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Everything posted by Wes

  1. Since when have we let something as petty as common sense get in the way of our anime?
  2. Yeha, that was really retarded. You didn't even bother with the traditional fake-site/photoshop setup.
  3. Homestarrunner's site has the best one. Check it out.
  4. Where is it available? Everywhere? (i don't get out much)
  5. eh UN, just get some friends - borrow the X-Brick for a week or something.
  6. Ahhhhhh, crap, BANDAI'S working on it?!? There's little chance it's going to be any good.
  7. From what I took in the last eps. of SDF Macross is that there was an auxillary bridge - the large room where you see most of the action at the Macross taking place in the latter part of the series. The bridge crew returns to the main deck on the last eps. for the spiff finale. Reading the EU Star Wars books, especially the X-Wing books that brillantly go over about every detail of the space fights, including Star Destroyer vs. Star Destroyer warfare, they seem to have auxilary bridges as well. In the naval ships that I've been on, there's the bridge, AKA the obvious target, and a CNC, were most of the actual combat is comanded from. I'm guessing that, in real life, the crew would have operated in that huge, probably better defended CNC instead of the cooler-looking bridge. Take into account that that glass survived both escape from and entry into Earth's atmosphere, so it's got to be somewhat strong.
  8. ...why are we bringing up this poo again?
  9. Decent. Do like me; chances are, you have a friend who already think's it's good enough to buy, so just borrow it off of him/her. If you see the whole thing and like it, then buy.
  10. The sad thing is the money deficit of dumb movies from Hollywood could instead totally support the impoverised people's of a continent, if managed correctly. Instead we just get retarded crap like this rehash from them.
  11. I swear that jiggling will haunt my dreams...
  12. From my limited understanding: yes, yes and if you want, and what doesn't? There is(or was) a major long thread going on titled "FFXI Christmas Spectactuar" or something with a bunch of the players talking. If my major wasn't so demanding I would be tempted to join myself.
  13. What do you post about!!!!! how do get 1,600 posts. ...as I said - the longest thread.
  14. Am I like the only Ray? I guess it's becuase I'm cool like that (or green is my favorite color) ...as long as I didn't get that weirdo A1 one!
  15. About 2 years at least. Long enough to remember a time where we wouldn't whine about anything involving HG, the crap your original namesake would do, and the longest thread. Strongbad: Yep, I remember those days. They were good days...good days.
  16. Mayday! That's the Russian Independence Day! We'll make ballons and streamers and... Actually, I'm glad you brought that up - when I was early in my flight training, there was this arcade game called Landing High Japan which all it does is basic simulation of jimbo-jet landings. I played that religiously, until I could handle a crosswind of 9 m/s, and it really improved my landings. If you go over the basic of landing with a CFI a couple of times, the game isn't too hard, and a far cheaper way to practice. I think one of the funner things to do is watch how badly Marines would screw it up, living near a base and all. Naturally I was so pissed when they removed it.
  17. After about 4 years of all the grief of finding time, money, and good weather on the weekends, I finally got my private pilot's license today. I highly recommend anyone with the interest (possibly a little disposable income ) give it a shot. It's well worth it. PS. On an interesting sidenote, I noticed in my FAA examiner's office this picture of Darth Vader signed by Dave Prowse saying "Teaching Darth Vader to fly." I of course asked him what's it about and he says, "Oh yeah, he's a nice English-guy, has some friends he vists around here. Long time ago he told me 'Shouldn't Darth Vader learn to fly?' so I CFI'ed him for a few lessons, but then stopped. He came by later, gave me that." Small world, huh?
  18. I KNEW IT!!! He really is an evil cyborg from the future! Truth be told, he was the one who first looked at SDF: Macross and saw it as something the Us would like. We won't go over again what happened after that.
  19. It looks dated because it is... it's already been released for quite some time in the Asian countries. Well, it's also semi-intentional... That gamespot article is VERY dated, all the payment methods have already been ironed out for Asia. It's either a monthly access code, or a by-the-hour point system. Personally, I don't see why they don't use a Western-world based subscription system (well, I do, cause most ppl who play are kids, no access to credit cards for monthly subscription), but since I'm in the business of selling point cards, I'm happy for the income they bring Honestly, stay away from RO and Lineage... those two games are so steeped with your typical Korean/Chinese bot/script kiddies that it isn't even fun. FFXI is a much better game. Lineage II promises to be good... but the public trials so far have been lukewarm... all graphics and little else. I think it's because they don't pay at home too much - they do the internet-cafe thing more than they do here, so paying-to-pay-anywhere is a nice option.
  20. We care about the Oscar's now? Anyways, the fans might be interested in seeing PvPOnline's spoof of it. Kind of funny.
  21. I'm sure people b)(&*89ed when the A-10 and F-14 were being built.
  22. They have one? Do you mean M7?
  23. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town AKA Video Game Crack
  24. One way to look at it is to see the first episode where they show the Macross and the city around it. It's pretty big in comparison, but think about what it was there for: to repair the Macross. Seeing as it was complete, you can rationally assume how much of that city could be left out for just the citizenry and the nifty stuff they want.
  25. Ok, there's too many of those jokes going around in recent history. Let's aggree to keep this board fairly kid-friendly, OK?
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