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Everything posted by Wes

  1. I can some up almost all the fights like this: valks come in, valks transform in Batroid, they shoot a little, then blow up. Then Basara comes around and sings a song. Yep, that's about it. The Battle 7 is kind of amusing, but that's about it.
  2. Actually, that's the opposite of what Anakin needed. His problem was that none of the Jedi actually cared about him, with the exception of Obi Wan. That's why he ends up finding his way to Palpatine, who is more than willing to be a father figure to him, to listen to his problems and to give him the advice that he wants to hear. If the Jedi as a whole had had a clue as to how to deal with Anakin beyond a curt "Sit DOWN, young Skywalker." then maybe they wouldn't have wound up dead. Didn't Yoda do that, at least when talking about his vision? I think the biggest problem with Anakin was the Clone Wars. He had to be a fighter as well as grow in the Jedi discipline as well as deal with his love for Padme. He was overwelmed, and the stress didn't help. That and just plain war does things to people: just because he's a Jedi doesn't mean he couldn't be tramatized by the violence of it in some ways. Even from AotC did he seem to start on a path of believing that by using the force, often violently, could he do anything for those he cared about.
  3. Okay, to open up: MGREXX, you are being a tool. Face it. I mean, I just sat here and read thru the whole discussion; all you've done is repeate the same points and, it some refutes them, you call them something stupid and repeate the same points. And this somehow shows your superior maturity and intellect. If everyone is giving you crap about it, maybe it isn't everyone else who has the problem, it really is you, and you need to actually see what you're talking about. Max, I'M the only one who uses Penny-Arcade comics as a reference to the discussions on threads! (at least the dead-horse one) It's like my style. Now then, the funny thing is that Agent One was asking which system(s) you are going to get, not which one will claim world supremancy and become the biblical Antichrist or what not. For that cause some people have really tried to express their views in a rational sense: I'll get the one with the best/most games, better graphics, online play, etc, whatever motivates their desires. Why argue about which one is the better choice, especially seeing as there is still very little out about them? Personally I'm not all that excited about any of them. I'm not going to have the time nor the money to really throw down the $300-400 needed to get a system going and where I like it. It isn't like there's anything new or great coming with the new systems anyways. The last time I got excited about a console was the N64(because it was 3D) and GBA(because it was practically SNES's second coming). All these systems got is better 3D, wireless and maybe online/HDD standard. Won't buy any until a price drop, or if Macross comes out on one of them. If you want to talk about which one will gain more ground, I think it'll probably be Xbox this time around, specifically because of timing, the thing that knocked Nintendo off it's throne in the first place. From what I've seen, the 360's set to release before the end of the year, when most of the consoles are sold. And seeing as so many people have to have a system ASAP if possible, no matter what the price at holiday season, all the ones Microsolf makes will be sold. If Microsolf can have alot of systems out by that time, they could gain at least a solid 2nd spot. If Nintendo wants a chance, it's got to launch in 2005, but without even a controler out, it looks doubtful. I also noticed there's alot of talk about the need of increased disc memory. I think evaluation into how much is lacking though. I think a better way to view it is by looking at the history of media storage on the cartridge to see the progression, like if System Z is X times powerful than its predessor, System Y, then it needs media that holds .5, 1, 2, 4, etc times X is necessary. I was trying to look at that earlier, but it's pretty confusing in the NES-era. Maybe someone with more experience can look into this.
  4. I enjoyed it too. It was definitely the most action-packed of the saga. There was hardly a slow point in it(made it hard on the bladder, though ). It fits in prefectly with the rest of the saga. Jeez, now I feel really sad about Anakin. That kid just always got the short end of the stick.
  5. Wes

    Macross Game for the GBA

    Because, sometimes if you're a jack of all trades you're a master of none. You could, of course, invest a good bit of time and money to get something that comes rather close if you care. Depends on how much you're willing to invest in a piece of hardware. For me, that's my computer. It's got the clocks, it rocks like that. Everything else I kind of like specialized.
  6. Tip while visiting NC: get out of NC as fast as possible. j/k NC can be a very beautiful place. Decide if you want to past thru the Appalachian mountains, or boarder the coast, especially arround the summer. We got some of the best beaches arround. If you can make it out there, Emerald Isle is a very nice region. Swansboro, the town before that is nice, i lived there in HS, but it's small, still mostly for old people. Now, to buy valks, you're just better off ebaying it. I only found one place near where I lived in Jacksonville that had some, but at a premium. They do have the B&M Buy Rite Games in Raleigh where they sell a couple of the Macross games (again, at a premium ). So all and all, NC doesn't have much to take home with you. You could get me some stuff if you wanna?
  7. Looks like another case of Spaceballs II: The Search for More Money.
  8. Oh, they already made a Genghis Khan movie, the only catch is they gave John Wayne the leading role. The Conqueror Like other's said, I'm just utterly discussed by the anti-Christian/American bias in Hollywood and the "entertainment" industry in general. I mean, I was watching the History Channel!! for crying out loud doing a Crusades special, in relation to this release or just because, but I couldn't stand 5 min of it because all they did was have these bums saying how either ignorant or bloodthrusty the Crusaders were. I seem to remember the Muslims destroying The Church of the Holy Sepulchre and pushing into the Byzantine Empire a centry eariler, which began the call for European aid. I just do not get why if it's "Christian" it has to be bad to Hollywood. I mean, even the Passion, which was supposed to be all about Jesus, those jerks just couldn't get past some supposive "Jew-bashing" when they didn't even see the movie. Now we're getting the similar acussations when the movie is proven to be the exact opposite, but none of those losers are willing to speak up to how this portrays Christians, or those fighting to aid Iraq. Well, this is it, Hollywood needs to finally get the message: you're all nothing but a bunch of prostitutes. That's right. We hand you 10-20 bucks to get a good time. And it's a bad idea to bad-mouth your customers or you'll just be broke on the street. Don't go whining to your pimp(MPAA) when you find out we'd rather opt out than to pay for your *#$#, your just used goods. Clean yourself up, learn some respect, and quit overcharging us for your 90 min.(and slowly decreasing..) "thrill ride" and maybe we'll do business. And after that, the money's on the dresser, we're thru with you.
  9. None of your link pictures work.
  10. Actually, I just heard he did it another way: "Vin Diesel caused the nuclear explosion at Hiroshima, just by pointing to Japan on a combination globe/pencil sharpener. "
  11. This was done before. Has a classic quote in the thread. Clicky!
  12. My fav. "There is no emoticon for the way Vin Diesel feels. " "Vin Diesel will bury us all. " "Vin Diesel was able to watch all of Contact. " "Vin Diese is neither left or right handed, he's middle. " "Vin Diesel plays "The King" in Burger King's Wake Up With The King TV commercials. He is paid in Angus beef. " Ah Ha! So it's him! "Vin Diesel killed Kenny. He is a bastard. "
  13. It seems like I've seen more trailers here than I've seen of actual movies in the real world. This one looks like it'll be good. We have a good $1.5 theature nearby, if nothing else.
  14. Wes

    Macross MMO

    If you allow a mix of AI bots and player characters, it becomes far less difficult to get a suitable team assembled. Of course, if anyone is trying for actual role-playing, it'll be kind of torpedoed by the fact that "RoyFocker1234654173" and "MaxSterlingCuzMacrossSuxNRobotechRulez!11111" keep disappearing from the Daedalus and being replaced with "Drone 114" and "Drone257." ... Which, sadly, would quite likely be an improvement, as the drones would play along instead of going "D00d, WTF R U DOING ROELPLAY IZ TEH GHEY". Yes, but we all know that AI-fighters can be rather retarded, at least when it comes to backing you up. That was one of the things I was thinking about while playing the .hack games, if this was supposed to be a simulated MMORPG, where were the idiots questioning my sexuality, running into crap for no reason, and asking all the female-looking characters for contact info?
  15. Wes

    Macross MMO

    I always wanted one where you'd have a massive campain-styled sim, where, oh say, there would be long-standing "tours of duty," like Space War 1, or the Zent inserection. If there was, o say, an attack on the SDF-1 that the Valks and Destriods(PC) by the Zentradei(PC). And whomever "died" in the fight was out, they would lose their status and rank(like the old X-wing games) and they'd have to retrain for a certain period at an entry-level rank, or join another tour. This would create a good attachment to the players character. Anyone who servives at the end of the tour can keep that rank whenever they die in another tour. And in between fights the players can socialize in their respective camps. The weaknesses of this ideal are obvious: You'd have to have pre-arranged fight times, eliminating the suprise attack feel, you'd have to get a certain quota of players, not just total but for both sides(it would be a little silly to have more Valks then Zents in SW1 ), and man, would it ever be the suck to lose your character at the final Bodolza fight due to lag? But if they could get the servers to handle it, wouldn't 400+ man battles be the greatest?
  16. Don't worry guys I am in training for the big showdown as we speak. Just be sure you get it filmed in at least 5 different camera angles, and get someone to compose something catchy while you're fighting.
  17. Screw the kids. Yes! My vote is for Agent One for Bond! I'll actually go to the theature to see that one! Although it'll be interesting to see the "love scene" with a doornob.
  18. This is suprising to you? Everyone is a little "nerdy" in some ways. Hell, the hottest girl I ever knew liked Robotech and was a huge Ghost in the Shell fan. *Wes weeps for unreturned love *
  19. I knew there was something funny about his appearance!
  20. So you want us to fill you in just because you're too lazy to go to RT.com?!? Kids today... Yes, it's Dr. Movie cel-shaded. Search for Robotech threads and there was a big discussion about this a couple of weeks ago.
  21. On a somewhat-related note, I always thought that California was kind of dumb to vote in Arnold when I don't think he's ever played a politician, much less be that active in it. Until my college elected a Pirate Captain for Student Body President, on the basis that he was...a pirate. Glad I'm graduating this year. But all the same, you should check out his website, it's quite amusing. The Pirate Captain
  22. I'm glad to see many are like me console-wise, but some of you talk about these systems like you got stocks in them. Sure, it's fun to speculate, but hey, for all we know, the Macross could arrive a few years late, streak over X-Box's Mexico plant when Bill Gates is visting, taking them both out(WooHoo! ), and land dead center of Sony's PS-factory, leaving Harmony Gold to claim all intellectual rights to the craft and everything around it, giving them the capital to create a multi-media giant that brings out the most hyped-up system ever, which video game purists come to realize is just a fancy rip-off of the NeoGeo. Hey, it could happen, but who knows? I think if you're not too obsessed with video games you can find plenty of entertainment in any one of the systems out now, and that will probably be true in the next line-up. But, for fun of speculation, I think there will be plenty of room for three consoles, manly because most people who spend more than 5 hrs a week on games have more than 1 current system at their home at a fairly low expense. I mean, I started with a Gamecube, got it on sale for $130 with Windwaker(was a real good deal then), then, when Macross came out, I got a used PS2 and modded it for a little over $100 total. Now I support my game supply with a Gamefly subscription and some good used, maybe sale-new games, and I have in some cases more than I want. And if I want to play an X-Box game, I just lend out one of the systems to a friend and mess with that for a week. So you see, it's not necessary for one to get the shiney-new stuff at launch and still get their hands on variety, with all the companies getting some money. And who knows which ones will rise and fall, I mean, Apple's still sell, don't they? Now we're opposites in that way; I'm a February baby, so whatever great thing I didn't get for Christmas as a kid I could beg for it in a couple of months. The only thing that sucked was waiting 10 months for more gifts...
  23. Just curious, does anyone actually feel the urge to buy any of the next-gen systems at launch? I think I've only done it one time, with the N64, but all the other systems I just give a year or so to work out QC issues, get good games, and lower the price tag to a resonable level. I'm usually satisfied with games off the older systems I haven't gotten around to playing. Combined with the lower amount of time I have to play, I'm not in a rush to throw down the kind of money it takes to get one of these shiney new systems and a game or two. Then I look at which one is worth my money.
  24. For everyone reading: So is PSP greater than all the other systems, combined? Find out!
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