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Everything posted by Wes

  1. We already know the title, remember? Spaceballs 2: The Search For More Money Gosh you guys are the Comic Guy incarnants: never just get excited about a new movie. Some of you guys would probably talk smack about the new Resident Evil 4, even with how good it looks. I for one was wondering what face of the earth Mel Brooks fell off of, I'm glad to see he's back. Everything about this election year's reminding me of his "Roman Senate" part of History of the Earth.
  2. we should team up and take over the world, i can use 5 more plans if all the quiz threads got combine it would be too confusing to whos posting to what quiz. Ohhhh, yes, yes, I can see it now, we get together, have a few chats, I SEVERYOURLIMBSANDBEATYOUTODEATHWITHTHEMFORYOURINSOLENCE!!!!! But seriously, I could always use another Minion Foreman; got free med. and dental, other fringe benefits to.
  3. Stewie, no suprise, seeing as I have about 5 world-domination-plots going on at any one time. btw, wth is up with all these "What ______ Are You?" Threads? Can't we just consolodate them into one thread?
  4. "Conan: The Musical(ian)"
  5. I am now convinced that the End Times are upon us - increase in natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars, distrubing bastardizations that defy creation...
  6. Interesting... most people I've talked to thought Rocketeer, while not Academy Award material, was actually a pretty well made film. The soundtrack was awesome though, much better than what you would expect coming out of a movie like that. Shoot, most people who've seen UHF think it's a good movie. Guess how much that grossed. So what's up with this movie? Is it more shine than substance? I'm hearing shine...
  7. Wow, and I just deleted mine.
  8. Just saw Eps 15. O M G!!! Too true and too funny! If you stopped watching the show, you got to get to this point. It was so good, you'd think Arnold whould show up sometime. Since #13, it's just been getting better and better! SPOILER: It is just me, or is it soo funny that Mugen still hasn't gotten any? Man does that boy's penis get him into trouble. And I really want to make a flash avatar with Chunck Fuu walking down the street Can anyone help me?
  9. Perfection.
  10. For the love of God Lucas, just hand it over to Timothy Zahn and step back.
  11. Cloud, the COOLEST?!?! That's the problem, when I hear some people talk about Cloud, I don't think we were playing the same game. He was a total dork, he even got car-sick. Yet he got over that crap and cut Sephiroth like he needed to. Good for him. That made him different in a nice way. But now people think he's the man or something? Hell, Vash off Trigun was cooler than Cloud.
  12. Yeah, I noticed the Invader Zim add-in, good one. "Don't steal my pens. I mean it."
  13. Btw, you can get the regular GB Advance on Amazon.com dirt cheap - 35 bucks with the e-reader attachment.
  14. Your super power is You can change wine into water. Probably something you will never use The color of your costume is Olive Green Your Battle Cry is "WHICH WAY DID THEY GO? WHICH WAY DID THEY GO?" Your side-kick is A 93 year old man named Melvin Hehehe, I never knew I was the Anti-Christ. (Always thought it would be my brother or Al Pachino)
  15. Don't come knockin' when the doorknob is a'rockin'? "Show your face, or the doorknob gets it!" I'm leaning towards the Tick-style "DOOOORRRRKKKKKNOOOOOOOOOOOOBBBBBBBB!"
  16. Gameboy Advance/SP is like a mini Super Nintedo+. Plus it has no region-coding, so you can import.
  17. My favorite had to be the slushy-machine one. But really, it's just a joke. I can't stand how some people on the internet think it's cool to talk crap about it because it's america made(or designed, anyway.) The show's a comedy, a very funny one at that.
  18. Wes

    Tokyo Game Show 2004

    It's Macross - isn't it like a 3-4 year wait usually between games? IGN.com usually has info on new Macross games; I know they did talk about M3 alot, and they'll be there. I would suggest checking there occasionally.
  19. And I can't forget MW's most favorite problem solver:
  20. You can find most of them HERE. It's updated fairly regularly.
  22. It was on USA Cable network, and it was really retarded - Quintin didn't cut heads to gain knowledge and power, just did some funky meditation thing with the other immortals which would disolve his/her sword, but give Quintin his/her knowledge...and it was set in an apocaliptic future...and Ramirez was somehow in it. So yeah, the Highlander bar is a low one to jump over, but he're hoping this is tactfully done.
  23. If God wanted you to whine about hurricanes...he'd never had invented Gameboy. But yes, while storms is the cost of Southern Living, I do wish you all the best(yet am thankful we in NC are getting a little break. )
  24. No, GO NAVY! But seriously, work on your time management. Plan out every 30 min sector of your day. I'm a senoir in Aerospace, and let me tell you, every 30 min counts! Keeping track and seeing the results helps you put your time to good use, and gets you off your butt. Also go to the gym - gets you into a motion-mindset, and most colleges have them free for students. You should surround yourself with motivated individuals with similar goals as well. I have had the hardest time finding them in my major, and it really makes my life hard...
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