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Everything posted by Wes

  1. Ahhh, quit yer whining. btw, If you are in for a good scare, track down the Fatal Frame games. They're on the other systems, and will creep you out alot more than RE ever will.
  2. For those college kids with Ruckus, or for those who want Arnold in CD form: Arnold Schwarzenegger's Total Body Workout I mean, who could NOT work out to Arnold with "I'm So Proud" and "It's Raining Men"... HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
  3. oh, what, forgot my corny joke: In my bedroom, silly! [Quagmire Voice] OH YEAH![\Quagmire Voice]
  4. but... Mr O'Mara... you're caucasian... if us Asians had a "secret code" you wouldn't know what it is... Too true. My handful of asian ex-girlfriends wouldn't tell me either. Imagine if you knew... you'd have 2 handfuls and none of them would be "exes"... Quiet Exo, there are no conspiracies......that I'm not apart of. You can try the AIM/chat room thing, my best friend seems to meet alot like that.
  5. Well, s/he's new, so naturally missed all the great stuff here being rehased 5 times. Anyways, the search function here is a must(because, there's, like, alot of nifty stuff we discuss), but anyways, nice pictures and welcome to MW.
  6. Chrono, think about what you're saying here - you're on a board for nerds that worship a 20+ year-old cartoon. Don't you think this mentality carries throughout? Anyways, althought I'm not a big fan, I hope it pans out to something enjoyable. Graham, I'm with you except for you #3 choice, I think you forgot Spaceballs 2 is supposed to come out maybe next year.
  7. Hollywood - If it worked before, we'll sell it again!
  8. Meh, could work. Don't see why it wouldn't in this day and age. Yes, C. S. Lewis is a well-known Christain writer - can't handle that, well, too bad. He does have some pretty good quotes, one that's good for us: I never saw or read anything past this movie, but I've always been wanting too. They talk as though they're doing more, so let's see. Anthony Hopkins did a good job playing him in Shadowlands, which is kind of a nice movie, more of a chick-flick maybe. One interesting thing I heard about him is his death - when did he die? You know it, but because JFK bit the dust the same day you don't think of it that way.
  9. I feel the urge to stress the importance of saving a little - mainly because my dad has been bugging me alot about it. When he was a young officer, he blew his money on alot of un-important things, and, being married right out of college, it took him several years to get out of debt. There should be some financing-info-sources available to you, and they should be talking to you about it. I know I've had like 6 brieffings at my NROTC battalion about it, so it seems like the military is taking more notice about it than in my father's time.
  10. Well thank you, oh great and useless one for contributing ABSOLUTLEY nothing to my thread. at least the otehr guys who posted stuff like PEE and FATE were joking around about the TOPIC of the thread. You on the other hand come in here with your nambly pambly 'I masturbate to pictures of Arnold'ness and waste our time by posting something we thoiught might have been useful untilwe read it. The only thing that satisfies me is the knowledge that you'll die of lung cancer before me.... AAAAAHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!! First of all YOU were the one taking this thread off topic with your smoking comment. As you were offended by my comments I can only assume you are one of those little girlie men who are affraid of the gym and probably even your own shadow... Don't worry about it! There is always time to change your life and get into the gym. I have know pleanty of guys like you who were weak... Before I chmanged their lives, their previous workouts consisted of falling down on the floor in a fetal position and crying themselves to sleep. Does that sound familar? Whatever, we only know you do it because Arnold's in those cigar mags. But is it only white plastic that yellows? Technically all plastic should do so sometime.
  11. Politically, yes, they should shut their mouths for that reason, but the difference between our hurricanes and the tsunami is the lost of life - the death toll was nothing here compared to what it will be over there, and that's the main thing. Onto the topic, yes, I'm supprised the plane handled it so well. What moron dig this ditch and didn't think it important to notify anyone? It doesn't even look like there were any visual markers identifying the runway as closed. This was just stupid.
  12. Liked: It was new Macross to me. That was the main reason I got thru the whole show. Also the infamous tabloid episode. Also, it gave additional info about the Protoculture, how the "Evil" series was the final nail in its coffin, but how it realized its errors and tried to protect civilized life. Also it had some good humor every now and then. Ray was cool. And I kind of liked "Holy Lonely Night." Disliked: The fact that this was supposed to be a Macross series. For one, even though it's not Gundam, a certain level of focus has always been on quality fight scenes. It wasn't supposed to be heavy this time arround, but apparently at 2045 some genuis at UN Spacy came up with this award-winning strategy - 1) Fly to location, 2) Stop and transform to Battroid mode, and 3) Fire - because that's what they did...every...single...battle. It was rediculous. If they weren't going to even try to do good battles, they should have done their best to avoid animating them althogether. Also the Sound Force craft looked too silly, although I think that's the point. Yeah, the show was too slow. For all that time, they could have formed a strong, concurrent plot like the original that had something special and left the audience begging for more. Instead, a ton of cookie-cutter episodes which ends with Basara's singing replusing the bad guys away. Btw, why is it that there seems to be like only 3 songs in his repertoire for most of the series, only moving up to 5 by the end?!?! For such an awesome signer, he couldn't burn a whole CD with that crap, yet there are several M7 CDs. The ones they played were mostly horrible, except for the above. And I hated how they handled Spirtua. They turned this mystical force to move one's soul into a quantitative substinance. Macross Zero, although it gets out there, handles it alot better. The thing I like the most about Macross 7: Trash was it had as little to do with M7 as possible.
  13. Yeah, that was at the beginning of the 2nd season I believe, when Joe is trying prove to Duncan that the Watcher-killers are only an errorness minority, saying "Your clansman Connor did us all a big favor taking out that guy(Kurgan)..." But the previous cut being better than the final?!? What are you smoking? True, it was just a priliminary cut, but it had horrible music. I think the final one excelled in it, but I guess this just falls into the relm of personal preference. btw does anyone know the name of the main theme of Endgame? They had this beautiful guitar rendition playing during the credits of it, and I've been trying to find a tab of it. They said just before the previous cut that "there had been hundreds of different cuts, this is just one of them." It seems like the mini-Kell, portal-things, and my personal fav., Kell using Jedi-skills to stop a sword thrown at his head in mid-air, with an ecco of shiny-power, were all part of one of these trains of thought. I'm personally glad they when away from that, becuase it made me fear they were trying to one-up Highlander 3 on stupid. I do remember liking one of their original ideas, about having the final battle in Scottland, but they said they ran out of money to go there at the end. It was on the 2nd disc script-stuff, but I don't have it with me to tell you more than that.
  14. There's an earlier Peter Winfried appreance I enjoy more - that computer nerd off of James Bond - Goldeneye. And I was the best arround at that game(yea, everyone says that, but seeing as I only lost the first 2 multi-player games I played, I think I have some right). I would always play as his character and often yelled "I AM INVINCIBLE!" pissing off my opponents. Ahhhhh, good times. Anyways, yeah, at least he has somewhat of a career. One of the things I enjoyed about the TV series was how all these old rock stars were immortals on the show like the guy from the Who, man they make a mistake in killing him off.
  15. I am not so picky as most people. I think the Renegade version is worth watching, maybe even buying for 8 bucks. But the commentary that I saw explained most of it, that the retarded "insurance people" did what they wanted to do with the story, and that really killed it. They also explained that it was meant to be a stand-alone side-story, like AC Gundam, leaving Highlander 3 to be the Gundam Wing of the trilogy. I even kind of liked how they had those silly commercials playing, kind of made it fun. I heard that in the latest "Immortal Edition" of Highlander 2 they edited the Shield to be blue, is that correct? I hope not, because that will just Lucasize the whole thing... On Connor, didn't someone on this board say that Christopher Lambert had like this vision-problem? That, and the fact that he was supposed to be like 18-something according to the first movie meant he had to go sometime. On Endgame, nothing will beat the overall effect of the original, but it was definitely close too it. The thing about the movie that really pisses me off is that it was probably the main reason why the TV show drifted off and died like it did. I saw enjoy the old episodes on DVD though . But Jacob Kell was one crazy mo-fo in his own right. MINOR SPOILERS I didn't like the whole Kell-making-Conner's life-always miserable thing, but it played well into the ending, which I think wasn't horrible, it was appropriate. But Kell was no wuss; when Conner had his sword to his throat and Kell turns his back to him, making sure the blade draws blood and says, "Feels good, doesn't it!" Well, that put him high in the all-time badass movie list easy. Plus, the movie had Joe in it, so you know it has to be watchable. And the TV show, gosh, I watched that thing religiously since the begining of the 3rd season. I loved it. Joe didn't need legs to kick arse. Say what you will about Duncan, but you know deep down inside it was that little prick Riche Ryan that just f***ed up that show! "Hey," the producers thought, "we'll have great fights, hot babes, and, for good measure, throw in an anst-ridden teen who doesn't know what to do! Worked for Evangelion!" Took them too long to kill off that little loser. But the TV show should have left room for good spin-offs, with Methos and the Watchers being popular choices, but instead they went with Amanda, which I didn't even know existed by the time it got cancelled.
  16. The problem with that rationale is if you're buying the Robotech DVDs and trying to call them Macross you've got another thing coming. The RT fans are idiots. They've bought the same poorly dubbed, poorly edited crap again and again, first on VHS, then DVD, and now a remastered DVD to "the director's cut" which is just adding half the stuff they cut to make it fit before. As a former RT fan, I can safely tell you that the quality of each successive "remastering" of Robotech, the quality of the product gets lower and lower. RT Remastered is plagued by some problems as fundamental as disc formatting and errors on disc. Sure, TMS and Macross share animation, but there's a whole world of difference between the dubbing, the editing and the overall quality of the work. This, to me, reeks of a Harmony Gold attempt to remove potential competition for their new Robotech series, which the guys on my website dubbed Shadow Farce before they changed the title from Shadow Force to Shadow Chronicles. Mind you they'll probably whore the liscence to ADV once Shadow Farce goes under (and there is no doubt in my mind that it will flop abysmally and drag Harmony Gold into the red on project budget once more), or maybe if we're extremely lucky, give it back to Animeigo at a bargain price. Either way we lose. The thing I was trying to say is even the more die-hard RT fans probably wouldn't want it, because who could even justify buying the same thing 3 times, even with successive "improvements"? And what could they add that would make us want to buy it again? I just see the whole "Evil-Sceme-To-Cheat-Animego-Out-Of-Their-Hard-Earned-Work" theory to be mute, becuase no one would make much out of the series by now anyways, no matter how you package it.
  17. Banky, is that old guy with yet the comprehension of a 15 year old???? Yeah, with that website, it almost gives him a sembleance of a decent human being...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, deceit! Anyways, is it just me, or does that picture off the Macek page remind you of one of the creappyier Fatal Frame ghost?
  18. They could renew, but why? If not on a royatly-only charge, it wouldn't be cost effective. Dub it? Again, who would want that? The most die-hard RT fan has already bought the series twice, and that's what some of you guys are doing. Who would do it three times? Wording-wise, RT: TMS and Macross aren't that different. Animego's already got enough money from me to where I could have bought two sets at the current rate; they'll be alright.
  19. All of the above, depending on 1. Availability 2. Time and most important... 3. My patience to see what happens next 1's doing pretty good, but the other two I'm losing right now.
  20. You're forgetting Detective Conan - it's still going on!
  21. Amano did the character designs officially for Final Fantasy I-VI and IX. However, there's reason to believe that Square isn't entirely honest about Amano's involvement in all of the Final Fantasy games. Officially, Nomura did the character designs for FF VII, VIII, and X. Yet there's a huge difference in the designs between VII and all the later games. There's also Amano artwork for VII that is 'officially' reported as being done after the fact as promotional artwork only. Then there's the fact that FF IX's characters were designed well before Amano was brought in on the project. I wish I still had the link, but the website I originally found the artwork at has long since closed it's doors. A good long while before FF IX was released, or Amano was brought on board, there was artwork of several key characters from the game. Afterwards, Amano was brought on board and "designed" the characters...characters that had already been designed. Funny, that. Still, whether or not Amano designed the characters, the actual ingame designs we see were done by someone else. The same person that turned all of Amano's designs from the previous games into their sprite forms. I forget his name at the moment, but I rather love his work and think he, not Nomura, should be handling most of the FF design work for the main series. At the very least, he should have handled the online FFXI. It's my belief that Amano did not design the FF IX characters, his involvement was entirely to promote the game with his name attached, since at the time a lot of people were less than happy with Nomura's designs. I also believe it's entirely possible that the opposite situation occured with FF VII, that Amano designed the characters, Nomura redid them into sprite form, but Nomura was touted as the designer in light of Amnano's decision to leave Square, and Square wanted to make their new head character designer look as good as possible. Unlike the FFIX situation, there's no real proof of this happening. Just a possibility given that we did not hear of Amano leaving Square until after FF VII was already getting lots of attention. If you actually care still... When I still got Nintendo Power, they did have a couple of images for "FF 7" when it was planned for the N64. Of course, when Square wanted to do the shiney movies, the cartriage system had no room, so they when with Playstation. Anyways, the point being, the characters they showed looked nothing like the final ones. They were in such an early stage, they looked like how the characters were done outside of the battles. Maybe he designed the preliminary ones.
  22. And we were giving Hamony Gold a hard time with their C&D letters. There's two thoughts going thru my mind: 1. Company paranioa, swatting at the flies, and 2: Could this be a fake? I could be off, but some people are really good at making really oficial-looking letters, and if it is true that a Japanese anime companies really has no interests in foreign markets, why bother? Don't they get lump-sum payments from their licenses?
  23. ah just stick to PSP discussion. thank you and drive through ...and just to skew the conversation for a sec more, because Repulicans are associated more with "conservative", whouldn't that fall in line more with Nintendo, the older, family-strong system? Anyways, is anyone so desperate for it to import? It is all-region, after all. Gamespot has a review of it up, no battery-life details, but it takes >3hr to charge.
  24. Wes

    Macross Since 1983

    You could scan the pages, pretty please??? Can someone torrent it possibly? I tried IMacross, and I got disconnected, and I don't want to wait 2 months to get it via eDonkey.
  25. To throw in my 2 cents.. I haven't watched all of Gundam, just some of what has shown up on CN over the years. I did get some fansubed Z awhile back, and I thought it was some shades of retarded. Not that it was Wing or G bad, but when everyone's going "OMG!! A NEW MODEL!!!" every 3 epsodes, it gets repeatitive. Obviously they were trying to sell a few extra Gundam toys than usual. But other than that, it wasn't bad, just weak.
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