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Everything posted by Wes

  1. That presenter-guy was giving me the creaps just reading about him! I think I beat punch-out once, but that's about it.
  2. This would be great...EXCEPT IT'S NOT AN ANIME!!!
  3. I hear Vera de Milo's a fan of them too.
  4. *waiting for A1 to tell us how awesomely Arnold would handle a zombie invasion*
  5. You capped him? I figured that'd be a waste of bullets, so I went with the dynamite/bait route. You see, that's what I don't understand - if s/he can still handle a gun, I'd tell them to put a bandaid over it and quit their whining, see if we can find a cure lieing around if the case may be. When friends finally turn over, aren't they usually kind enough to give obvious signs of it, like a prolonged-death-sequence or maybe a good-ol'-fashioned first zombie scream? I mean, I don't remember it ever being the biggest surprise when it goes down. Then it's really just a bullet to the head and that's that.
  6. 51, made it out, barely. Whatever, I would own those zombies, especially if they couldn't move that fast.
  7. i tihnk i rmeeber seeing that when i was like 4 or something, or the one i saw mightve been a herd of rabid rabbit, i just rmeber one scene where some ppl were hiding in a cellar and the rabbits were chewing on the cellar door to get to them and i tihnk some got shot at them thru the door Man I was just about to ask about that one! Anyone remember its title?
  8. Maybe that's the straitegy - get them so drunk they won't notice how bad the cut came out to be.
  9. Old Nintendo/Arcade game - you kill a resurrected Hitler at the end...and of course save Super Joe! (this moment makes me really miss the thumbs-up smiley... )
  10. Oh gosh, it's here too? You have to do a combo with the purple girl who blocks boost. I got it with the green girl one time, but it varies somehow, I can't get it to work good.
  11. Dammit! I wanted to post that one first...
  12. That fat chick in red just couldn't pull off on-obnoxious evil to save her life. I don't think I could sit thru her performance. That and the lightsaber fights looked awful - someone needs to by them a few Highlander series DVDs or something. But I liked the rest of it, the graphs and presentation was dead-on. If they could fix the rest of it it would be a good watch. btw Noriko, you're on a fan-based board for an obsure 20+ year-old anime: hate to break it to you, but we're all fanboys by definition.
  13. Is this trick really supposed to add something to the movie which otherwise couldn't be done? Doesn't look like it.
  14. Yeah, that was not a "great" moment. Please remove it.
  15. Which is still quite a bit, considering that 1GB CF and SD go for around $60 nowadays. Isn't proprietary media grand? Don't worry, there's always 3rd party support.
  16. The author of that editorial is the a MWer right ? No, I noticed that too, but I PM'ed the guy you're talking about before hand just to make sure. It's just a coincidence.
  17. The one thing that's bothering me is really, how much of a threat can the damned thing be?!? I mean, it's a jet; it therefore should have limited fuel, and what looks to be limited payload. Wouldn't it be wise to just dogfight it long enough so it runs out of fuel and/or ammunition?
  18. I wouldn't mind a pinned or ongoing videogame thread. We have a lot of gamers here. And talking about Macross videogames (unless there is a new one) is kind of boring. Yeah, but we have a ton of pinned threads as it is. We can't have the first page of the "Other" section be full of pinned threads. Usually new games are allowed to be talked about, but they're just given their week or two and they die on their own.
  19. WB done my childhood again!
  20. What if they cast Schwarzeneggar as the captain? I wonder how they'd hide his height-extentions?
  21. I just thought about that, you think the creator of Family Guy ever saw these(Stewie always trying to kill Lois)? Yes, it is hilarious, but am I the only one who thought just from seeing the title it was a stunt A1 was pulling? Seems to follow his style.
  22. Screwed up and didn't bring a pass to the free preview...
  23. But you forgot the casting/deployment cost as well as the stupid character quote! Yeah, like Radd said, everybody's doing it. Do we really need an announcement of everything HG does here? I mean, they have their own website if one was that curious...
  24. One of those ABC-newy evening shows did a special on these a while back. Is it true they make litterally a million of these a yere?!? I have seen a few foreign films, but none from there. It's probably like Anime and Hollywood - a few winners, the rest is poo.
  25. Well, you know what they say, two out of three ain't bad! I only see DYRL in those pics. PS2, I assume?
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