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Everything posted by Wes

  1. Where's Juggernaut's muscles? They go away like Hulk Hulgans?
  2. It is a repost, but thanks for reminding me. I want to import a game that has both Macross AND Nadesico in one package. Might have to get Mother 3 at the same time.
  3. I honestly didn't think we did - I mean, knowledge is power, you don't want to be the big guy and say "HELLOS!" to people you don't know. Look at what's happening with Locke and Jack now because of that other they got locked up. I think the guy is high up though, like 2nd in command, maybe. But the disguse did through me off. I didn't think they had the stuff to make a believable one.
  4. I think it's more of a moral-booster; you see, we still care about people, by risking your future to get a handful of them! I was thinking the least they could do is get some meds or something else important on the same trip. But they could use a few new Marines that have actually shot at something before. Plus it served as a plot device to find the planet - how else where they going to find it but by accident?
  5. I don't believe it.
  6. You do realize we're on a board about a show called Super Dimensional Fortress Macross right? That should explain the fashionation with one of the terms. I think they become "offical" because someone has alot of desire to talk about that topic, so the discussion can accumilate in one place without looking all over the place. Plus you look like a total jerk if you start up another thread on the same topic after there's a really long thread already discussing it. Total peer pressure man. I'm with the others who are in favor of the official threads. And only the things we really have to go over alot, such as RT vs. M differences, and how to use the infamous "SEARCH" function, need to be pinned. Besides, Roy, don't you like it more when we police the boards ourselves, as opposed to having 10 threads about the same thing around the same time period?
  7. It was funny as hell though right? I always liked that actor, he knows how to handle humor well. Wasn't someone spoiling about him being the Cylon religious head? That's why I don't worry about them here - because they always seem to be off the mark. But from the preview, it seems like Baltar's the new prez, huh? Didn't think they'd set him up that high just yet, which is good, they're not dragging their feet as much now.
  8. Wes is one of the variations of Commander Wes Janson from Rogue Squadron, although I think he's like a general or out by now in the books. I was really into the X-Wing books+games, and it's been easy to remember the 100+ logins the internet demands of me if I keep it along those lines. I found out a few years ago that my brother's been doing the same thing, only with Hobbie variations. Odd thing is, IRL he acts like Wes and me like Hobbie. I had my quote on RDF-HQ explaining my sig with a classic scene from the books: Wedge gave Hobbie a grin."...In the meantime, we have the right tools to subvert our Imperial Admiral. "What tools?" "Oh, Wes's maturity, your optimism, and my diplomatic skills." Hobbie buried his face in his hands. "We're doomed."
  9. I think why it looked so good to Claire was because she was full of happy-pills, so it glossed over how decrepid the place was. That's why she saw the 747 over the cradle - it was something she was projecting. It seems like the only facility that's in good working order is the hatch. Did the others scrap the rest to take it to a more central location?
  10. WHERE'S OPRAH?!?
  11. The warnings are all over the place - besides, I've seen all of them and not once have they really "given away" anything drastic. Settle down.
  12. They're also the reason why the terriost hate us
  13. It depends on the Japanese companies. Supposively they don't even think of export revenue when they're making a series, so they charge whatever they think they can get. I don't think it's even alot in the US unless there's a bidding war, so there can be alot of profit in it if you put out a hit. If you're from a small country, I doubt they have any expectation to make alot of money.
  14. Seeing as this topic's doomed to instant death, I'll just be posting to increase my post count
  15. How could Baltar be a Cylon? The others don't seem to recognize him as one of the twelve models. I think we have to write off both apparitions as "something else" until more info is presented
  16. This test fails for having neither the Macross or the Arcadia.
  18. I think the battlestars were designed with that threat in mind.
  19. I hate them.
  20. I think there is a limit. If sigs really bother anyone, they can just turn them off, but I agree no page-size pics as sigs
  21. I seriously want to kick Apollo in the balls. THE GUY GETS EVERYTHING - the women(including others'), has gotten line promoted THREE TIMES, and now his own battlestar. If I didn't know any better I'd say he's the lead in an anime.
  22. About Roslin: BURNED!
  23. Can't be a Captain, remember, he was a Master Sergeant or something enlisted in the Kate flashback.
  24. Cause he's a Cylon. How many times do I have to tell you people?!
  25. But they didn't "examine" her inert form first, they shot it up. If they were so desperate to shoot a Cylon, they were going to do it, dead or not. And Boomer was not going to risk getting her kid killed. This show also seems to show a rift forming between Boomer and the leadership. It was bound to happen.
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