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Everything posted by Wes

  1. Well they're sure easier to turn on *drum roll*
  2. No screw you guys. Alto fought against his family's disturbing tendencies to become a badass pilot - like a man. Instead you want to support his past gender-confusion? Has Bridget taught you people nothing?!
  3. I'm gonna need a flowchart.
  4. My guess is it'll be about the asteroids being sentient and how man it curely invading space and breaking them down for minerals so they have to attack and some rich white d00d's the badguy and they save the rainforest and some polar bears. So yes Steven Segal stars in it. Though it would be cool if Will Saso playing Steven Segal was lead. That would be worth a DVD rental
  5. Well it depends; if Japan made it, definitely the younger one.
  6. I don't like it much myself. Lucas has managed to kill my love of Star Wars. Needs more of that sexy-cool evil, not just the moral black-and-white evil.
  8. Yeah that and a Q-tip was the poor-man's NES cleaning kit. I think you can also use hydrogen peroxide too if that's what you have lying around.
  9. No Michael Ironsides = no good V.
  10. At that size you might as well look into a front projection screen TV. Of course you're going to have to look into a few other factors, but looking into lumes and screen types beats figuring out how to move that hueg thing.
  11. Ha Ha you're moving to France. Find Yoshi tell him to post more.
  12. Look on projectorcentral.com . I know they're big on classic films and a number of their projector reviews go over how Casablanca looks on them.
  13. I don't like it when it happens period. There are reasons why there's no Politics genre of games.
  14. Looks like Sony's doing some massive douche-baggery for Europe's Ghostbuster 3 release
  15. Yeah, a long time ago I posted a link to a scanlation group who was doing that. I got some grief from MWers about what was "supposed to happen" in it, but as expected the Internet has managed to pervert your all's good Christian morals enough to be ok with it.
  16. It was kinda hard to follow it after he killed Malbolgia, but I had to stop reading after he pretty much won the apocolypse. I mean even that Bible-thing kinda died down after that. Spawn should have ended it's run long before #200
  17. Usually a mod can see IP addresses so they can just compare later. Because I don't necessarily trust these guys I'm always hidden behind 7 proxies
  18. It's up for hilarity. He was a good guy at MWcon 2008, remember convincing him to post more, and now I see he destroys my post count and has been banned twice sense then. Maybe if my brain wasn't so fried I'd be able to at least get 1 post/dayoh yeah that daily GI Joe cartoon and I need to finish Chips Challenge and
  19. Didn't want to start a new thread, but anyone checking out the new GI Joe: Resolute show on Adult Swim's website? They've been updating it daily. Good things: Body count (there is one) Flint and Baroness VA are back Decent animation Bad things: that guy who does ALL THE SAME VOICE in about everything dubbed is doing Duke Dunno things: story, eh it's GI Joe Think Mark Hammil's doing C. Commander, not doing anything special with it.
  20. ...how is that unknown? I got a special one-night showing awhile back, we had a thread about it. Probably why it qualifed for the Oscars.
  21. It's not that deep of a strategy. Scouts > all once you figure them out and invest in them. The game does throw alot of curve balls in to keep it fresh but it can be frustrating if you miss some details. Also when your guys miss or don't return fire quickly on the computer's turn. GT's a very popular game, I think your boss is taking old stories of why we didn't get the offical Super Mario Bros 2.
  22. I thought that Endgame and Vengeance played well off each other. What obsession did to the villian then to the hero I found amusing. I try not to take Highlander too seriously.
  23. Well now they're animating ALL of it, not just having the same background images and having them talk. So what's all in the DLC? You get to play as the Imperials?
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