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Everything posted by Wes

  1. I honestly don't think she can see thru that headgear: she's probably lost.
  2. my favorite
  3. Gunbound Homepage *Notice: they're giving away free character stuff, so it can be a b#tch to get through. Be patient* It's an online game like the Worms series, with different transports with different ways to attach. It's nothing fancy, but really fun. Have any MWers been active players?
  4. ummmm, how am I two people? I haven't played since the SNES games...
  5. Gosh I hate how they've played that blonde woman off as superwoman. It's retarded.
  6. It's Booze and Women: And the Acquistion Thereof.
  7. The only thing worthwhile from it is the quote in my sig.
  8. Which leads us to the next provocative, and obvious, news finding, "DDR Players Don't Use Deoderant"
  9. So now video games are going to be like movies: either they bribe the reviewers or they target games for the reviewers?!? That's great, we really need E3 to become the Oscars...
  10. YES! Mine too! Catnip, hah!
  11. Oh you hush!!! I was the ONLY one on this board who had to pay NC State Tax on the ORIGINAL price of the box set(20 bucks in tax.. ) Therefore no one has the right to complain about such things is ME.
  12. I think Max and I had a discussion about this a long time ago - it was determined the difference was made in hair growth.
  13. I can prove that theory wrong with three words: Last Action Hero. I cannot argue, it was shamefull... However it sucked next to other Arnold movies... Not next to other movies in general. Therefore: No Schwarzenegger = Not a good movie Didn't we talk about this a little before? btw, Macross never had Schwarzenegger in it, therefore your theory is invalid.
  14. Wind Waker was placed well as 3rd to Ocarina and Majora. I liked it. Besides, that doesn't diminish DYRL, or the 2 games based of it.
  15. New Zelda? Indeed, and Crom smiles upon it... According to IGN.com:
  16. And yet this interests me far more...
  17. I'm reminded of this "Detachable Penis" song that's been played over the radio recently...
  18. I find it funny that their tiny logo on the bottom reminds me of Mangle's
  19. I dunno... POSITIVE!?!?! Why they heck do we need more POSITVE entertainment?!?
  20. Dude, chill! Just call a friend, or pay a neighbor $20 to help. Don't give up (it's raining here too... )
  21. from maporama decimal deg-min-sec latitude 35.8129 35° 48' 46" longitude -78.7439 -78° 44' 38" RALEIGH, NC from travelgis decimal deg-min-sec latitude 35.8041350820574 35° 48' 14.8862954066" longitude -78.7190639957992 -78° 43' 8.63038487713"
  22. I think you draw fat noses, but I like your soft style. I don't know how to state it exactly, but I like it alot.
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