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Everything posted by Wes

  1. Road Rash that's what it was! I was thinking it was Road Rage too.
  2. wtf they don't have that motorcycle game where you could beat people with chains? Bleh, whatever, it's a good collection, but I don't have time to play them all. Is this their answer to the Wii's feature?
  3. They should get Gary Oldman to be Oldboy... Oldman as Oldboy. But as it stands I heard Nick Cage was attached. Yuck! The twist at the end wasn't as unexpected as people said t was. But that hallway fight was awesome! 422973[/snapback] I'd pay good money to see Nickolas Cage cut out his own tounge...
  4. With lasers attached to their heads.
  5. True, but how the heck could it be considered a Chrono Trigger sequel? Everybody from the original dies somehow, and you don't even time-travel. You're not even able to go to the same region of the world. There's just too little to connect the two.
  6. Why are you excited? It's made by Bandai and there's no "Gundam" in the name...
  7. At least this isn't the cylon BEFORE Jenny Craig. That one was horrible.
  8. Both Connery and Jackman are old. They might have lost a couple of inches.
  9. They're all pretty decent, as long as it's a director's cut. You do need the stuff they edited out to really enjoy it. Kurgan did choke some, people, didn't he? Should make for easy comparison.
  10. Wasn't the critic done by the same people who did the simpsons? Anyway, I'd kill for that show to make a come back, it would have so much material to work with these days. 411257[/snapback] Who knows. It changed so many hands, CC still plays the reruns. Ever see the online shorts? Jon Lovitz did those too.
  11. The woman who played Tim Allen's wife in Home Improvement would go to one of the tourist areas near where I went to HS and stopped at McDonnalds (gosh I hatted that job). She did the whole renting a summer home thing thru this reality place I works out of later (gosh I loved that job). Then a few months ago a group from my training class went to a bar to blow off some steam and then a few of us glanced to the entrance and was like "Dude am I drunk or was that Mankind?!" because the guy had the hair, face, even trademark flannel jacket. Then 10 min later he comes around just says "Hey guys what's up?" Sure enough it was Mick Fowley down to the missing teeth. He just talked to us for a moment, thanked us for our service and respectfully bowed out. That and being in audiences that pissed Lewis Black off and nominating Weird Al for presidency is about it for me.
  12. huh, i thought that was keanu...
  13. well it bombed in japan, that's why CN had to PAY them just to finish its run. hard to say wheither or not that investment was profitable.
  14. Word is that some Wal-Marts and Targets are selling it already. If you're really desperate to find it try your local one.
  15. It looks like a joke.
  16. It's not going to be nearly as good as Peasant's Quest though
  17. I think the appeal of the Pillows is that they're Japanese and a decent rock band. Not something you see everyday.
  18. I think other 2nd/3rd party characters would be best who've actually been on a Nintendo system. If that be the case, Soma from the recent Castlevania games would work well, he's a recent character, has a fairly unique attack lineup, and he could have an alternate Dracula-form. My one distant hope would be Roy Focker doing drunken-boxing.
  19. I got it in no time, no prob. RT looked alright. What's the show shown in the first/last clips? That one looks kind of neat.
  20. There's going to be another Shadowrun game? Cool.
  21. The problem isn't that Robotech's OST was rated over Macross's, is that it was rated over Macross Plus's OST, something that people who aren't tonedeaf consider a masterpiece. Jeez these guys have no tastes.
  22. Macross?! I want to see Kawamori do the next Nadesico series!
  23. The problem I have with some games (Zelda especially) is that you can't set the AI. If some want it retarded, then let them have it. If you want to play with a increased challenge, allow for it. Zone of the Enders did good with this.
  24. The rumor according to the new EGM is $250, which I feel is a mistake, as that is too high for the "perceived" underpowered nature of the system. It needs to be $200 or less, which ironically is what someone from SEGA is saying that it will be. About all the talk about how this is just barely more powerful than the Gamecube and that Nintendo is "recycling" technology, that is laughable. Nintendo is the only company who CONSISTENTLY makes money on games. Not Sony, not Microsoft. They realize that you can only take graphics so far, and there is no sense in cramming a machine full of ridiculous "specs" that mean next to nothing if the games are either too complex or take 45 seconds of load time just to play. Somebody will drop out after this generation of game systems, especially if Sony is planning on losing $900 million dollars on the PS3 systems just to get them in stores(their forcast, not mine). These companies(Sony/Microsoft) cannot keep losing money like this, and Nintendo is the only one with the sense to realize this. Anyway games are supposed to be fun, and whoever has the most fun games will win.. 398411[/snapback] Saying that graphics can only go so far is rediculous - look how far they've come already. It's just a matter of effort to make them over time and profit margin. As things stand now, the Gamecube still has games that look awesome on it. Increasing the specs will probably be enough to keep it in the next gen. market because that grafics to cost margin is still way to high to see any really great PS3 or 360 games that make their games significantly better than the current gens. The Wii is supposed to be based on the GC architecture, like the PS2 was the 1, but that prevented it from being the best graphics system. Nintendo isn't trying for that title, so it's a moot point.
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