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Everything posted by Wes

  1. So who are the aliens? I don't remember them.
  2. IDIOTS! The answer is clear - quick-healing, resurecting after dying, no parents. She's an immortal!
  3. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GO BACK TO THAT GAMESTOP?! I mean seriosly that should be quicker...
  4. don't tell me this is another remake...
  5. Anyone play Bomberman 64? Haven't heard that one mentioned. My friends used to hate how awesome I was in that one.
  6. And no N64 topic would be complete without: N64 Kid - Remix
  7. First and last system I bought at lauch. It was awesome for mult-player.
  8. TAKE YOUR LOGIC ELSEWHERE SIR! We only take it here in small quantities.
  9. And here I thought my best friend was the only one who would only learn the cuss words of foreign languages...
  10. I finally got one in black. Mario Kart is really fun, I think this one is challenging on the SNES-level. Now all I have to do is set up my wireless network...
  11. Is that ABC-based? Looks fan-made.
  12. I could see them doing a subscription-based deal - all you want to play for 20 bucks a month would be a decent deal, 15 bucks and I'm sold.
  13. I just got a DS yesterday, I may not be ready for a new system so soon. Will get Zelda though.
  14. He seems to want to just want to fill his Netflix quere, so see if they have these animes thru them too. I can't believe nobody said Serial Experiments Lain yet. They even have a movie out that starts out similar to it (but they turned it to some bizarre horror flick) And only one person said Nadesico? That series is downright legendary for it's ability to go from funny to serious to funny again with such smooth transition. If you just need to fill up your neflix quere of stuff, I understand, mine's on the low-end again. So let me show you some of the stuff that you might not have thought to look for: The Weird Al Show (YES IT'S OUT NOW!!) Night of the Living Dead series anything by Akira Kurosawa Vampire Hunter D (original only) Battlestar Galactica (original AND remakes) Highlander everything (even that crappy Raven-series) Kung Fu and about any old movie you can think about
  15. I've heard about it too. Where can I pick up the original?
  16. Yeah, I'm sure he really should have put that money into his IRA.
  17. Didn't Baltar run these numbers?! Anyways I always figured they used some of the extra space of the Macross plus the land from the island to have fields and grow some crops. Maybe alot of small gardens or something. And they're talking about ways to make synthetic meat now - maybe in Macross-universe they got that down. Besides, according to the Compedium the longest they went without restocking was 8 months - Feb to Oct when they hit Mars. If the Galactica could pull it off with all their emo bs I'm sure the Macross could last!
  18. I find this amusing because Charlotte is about 2-3 hrs drive from Chapel Hill, where the Robotech games were made.
  19. OMG YOU FOUND IT!! I was wondering if you could get it yet!
  20. Only a third of the people I tried would go, but we all loved it. Hopefully the Tenacious D movie is also great. but was it just me, or was the theature more empty than a Keanu Reaves movie?
  21. Sure that will work? Most won't allow you to use voucher's until 2 weeks after it's been out. I'm assembling my crew as we speak(type?) so I hope I don't look like a fool getting everyone together.
  22. I know right - a 1.74 for unleaded?! At first I really thought you were talking about this: http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2690790?htv=12 Crank's going to get my money that month though.
  23. But it wouldn't be immortal then duh!
  24. It seems like everything I want is comming out in 2007...
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