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Everything posted by Wes

  2. This one's ancient. We did it durring the last move.
  3. Here's one I found on those img boards oohhhh, yeah, I remember that one.
  4. Altought the flamethrower looks cool(and sounds cool ) I personally feel the Trunck Monkey is a better investment, with minimal upkeep.
  5. IGN.com Even though it's a FPS and it comes from Chapel Hill, I'm now excited about it. And it's got a release date - October 26. But the Massive Multiplayer idea is out, it's only going up to 8.
  6. Interesting, I thought it was about the Arena-styled AI thing in Silent Line, where you actually trained an opponent mech.
  7. He're an idea; I hope to gain a commission into the US Navy as a pilot. They allow for 20/40 correctable to 20/20. Now, for my aviation cruise this summer, I found out that I had 20/20 in my right eye, and 20/25 in my left. Guess what? I got slapped with a pair of glasses. Seems that if you're in control of a multi-million dollar piece of equipment, they want vision to be the least of your problems, even if it's not really a proplem for you. Maybe Max is as unfortunate as me, but knows how to use the shades look to pick up chicks.
  8. I'd hardly call M7 a failure. While it may not be a fan favorite of mecha fans like Macross Plus, it does have a large hardcore fan base. When Macross 7 first aired on TV in Japan (1994-95), merchandise sales, which are a good indicator of a shows popularity were pretty stong, expecially the CD sales, which were very high by all accounts. And compared with many non-Gundam mecha shows, there was also quite a large number of toys (12), plastic models (9) and many garage kits produced. While the number of toys and models can't compare to Gundam, it does compare very favorably to other contemporary mecha shows like Escaflowne, Nadesco & Gasaraki. Also, for a while both Mylene and Basara were ranked very highly in the Newtype magazine readers poll of favorite characters. I'd have to dig out my old issues, but IIRC, for a while the may have even held 1st place and were definitely in the top 3! Also, since Macross 7 finished it's run on TV, it has been released at least twice on LD incluing a boxed set and been released on official R2 DVD at least once as well. Unpopular shows don't get that many releases. Also, a show which is a 'failure' would be cancelled before running it's full term (cough, cough Gundam X), not to mention having an additional 3 episodes released as an OVA and a 4 part sequel (D7) released. No, I think it's safe to say that Macross 7 was not a failure! Graham Graham, joke. But yeah, not to compare it to Robotech 3000(also 3D), it seems the 3D deal had only a short popularity. No one seemed to have wanted either series to go that route.
  9. Upon pondering my initial response I am really dissapointed in you... You totally could have beaten him to death and you would have been excused... You pooch screwed the opportunity. I think your "guns" are going to your head AgentOne.
  10. It's a failure, just like M7, but they didn't release it.
  11. Anyone remember that Married With Children episode? My karate teacher used to advise me that it isn't self-defense until your bruised or bleading, in simplistic legal terms, for most areas. Honestly, though, despite this cation philosophy(I mean yeah, a GC's only 100) there should be repect for defending one's property - it's a basic American belief(life, liberty, property) And when people think they can get away with it is when it happens the most. If criminals know you're going to kick the living bejebus out of them, at least they won't come back.
  12. Formula Front Nine Breaker With Nexus coming out next month, this should be a great year. Praise Be to the Holy Floating Head!
  13. Yup, starting this september they're re-releasing Nadessico in 3 mini thinpack box sets. All will be remastered (and the best part) without the english text overlays on everything. Anything else special about it? I mean really, I got the hole frickin' thing for all of $30(Great Deal! ) and I'm happy with it. Why should I be interested in a new release?
  14. Wasn't there a real-life experimental A/C out there we were talking about awhile back? The Wright Brothers' Flyer actually bent its wings to turn. So the bending concept is definitely not new.
  15. I have an honest question. I've been turned off by the mouse-keyboard combination - it has never been inate to me. So I havent been into FPS since Goldeneye, which I've lost all of 2 games at back in the day. What control options are there? I've been considering the USB-GameCube controller deal, but I've been really good at joysticks, I was wondering if a Sidewinder-deal, or just something with a stick is out there. Any recomendations. Also Max, I haven't been able to get into PA for over a week. Can you; is it just me?
  16. I see it fine...
  17. The full thing?!? Requesting review, please.
  18. Part of me wants to add those 15 guys to the Darwin's list, but a one-pager is never enough to know all the details, no matter how dumb the incident. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Rules of the Road stipulate that the ship under power gives way to the ship without an engine. So if the dhow was unpowered, the carrier is in error. But if it was powered, whould the dhow be in error? It isn't like a carrier can stop on a dime. Both ships should have had competient watches anyways...
  19. Wes

    Macross P.C. game !

    It looks like, if apathy doesn't grab hold of you for the next 6 months, you could do something relatively cool. You shouldn't be attached to SDF-Macross 2009 time, though - it's been done to death. Look at Macross Compendium and find a time that interests you. I think you'll get alot of brownie points if you cover a point in time that isn't often covered. Don't get too creative though; I saw what looks like Rei from Evangelion in the third pick - crossovers always come out retarded.
  20. Max, I think MW needs a new rule Don't come here to defend or attack Star Wars. I agree whole-heartedly with what you have said about it, but you can't keep fighting it - some people just can't enjoy Star Wars now, or they are too stuck up to admit it.(kind of like Robotech ) And I'm personally tired of reading anti-SW whining everytime new SW news comes in. Maybe we need to establish such boundaries.
  21. Methinks he didn't want to ruin the "Doornob Scene" suprise. But has anyone been able to find anything out about this?!? I mean, it looks done; is there a full version out in P2P-land, or will this actually be sold?
  22. They're genetically engineered somethings - they're immortal, and can morph their arms into guns(with the right tech). And they're supposed to relate to the life-forms used to power Earth's most advanced tech. Other than that, who knows. And who cares? Wolfwood was the man, the rest sucked.
  23. Beyond all else: "DON'T GIVE'M THE STICK!"
  24. How is it that Robin, Robin comes off as the least-silly character in all of this?!? It's either shear brilliance or insanity.
  25. Sorry to resurect the dead, but. IGN.com seems to believe it will be playable at San Deigo's Comic Con. Anyone going?
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