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Everything posted by Wes

  1. I think I'd amend that to don't ALWAYS listen to your customers. It may sound offensive chrono, but it does bring up some good points: think of the crap you hear people say they want. If half of those ideas were relized they would be utterly retarded really.
  2. Now THAT looks like a ripoff, Sony should have come out with that, it looks nice.
  3. Wii will use Opera like the DS(can). Sweet
  4. Ok, then they stole it from Nintendo via the Powerglove. You remember, all the badass kid had it (see pic) Yeah, motion-sensing is hardly a new idea, but it's been Nintendo's main emphasis, so it could be considered an underhanded ploy. Not to mention the adults here might have better things to do, making 600+ seem ridiculous for a distraction, you young'n!
  5. And thus the PS3 will be a winnar in japan...
  6. Well imagine if they gave away a few to the regular joes - half would be on E-bay in 3 min.
  7. It's either: Damn you George Lucas! Give us what we want! or Damn you George Lucas! You gave us what we want!
  8. It'd be nice if there are a few skins available shortly after launch - my NES-style GBA is one of my favorite acquasitions
  9. Perhaps there was never a Zentraedi head, meaning the Protoculture had one of their guys or organizations as head, or left the Zentraedi as free-roamers to expand the Protoculture's domain. If there was a Zent. Supreme Comander, it would make it easier for him or her to mobilize against the Protoculture. btw, the 2000 fleets in this galaxy alone was from DYRL. There is no such statement in the series. All appearances show the Boldoza fleet to be the mass sum of the Zent. forces
  10. i hope they change it to "We" over here, i can see all the problems people will have trying to pronounce it here
  11. Some of the ones based on Earth at the end of the series were in the armies of their various regions. Someone posted a translation of a brief history of the valk developement, and it said that the destroids were the Army's babies, though the Spacey or Marines would have resonably got a few of them.
  12. YOU FOOL! An immortal dies when he looses his head! That means...he's a reverse-immortal!
  13. I think it's called the Battle of Flamborough Head, and I would second it. Someone wrote a really good biography of him, I read some of it for a speech I gave for him, it was really hilarious at times.
  14. Because it's often streached out more like BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBBBBBBBIIIIIIEEEESSS!!!
  15. I'm more inclined to believe IMDB, a respected resource of all forms of media, as opposed to some poo that's ordering me to meet chicks in my area, among other things.
  16. Well, it's science because it involves a plane, which has technology and is therefore science. And we have snakes ON that plane, which is fiction, because we all know there's never snakes on planes. Therefore it fills the requirements.
  17. It says gore and PROFANITY man, profanity.
  18. "Rubber bullets. Honest." Yeah this series was great; no two ways about it. Two simple words: Jo-ker. Mark Hamill just brought that character to life. I don't think there was one episode that featured "Mistah J" that wasn't great. 'Course the Joker is my favorite villian of all time so I might be a little biased. And who doesn't love Harlequin? 390156[/snapback] Yeah, when I heard Hamill was VA on that, I always thought he was Robin. Then I saw a taping with him doing Joker's laugh and I was like HOLY ! Batman and Xmen were some of the best cartoons on when I was an older kid. That and the Tick. Man, why can't Fox rock anymore like that?
  19. You should have just set it for Proud Mode - a good level of difficulty, although I hate how easy you can die if you loose focus for a moment.
  20. You know I got this for my brother 2-3 years ago, because I thought he liked it and I know his wife loved disney, and I swear I don't think he even got passed the begining island.
  21. It's anime-style, isn't it?
  22. Another thing to think about like someone said was weight. My 30" weights 126 lbs., which sucks because I move alot (but I use movers so that's alright ). That's why my next HD setup will be a projector.
  23. LCD's aren't that great in general, you have to pay alot to get a really good one. Burn issues are almost non-existant on CRT, it's been a problem on Plasma though. You just can have it set on full-bright, which according to your expertise suggests will not happen. If you're REALLY worried about longevity of the TV you can always by an extended warranty. Just be sure you don't pay too much.
  24. I'm thinking perhaps this was the pic you were refering to? It came from someguy's deviatart page, and I don't keep track of those things.
  25. I use the Casio EX-S500, the smallest 5MP on the market. It's great because I can take it with me even when I'm not thinking of taking a picture and it's no issue because it's the size of my wallet so it's no extra burden to take. It also has many pre-settings for the right type of shot. I've heard some concerns about durability though.
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