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Everything posted by Wes

  1. Omg, worldwide-distribution of a Macross line because Harmony Gold was agreeable?!? Yeah, what day is this; April 1st, you say?
  2. ...yes, that's why we go...the mech section...
  3. Honestly, you supported ALF - you got your punishment.
  4. What's wrong with Event Horizon?!? Of all the horror movies I've seen, that's the only one that actually scared me.
  5. I just saw it for 5 bucks, and I want 3.50 back. This movie couldn't pass for a mindless-violence movie. Wait until it's at the dollar.5 theature. SPOILERS It was neat how they worked in old stuff from the series - Bishop, the Arnold line. But gesh, that woman, joining the pred, f*ing up the mother alien?
  6. Its kind of hard to sleep off up to 145 mile an hour winds and maybe tornades. Well, dude, I'm getting 2 storms in 2 DAYS! When you have been thru more hurricanes than there have been years in your life, it's kind of hard to care about each one. That Cat 5 that was downgraded to 3 a few years back got us nervous, but not many hurricanes do in North Carolina.
  7. thats a good idea as well, how about a mix of both, the roof falls and virtually crushes him, causing massive pain, then rescue crews find him and free him, police realize who he is , books him for theft at his hospital bed. and we get lucky he goes to jail and gets what he deserves everytime he takes a shower thats far better in my veiw ...you all love your toys more than humanity itself. First i thought you guys were being wussies about this(I live in NC, and we were going to get the hurricane AND the trop. storm AT THE SAME TIME. ) But if it's a Cat 4, ....meah, sleep it off.
  8. Best. Dub. EVAR.
  9. Dammit, what's with all the rape?!? I really don't need such visual references going into the movie theature. Show some love, MW.
  10. Terra, fyi Man, school's starting up again. I'm wondering if I should invest in the evil of cable TV, or actually be mature and study...
  11. Add Man-Faye and you have TV gold! ...More like 3 of the Horsemen of the Apocolypse... There's suppose to be four! Who's the missing horseman??? ...I dunno, Marcek, Basara, my brother, Al Gore, or the dude who invented The Real World? Take your pick, they're all evil.
  12. The thing of it is, Nintendo keeps on saying it's its "3rd Pillar" or something, leading one to believe it is A) trying to somehow create another type of gaming platform, B) trying to fool people to keep pouring so much money into the GBA line, or C) Nintendoballs 10: The Search For Even More Money. My bet is that, though they want C, they're aiming for B.
  13. Add Man-Faye and you have TV gold! ...More like 3 of the Horsemen of the Apocolypse...
  14. LeYawn.. FMV, no supprise that's Sony's main focus - yet it's the ACTUAL play that makes a system good. Even the new GBA Kingdom Hearts is boasting PS2-quality FMV. So what?
  15. ...with the way his eyes are rolling back into their sockets, I think Obi-Wan gave him a swift kick to the balls.
  16. The Road Warrior still kicks each and every one of our asses. Same with Highlander.
  17. Release Date: 12/30/2005?!?!??!? Curiouser and curiouser.... But somehow I doubt "Buy.com" has any "insider tips"...
  18. You should take the "sad, vunerable" as a joke for "desperate for man-love"-type humor, and the "korean" part, probably to mean "someone a Anime-fan-boy would be sexually attached to" deal. Add them up, and it's a good joke, if you have a sense of humor.
  19. Maybe it' just me, but the perspective looks off - small aircraft, LARGE cockpit. That, and Hiraku looks like he's high. DUUUUUUUUUUUUDE! Where's my Valkayrie!
  20. They're two Alaska's at the end?
  21. He does tell some great "sea stories."
  22. Yes, my brother told me about this one, but the site woundn't work before. Doesn't it sound like the guys who did the Super Mario Bros. flash?
  23. Crap, nerds influencing innocent children...and some people are worried about Al-Qeada. Congrates, man. Looks like you and I both won't be sleeping well this year.(Senior AE for me. )
  24. Wait. You can't have a DMX without......that's right Jet Li and Anthony Anderson. They're the unstoppable trio of rap and wushu trained Colonial Marines. Damn, he took my idea. But yeah, my blood-lust has been rising at an unusually high rate this week(RA Training + Summer School = Wes) But what's with all the hate? I mean, am I wrong in thinking this is an action movie?!? I thought they're supposed to be vain, filled with ridiculous violence. Hell, right know I'd play 7.50 to see AgentOne take on 1000 midgets with the closing credits featuring his patented "doornob attack." Of course, I would leave durring the credits...
  25. Yamashita (under the mountain) 拓海 Takumi (open sea) I noticed something; type only one of your names. It will check the first part and the second to gain two meanings. If it's your first name, the first part is used for the sum, if it's your middle or last name, they use the last part of it for the sum. If you use your first, middle and last, it skipps over your last name.
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