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Everything posted by Wes

  1. The main thing about fast packs is airflow - without good, calculated properties for airflow over the wings, well, flight ain't going to happen. The VF-1's fast packs just created too much drag, not enough lift.
  2. ...interesting. I hope you're joking, I mean, after all, seeing as most people agree, not just to be nice, that his stuff is really good, but also that that comment lost you alot of credibility. <_<
  3. I wish that were true, but Square(now Squre-Enix) only seems to pride itself in having great opening and closing movies. Maybe a could of cool ones in-between, but they should really put more effort into the in-game stuff. Chrono Cross they actually did good for a PS1, but they don't seem to be anything special now. Now, if you look at stuff like Capcom's RE 4, that's what they should be striving for, at least for playable character sprites. Part of me can't spite Square-Enix for what they're doing - they do do a good bit of stuff I don't like such as this, but can you blame them? I mean, if fans keep on asking for this crap, why not make it? I just wished they would drop this Cloud/Sephiroth thing already. It should have been done when Cloud cut Sephiroth 20 times in rapid succestion, but they keep on bringing them up. Why can't they have a really cool rivalry, like Frog/Glenn vs. Magus in the next Kingdom Hearts, or something? Maybe even they good guy and bad guy from FF 4, I liked that, just a little more variety would be nice.
  4. Seeing as Roy lives to see the ASS-1 take form and launch, well...
  5. howdy. I'm only a wonderful person in the PM hours, FYI. You'll like it here - we all got our own little quirks and traditions on this board(Yoshinol, bi-weekly RT/HG-bashing, etc) but just don't take anything too personal or anything and you should have a great time/addiction here.
  6. Yeah, don't let lazy lamers get you down. PS: BoBe-Patt, you stole my next avatar idea!!!
  7. I think they just want to end that joke that is the WonderSwan series.
  8. did you actually watch the commericals? They are friggin hilarious! Let me know what you think. The Arinamin V ones are sure to haught my dreams. Someone should play those at his inaguration party.
  9. But I thougth that in love triangles there needs to be conflict. When was there conflict in any of these relationships? But yeah, I think Mylene got too much "attention" in the M7 line. I tend to be against it overall becuase I hate the idea of that being a selling-point of a show. I totally understand Millia wanting to get here married, though, I mean, once you have 7 girls, you'll be glad to get'em gone.
  10. Anakin has to have the most retarded character design ever. The others are fugly as well. Chapter 3, though, shows the true strength of the designs - the clone troopers and the mechs(to some degree). I will be very happy if it continues like this.
  11. Yes, it's good. I'm holding out for a cheap box-set before I buy it, though.
  12. Yes, I heard it was common for US celebrities to do commercials in Japan, I saw one with Harrison Ford in it. Those pictures are definitely avatar-worthy.
  13. At least M2 isn't embarasing. I am still getting emails from my coworkers with the subject line, "listen to my song" and attached pictures of Barney, George Michael, Yanni, and Elton John. I don't think I will ever live the M7 tragedy down. That...that's really sad. Maybe you can tell them about homestarrunner.com, then you'll get emails of "TROGODOR, THE BURNINATOR!" instead. Behold his magisty.
  14. Yeah, OK, how about this: MII is crap, M7 is crap - happy now? btw, Keith, about the "culuture park" thing, I remember them saying it was a big recreation to remind people of that area of their roots, or whatever. It wasn't like that episode of Futurerama, where they were on the beach with all those historical landmarks because an old NY major stole them all.
  15. Okay, the strategy and it's failure were mentioned in Reloaded, but briefly at the end, when the only surviving captain of that fight picked up the Nebeccanezar crew. He said a blast fired too soon and "it wasn't a battle, then it was a slaughter" and they only found Bane. Now, there really wasn't that many game references, and they were only at the beginning. The one with Nyobe meeting the Oracle was the only stated one. The impiled two was that her ship, the Logoss, was attacked. And I guess the only other possible one was the failed assault, but all that had in the game was not 20 sec., showing a ship full of bodies and Bale looking evil and stuff, then the one ship feeling the rumble of the EMP and the captain saying it was too soon. Nice to see, but nothing major. The approach was well-defended, the already made ones, that is. The machines were making their own path. For all we know, the other dock paths could have been made when the machines destroyed the city before.
  16. aren't those fighters that are cobbled together from spare parts from many different fighters?? Yeah, mainly pirate-fighters I like X-Wing Alliance as well.
  17. I swear, there's like 20 American jerks who make these shirts up for these Japanese companies, who want to appeal to the foreign-interested Asain crowd, and they laugh their asses off when they see their stuff on the street like this. And I bet you the reverse happens over here; that's why I don't have any Asian-symboled shirts. ...why can't I get a job like that!?!?!?!
  18. Yes, it's from Macross, also it's the sqad in RahXephon - good show. For the meaning, check here: Dictionary.com
  19. That's another thing - where's the love for Ghost? I mean, I played thru the game with him and thought he was a pretty cool dude, with a good backstory. I was hoping for him to so something at least interesting, but what does he get? Like 5 lines! That kind of sucked for me.
  20. She was the last exile because, well, she was the last one to get out of the machine world or whatever, duh! Now, in the game, if you take the more difficult path at the end and visit the oracle, I know she tells Ghost, and maybe she tells Nyobe if you go thru with her(I rented it ) that she payed the price of her shell code to convice the Medovincian(?) to save the child of two programs. Why? She said the child was important. I think the point behind her was she was potental - machines could love and be loved like humans, and create bueaty as well.(think what Neo told Trinity at the machine's city) She was a sign that machines and humans could coexist. Yeah, I bet Neo is alive, but I disagree with the Megazone-sequel theory, although a rip-out wouldn't supprise me. The main reason that the machines respected the truce was they reallized that the cycle was turning full-cycle; now the machines were replacing what was "unneccessary" and the humans were fighting for life and identity. Smith proved that this would only bring and end to all of them. Therefore they had to not make the same mistake as the humans did in the 2nd Ren. They were always taking the next logical step in that short story, and this peace is the best one to stop the cycle. So know what, more movies, cartoons, etc? Depends on how much money those two punks want! What the next conflict? As stated above, the machine's wouldn't break the truce, no good reason. The humans, well, they can't make a clean shirt much less a purpose to screw this up at least at this point. But remember that everyone in the Matrix, including the programs were brougth back. The french-dude could want it, and have the influence to manipulate decent between the two factions. or maybe some outer programs or physcos who don't like the way thing's worked out. The Commander was an arse too. So who knows. All I know is I hope there's no more Keanu. Roy, we've tried to avoid the tentacle-jokes for as long as we can, so thanks for blowing it. Good job.
  21. Yeah, call-signs are more to make fun of the pilots. For some odd reason, people have been implimenting so many interesting ways to give pilots a hard time - like it's going to kill their egos, or something.
  22. I wouldn't mind seeing a show about Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron, or perhaps other units involved in the OT timeline. That or the X-Wing series. It has potential to not suck.
  23. People need to quit GC-hating. It's pointless. One thing you should know that's good about Nintendo is that they design their stuff kid-proof, so it's extra durable. With all this stuff I hear about PS2s breaking down, I'm still wondering how I'm going to get the new Macross game on it. About Gundam games, I'm not crazy about the line, but are there any of them that a mech-loving flight sim guy like myself shouldn't ignore? Manly something that I would just love to play?
  24. I liked it. So there.
  25. I think it would be alot to handle on Britai's resources. He was up there, but nothing gave me the idea that he had control of a sizable fleet in DYRL. Even then, only Bodolza's could do the job quickly; it would take Britai awhile.
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