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Everything posted by Wes

  1. I beat the Missle-game. Just a few pointers for you guys: 1. Flare is about worthless, unless you got no other option, dodge. 2. Dodging is not hard: 6 missiles to a volley, but there's one that won't cut you a break. Lead them to the sides or a foward wall. 3. Try to put a little terran below you - the missiles will fly into the wall if you hug a corner. 4. I counted about 8 volleys 5. *IMPORTANT* When you get near the end, a message in Japanese displayes. I don't know what it says exactly, but from what I can tell, it's saying to more your arse, because something silver is about to shoot 3 lasers and f you up. Learned the hard way. So what out and blast it with the Z button, and you're done. Hope that help.
  2. I wish. It's like the whole public access deal where you have to pay for your own show (like Wayne's World). Right now, the team's pitching in $30 each. One of my partners already got replies from AnimEigo and DVDPlanet on possible advertising deals. I can't wait for ADV Films to reply and agree to sponsor our show. but... ADV Films has connections to HG... you'll be selling your soul over!
  3. True. I hadn't considered Rick & Co. making a comeback, but I guess anything's possible. Let's hope that those Sentinels make-overs remain in whatever hell spawned them. And 1BRD, it turns out that my old "Henshin Robo" Ride Armor refers to the Invid in the story capsule on the back of the box, engrish be damned. what, you didn't like the whole flock of seagulls look some of the characters got in sentinels? the 80's ARE making a come back afterall.. All mention of Sentinels hairstyles is forbidden!
  4. "Don't give him the stick!"
  5. If you mention clicks without clothing, and the fanboys will come. I didn't think the first one held a candle to 28 Days Later, but it wasn't awful. I'm waiting for RE 4 this year more.
  6. I went there a couple of years ago - cool place.
  7. ...junior year's going to suck. I got about a 2.5 this semester. But if you can handle the math and the sortage of Engligh-speaking instructors, you'll really enjoy it.
  8. Hey, I understand - because I feel like that, I've been seeking my private pilot's license before I get commissioned. The only thing you won't enjoy is the cost.
  9. I'm Navy ROTC, hoping to go into aviation, but my eyesight is kind of boarderline, need to check it out over the break.
  10. Those are funny, but my personal favorite is the "I Will Kick Your Ass" auction.
  11. And just what is wrong with being called Justin, hmm...? Well, I mean asides from being expected to leap around a stage in a 70s era jumpsuit screaming "I believe in a thing called love!" in a high falsetto... Glad you asked, because now I can tell you about my theory that one of the Antichrist's name's is Justin. Notice it's 6-letter's long, and how many Justin's do you know in your life are evil? Putting a little more on the line, evil in the sense that publicy they seem to be decent people, but when you get to know them a little better they had some evil streak going, of various degrees. I can think of 3 off the top of my head, and when I stated this opinion to 3 other people I know, all the Justins they could think off had a good bit of evil to them as well. Just don't say I didn't give you a head's up.
  12. No, we, like true Americans, like having fun at other people's expense. I think it's totally innocent too, but you can always check for the warning signs: 1) Communitations in Latin 2) Repeated musical tunes 3) Any connection to someone with a name of Justin If any of these things come up, then you might worry.
  13. You're going to get flamed...for spelling even more painfully than me! Other than that, sure, go for it. Make sure it's a challenge.
  14. How did you manage to find Fatal Frame? Even used copies are rare and command like $45 if you can find it. Fatal Frame 2 just came out, grab it before it vanishes like the first one. It takes a while to build up but does get really scary towards the end. http://www.gamefly.com/ Pretty good rental service - works like Netflix. With how varible my ability to pay video games are these days, it works out cheaper this way. Try Ebay. I just checked it, you could get it for about 20-25 bucks.
  15. I just got a PS2, but I like the 2 games I played for it so far - Kingdom Hearts and Fatal Frame(a scary as *(&89 game! )
  16. ...I want my 10 seconds back...now
  17. I just can't wait to find out what the story is; I hope I'm not opperating any heavy machinery when I do.
  18. The black belt is basically a scam perpretated on the general public, and in actuality doesn't have much historical backing or importance. Most martial arts never used belts; it's something that's been popularized recently because it makes for good business. People taking martial arts have a hard time feeling satisfied with that they've accomplished; nowadays people like concrete evidence of "improvement" and that's what belts provide to people. Every six months or so the teacher hands out another belt so that people feel like they're doing a good job. I cringe every time I hear of somebody who got a black belt in three years; that's total BS. The idea of reaching the highest level in a martial art in such a short amount of time is laughable not to mention the training itself. Nowadays generic karate and tae kwon do teachings are are a sport, not a real martial art. They train the practioner in a very controlled environment; only a few places to attack (which are the most well protected on the human body); with plenty of padding and no use of anything remotely dangerous or deadly (i.e. effective). I had a really good instructor, and he never gave me the impression that he handled out belts. He would say that when a person got a black belt then they were ready to start learning.
  19. Jedi - I won't even bother defending this opinion to you Empire-types. <_<
  20. Hey, this is old, but it still scares the crap out of me.
  21. No, to think of all the time my best friend and I invested in that game when we were like 10, to see this?
  22. Why don't you like Sword of Mana? Did you play the Jap. release, or are you going off of the first version. I liked the first one alot, even after playing the SNES one in the series.
  23. Let's play the Blame Game again! YEEEEEEEEEAAAaaaaa... <_
  24. yeah, if you got a full copy, try to stay on for the rest of us. I've only been getting >20 Kbs
  25. I think you could ease up on the smiles, there pal. But most people here are not in a rush to get Toynami stuff. At least pre-ordering it; we need to see to believe when it comes from these guys.
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