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Everything posted by Wes
Really? I have always been in favor of a pinned thread dedicated to my muscles. Didn't your doctor ever tell you to keep pins away from those implants? The last thing we need is you leaking all over the forums. It IS hard to bleieve that I am THIS perfect. But its real. Yet your spelling is not?
Umm, what are you talking about "punching thru"?
Don't vote, though, unless you can say "That man should be president!" , not "That other loon shouldn't be president!" Know your candidate if you're going to elect him.
I got it - blasted thru it one 4-day weekend. I mainly use hover-legs, and whatever guns get the job done. I haven't messed with the dual-stick control.
The more I think about it the more it makes sense... This stuff has been swirling around in my head for days now. I can't believe how briliant the whole thing is. I mean they all fit together so well now. EVERYTHING makes so much sense. So AgentOne...are you going to stop bashing Macross 7? Oh, he probably won't. I think that, with all the posting about the same thing on this thread he's been doing...well you know the type of people who just love the sound of their own voice? AgentOne probably "doornobs" to pictures of his own posts!
nope...just fansubbed...unfortunately, it'll never be realeased here in north america Oh, it'll be released, where there's money there's a way. there is a chance...i mean manga entertainment and bandai visual got away with macross plus... not to get into the whole thing behind this but...you know HG will "cry wolf" once they see Roy Focker's name in there hmm...but you see that's the thing - in Robotech, as we've established every week, it's Roy Fokker, which, as many people here seem to think, is vastly different from Roy Focker. Therefore HG can't possibly have a case.
nope...just fansubbed...unfortunately, it'll never be realeased here in north america Oh, it'll be released, where there's money there's a way.
More like Ikagura, anyone? Am I the only one who actually got Shin's character development? From what I saw, ever since his family was gunned down by whomever, he's been afraid to trust anyone. He was even relying on violent means to return to "a world that did not shake" as the into goes. Then, throuhout the story everyone is telling him how he needs to open up and use his heart, or whatever that Marine-chick and others were saying. You can see him doing this starting with the fight in ep3 and even more in ep4. It was important how the Bird Human was talking about the "Kaduns of anger and fear" - Nora and DD clearly had alot of anger for whatever reasons and were axed because of it. I think in corallary to what was said before, the part of Protoculture that influenced life on Earth believed these to be the reasons why the Zentraedi and the other nastiness distroyed their civilization, so the Bird Human was left as almost a gate-keeper to prevent such a race from spreading accross the universe, thus repeating their mistakes. You can see that Shin was dominated by fear, because when he nearly got shot down he had an almost panic-attack, remembering how his parents died and other forms of violence that have happened in his life. The reason, then, that he jettisoned all his weapons is symbolic in that he was giving up that fear(aka loosing that baggage) and was willing to trust his life with someone else, Sara. Therefore, he when from being an ansty little teen to being a mature man. (A man should risk his life for a woman once in his lifetime... )
I just want the Cardinals to get a pitching staff sometime this decade. Everytime I bother to watch them they suck. They could bring back Ozzie and I think he'll do a better job at it...
Nevermind, I'm going blind. But anyways, why don't they include a memory card on their basic package?
Good question. So, it's more than 200 bucks to get going? It's going to be a tough sale here unless they can drop it into the 120-range over here.
This is so last year. But still one of my favorites from the CD.
It's like an airshow on my computer. Thanks, that's a fun link.
HaHa! Again I love it how celebs try to tell us how to live ethically, and then get caught being liars in front of everyone. wth was she doing jumping around anyways? She trying to do an irish jig or something?
Looks like it's got this elevator-thing in the front. And to think, I got about another 7 people working with me to get this UAV designed for Senoir Design, and someone's doing this...
Hikaru was talking to Roy, since Sempai doesnt have a clear english translation. We decided to change it to Commander. You'll also noticed that we didnt use the japanese honorifics in this release. Thanks C4431A For us, we've always seen sempai as meaning "big brother" or just brother, supposively that's close to what it is, and that's how Hiraku viewed Focker in the original series.
Personally I'd just be happy if they didn't make this crap:
You see this is the thing. It's like that mouse/cat-ball fairy-tail, and you all are the mice. One of you COULD stand for us and, oh say, brutally kill Anderson, but you all are only looking out for your OWN interests, like body-desposal and jail time. So unless you sissies wanna step up to the plate and take one for the team QUIT YER WHINING!!! btw, the last Alien movie was 2.
Roxio's supposed to work, and it's free. It's an iso file right? That's an image file. Just chose to burn an image file to disk. Not too hard. But you need the right mod or whatever to get it to play on your PS1.
Wow, you did it while trying to get some sleep? I just lay in bed cursing genetics for giving me pre-marture arthritus. Now we see the special people God likes in this world.
I think this poll sucks. Comon, it's been done 7 times before.
Flamebait much? I won't even dignify this (or you) with a response. ... I don't think its possible for me to be more dignified than I already am. And you DID respond to me LOL! Modest too, I see. Its not easy being this great. You don't know how much that makes me laugh - AgentOne, dignity. It's like applying spelling to me...hey waitaminute... Anyway, I did notice something interesting in the comparison between the 0D and 0S, the canards. Can someone who's a good areospace engineer tell me the benefits of those being where they are? They seem to low and too close to the wing to do any good.
1st sentence: Get better codex yourself, mine worked just fine. It's meant for Divx, so go to their site for the codex. 2nd sentence: You see the 4chan thread? Look harder!(if you're into that kind of thing ) But yeah, it was a nice one. I don't see how they'll ever top ep15 though.
$ Need I say more?