, I've lost count of my hurricane experiences. It's kind of nice that it missed Raleigh, even thought they cancelled school. Yah, get to put off studying Thermo for 5 days!
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