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Everything posted by Wes

  1. Correct
  2. Wes


    Try to look for a better plugin. If your speakers are working, there should be a plugin that works.
  3. No, that line should just die out. Bad luck comes with that name.
  4. Wes

    Macross VFX-2

    Actually, I just beat it on ePSXe with a geniune CD of the game, and all it does is go black and play that ending song.
  5. It's not MAME, it's the fact that the sound chip for the game was never emulated. And no one has been willing to open up their box to get the sound chip for it.
  6. We'll call it the Pride mech.
  7. Wasn't he also a Co-writer for Cowboy Beebop? That's what the English credits say.
  8. dude....so awesome
  9. Wes

    Macross VFX-2

    The only suggestion I could give is to try another emulator. http://www.ngemu.com/ has some and I think memory card save converters as well, so you can switch the info between two different emulators. Haven't tried it myself though.
  10. A joke I heard from Lewis Black the other night.
  11. Just don't call her "old lady" or "grandma", and you'll be alright.
  12. Try setting the video plugings for the lower "performance" settings. Then build up from there based on your perferences and what your computer can actually handle.
  13. Gosh, can they even compete? I mean, aren't the RT disc at about bootleg price as it is?
  14. I'm confused as well. A suggestion I have is that, if you are taking the latter 9 episodes of SDF Macross into consideration, the Air Force side was probably wiped out in the bombardments of the Bodolza Fleet. With the main effort based on rebuilding Earth and those troops gone, UN Spacy took over their role. You don't see any signs of them doing this in later Macross productions.
  15. You and everyone else. Yeah, yeah! We run a mature, upstanding fandom here my friend... <_< ... ... ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  16. Cool, Armored Vf-0, wonder how it'll manuever in Earth's gravity. Now, to be over analytical, I wonder what that single feather is there for?
  17. Ok, I got a question(for humor's sake). Did Milia go senile with age? I mean, that episode of M7 Plus kind of sums up the events in question...
  18. Billions? Where did you get billions? Morpheus clearly implies there are only 250,000 people in Zion. As he says the 250,000 Sentinels coming in are "machine thinking" of one for every "man, woman, and child" of Zion. He's talking about the people inside the Matrix. I heard from someone that games are planned to go on after the events of the movies, like a MMORPG or something. My guess is allong his lines: yeah, you defeated the machines, but if you just shut down the Matrix, the billions of people connected couldn't last off the resouces Zion can provide, plus many wouldn't enjoy leaving that comfortable world for the real post-appocalypic one. So they turn off the human-farms, but leave on the Matrix, slowly waking the people up that they can.
  19. I'd be hella pissed if they brought the Macross game here only for GC... Yeah, like I like trying to get ahold of a PS2 for a Macross game... <_< If anything, it would be a great partnership - if Bandai would push their non-Gundam titles on Nintendo, then Nintendo would definetly give them the attention they deserve.
  20. Though Ray, with his old squad name and that horrible "Fire Bomber' outfit, might give the joking impression of being "light on the loafters", he's oblivously straight. I guy doesn't have to bang a girl just because he can to prove that. I think his experiences gave him a nature that was older than his years.
  21. Also, I'm suprised no one has mentioned it, but at the end of the traiter, the have one of the ships flying thru the night sky, a relatively clear night sky. Why do you suppose that is?
  22. Don't ever bring up Animatrix again - that was 2 horrible hours of my life. I felt cheated after watching that (I wanted my 2 hours back - I didn't pay to get in). That being said, I'm going to be quite upset if it's the same trailer that was on the Reloaded reel (I was working Reloaded here so I actually noticed it as we were getting finished up). Wow, someone else that feels the same way I do about The Animatrix. Saw it at Anime Expo this summer, it was friggin painful. So many crappy shorts. Yeesh. Has anyone heard about the rumored ending for Revolutions? If it's true, it's gonna be a stinker. Yah, let's bash the Matrix! Something new and exciting! <_< I like the Animatrix - great idea, decent execution. If you didn't like it, you should really pity one of my friends who works at Suncoast; they were playing the 5min preview thing there for like a month constantly!
  23. The thing is, it's Bandai for crying out loud. The smartest thing they did is remove themselves from this project as much as possible. Maybe if someone would put up a well-maintained petition aka the Earthbound game petitions, it might make them take notice. But if it's not Gundam, the chances are slim.
  24. And that is a good question too! Both Ray and Basara had plenty of opportunities to "get the girl", but they seemed only interested in each others.....music. I'm still wondering whose's the "jenius" (haha, I made a funny) who came up with Ray's old squadron's name... <_<
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