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Everything posted by Wes

  1. Actually, the Horizon looks nice. Hope it's the same for the rest of the craft. Still, I've never been big with the CG-Hand Drawn stuff: it can be done good, but often is not.
  2. Does Korea use dollars?
  3. Apparently they just released the 26th eps.
  4. Key word being "cute."
  5. I'm with Graham and Tycho: Dark Side rocks the house. To whomever posted the pic: thanks, but I was thinking of the one with a security guard throwing Steve out with a box of his things. And I'll say it again, why do we need to know about what happens with RT or on RT.com on MacrossWorld? If you really want to go talk about RT, find another RT board!!! I'll even give you a good one if you're a decent person here and PM me (I like the board, so I don't want to screw that one up as well )
  6. You put it up yourself, just remove the excess from the link.
  7. I thought I had washed that from my memory, along with the old lebatar. NOW I REMEMBER THAT!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  8. There's never a good time for that.
  9. No.
  10. Have you tried Logitech's wireless PS2 controller? For me, it's not that I'm leary of wireless as much as I am of third party controllers. But the Logitech controller for PS2 is actually really good... better than a regular Dual Shock 2. Better, even, than Nintendo's vaunted Wavebird. I've had zero lag and zero missed button presses with it, plus it just feels natural in your hand. Does it actually do the vibrations? Wavebird doesn't. Why do we even care about someone's ideas about the systems appearance? I just wanna know if the games are going to be worth dropping about $400 for them and the start-up fees...
  11. that the one stewie shrinks himself and goes inside one of his parents and has the deathstar inside? Its been awhile since i seen it. No, I think that's the one where he tries to prevent Peter & Louis from having another kid. My best friend has a nasty habit of buying all he can in DVD form, including these ones. From what I saw they are pretty well put-together.
  12. Well, if it's lead by a group of teenagers it must be a success! Seriously, you think they'd actually have full-grown adults as the main anime stars every once and awhile. But the advertising-gimmick sound pretty humourous. Wonder if they can pull off some Nadesico-like jokes with that angle.
  13. Those 3 independent units that come out and fire for your extra attack. They're called "funnels" in Gundam. I like the blue zero32c the best. Has faster blading and it's extra can take out a quarter of the screen. I hope s/he get levels or something later. Mulitplayer online would rock, but flash can't do that, can it?
  14. It's clearly a joke - look at the wording. Someone put up the Steve Yun-fireing pic. Maybe with funny text inserted into it.
  15. What's it about?
  16. The Cyclops-thing I think is a sign of the obvious - how can they possibly get in all the X-Men there are, even a good amount, and have them contribute significantly to a story lasting only 100 minutes? I think the limits of the movie-format don't translate well to a comic that's had hundreds of issues.
  17. EDIT: Fixed for the retarded. bah, who cares if a Gamespot writer isn't a Macross Purist? All I know is that, being made by Bandai: No Gundam = Crappy game. What's Aido? I've never heard of it. Also, does anyone know who, if anyone is fansubbing this one?
  18. (yes, I'm busting it out again, because I'm this confused by your foolishness) Don't you know if a topic was banned in the first place, mods look very poorly on just going off and making the same thread? And how is an anime-related conspiracy thread not childish? Finally like Keith said, I mean how far back did Macross Zero get delayed anyways? I think it was a year at least.
  19. That's the thing I was wondering about too - these images don't show the steathy feel that the Predator operates in. If they can make that work it might make a good birthday gift for my brother, given the current release date. Who's making it?
  20. My question is: 'Where is the Protoculture porn of said singer after her career tanked and she decided to take it all off to make money?' Actually, I remember an old fansite that made that connection to Minmay's later-day career. As I remember hearing about the creation of the show, Minmay was just a sweet waitress who, they liked so much, they decided to have her save the world. Hey, just be glad it wasn't the Macaraina!
  21. Once again, posting subjects that are inhernet to the Robotech fanboy genre.... How long will it take you to get banned from this site as well? Place your bets people... (again with this smiley) What are you taking about? You have only 2 posts here! What you do you about this guy? How are you so sure he's such a bad guy and not just a careless noob? Exactly how do I make plutonium with common household objects? Common, man, I demand answers!!!
  22. Any ideas on how to find out about store closings in my area? I wanna get good deals.
  23. So, Korea is only capable of making one anime production at a time?
  24. You can always check the MW Map Project to get an idea.
  25. Saw this awhile back. That part with Lala looking like she's screaming bloody murder would make for an awsome avatar.
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