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Everything posted by Wes

  1. I AM! Shoot, they're going to be the 360 in a few months!
  2. You'd be supprised at how much parents will blow to put a smile on their brats, even to just shut them up. (I unfortunately was never in that category... ) And like someone else said, systems recently have sold their systems without anything special out on it initially. What was PS2's (or 3's for that matter...) killer release game? Or the X-boxes? I can only remember the Nintendo ones because they were all Mario games. It's a shame that they only seem to want to make one Mario platform game noadays, at the lauch time period, because they used to be pretty fun. And what's it for Wii? People really like the Sports set, but I don't hear that as the reason anyone's buying it. Zelda? This is the first time Ninendo has had Zelda at launch interestingly. I haven't heard of anyone I know of whom really wants that bad though. It seems like the "killer" games come our a year or so after the system release. Someone was talking about Nintendo makes their own - who cares? You still want the game. PS1 had Resident Evil, PS2 had Grand Theft Auto(when it became a more free-roming killing spree), X-Box had Halo, GC and N64 are a little harder to call, mainly their multiplayer games in general were big hits (they also had gained the RE series). Yeah and I'm kind of hoping for a Terranigma release. (maybe PC-E macross???) But it's left up to whomever owns the game and wants to code it for Wii. Again nice buzz words, but there's been alot of new gadgets that have come along that are supposed to make vg's so great to play, but it takes time, more than a couple of months, to see what game developers will do with it, and to see if people playing games are willing to actually movewhile playing them for awhile. Stuff like the DS's touch screen can be good because they give the player alot more precision over what's happening on one screen, but there are a number of times the function is added on in an uncomfortable way that comes off as gimicy and takes away from the fun of it instead of being something special you could only do on the DS. It took about a year for game like Gears of War to come to the 360 that people really like, I'd say give the systems another Christmas season to see how well they'll hold up. The DS shows that there's a strong possibility for something new. Of course, if they come out with a RE4-type Resident Evil sequel with that shotgun add-on IGN came up with, yeah I'd see that as being a dealsealer for the Wii.
  3. It's "I've had it with these mother...." WHERE'S OPRAH?!?!? When's that starting up? Betweent the endings for the Venture Bros and Metalocalypse I'm really looking forward to what else Adult Swim can pull off when they're not half-assing it.
  4. I stopped reading that EA quote after the 2nd biz-word. What's with this "uniqueness" and "innovation" crap they got to bust throughout these descriptions? Just drivel that I zone out. Anyways, I think the question for those who are wondering if the Wii will remain successful is if everyone who wanted one went out and bought one in the last couple of months, or will the package be interesting 4 years down the road? Someone posted out that like 4-5 million people said they wanted Wii's right then in Novemeber and were willing to pay for it, while 7-8 million said that for PS3, yet it's quite easy to find a PS3 if you want it, they couldn't have sold a million at this rate, but it's still tricky to find a Wii. Sure it's good to sell alot of systems early, but if the PS3 drops to a more reasonable vg-system price and people can be convinced that Blu-ray is a needful thing, wheither it is or not, then that would limit the Wii's position. Then again, Nintendo only geared this to being everyone's 2nd system, so if they can just keep it a fun thing to do on the side it'll have a good run.
  5. That's Japan for you - in a series with many mature big-breasted women, it's the prepubesent 14-year old that gets all the attention... I wonder if they're going to have alot of manequines of fat women in small swimsuits, or would that be an attempted simulation of our beaches?
  6. We need a feminine influence - someone who's not very strong, but fast and cheap against bigger characters. I was hoping Ching Li and Guile would have some Al/Peg Bundy thing going on.
  7. They're not going to celebrate the 25th anniversary but the 27th. Just to keep you guessing(and because 27 is kind of a funny number)
  8. I would just get them off Netflix until a boxset is released if you really want them. I was not impressed with Vol 1, so I'll just keep the Animego's I bought at a rediculous price.
  9. and now I'm sold. But doesn't it take GC controllers as well? They got keyboards for that if you look hard enough.
  10. I've been meaning to get my stepdad to watch that - he was a town manager a few years ago. I think this guy's stuff was summed up best by Robot Chicken. WHATATWIST!
  11. They're not that hard to find in my hometown. Though I didn't see any before coming here.
  12. He should finish his fight with Hulk. That would be fun.
  13. Totally forgot about this. EXO you can delete my FL entry.
  14. OK this is like the 3rd time this has shown up here(maybe one in the PS3 thread). We've seen it.
  15. So you're telling me I've wasted 4 years of my life on you losers?! Aww who am I kidding, I would have wasted them some other way...
  16. Yeah maybe they should make another PowerGlove for it.
  17. I don't think it's so much of the lack of mystery so much as the lack of danger that has come about. Yes the Others are pretty lethal but they're not doing much of anything. And with the monster not doing much of anything, up until the last 2 episodes, it hasn't been a huge risk to traverse the island like it was before. That takes out alot of the suspense. Glad to see they're not afraid to kill off characters(that don't screw up their real lives anyway).
  18. That's it Hikuro you're now the "A Christmas Story" kid when it comes you your misadventures getting the Wii Hikuro: I want the Wii for Christmas!! Santa: ...you'll knock your eye out kid. Ho Ho Ho! *guy in santa suit knocks Hikuro down the slide*
  19. Fool! We're the least capable of such a thing!
  20. So anyone planing on seeing this tomorrow? Anybody already seen it?
  21. Geez and I used to live near there too. What's the deal with these attacks? I mean realistically, it's only worth so much to sell, so why is it that so many people are being attacked just for PS3's and not for any other expensive electronic item?
  22. 11 is the last until Jan 22nd. I think the Nikki, DL, and Micah arch is mainly to show how one family would handle this phenomenon. You've seen it throughout the others, but in their case all of them have abilities. And I think Peter just got an infection of some kind and it's a convenient way to add more suspense after Claire was saved. I could care less about what it is truely I found how easy it was for Issac to activate his powers now kind of a kill-joy. I'd figure he'd have to learn how to meditate or something but just squint his eyes like Hiro? Lame as when he does it But I was interested to see Eden and the Haitian act against Claire's father. Shows they aren't true believers in his group and can use the cover for their own purposes
  23. No it just fails hard like the Sony commericals. I don't see why they can't manage to SHOW any of their brilliant games for their awesome system. Good move marketing. Yet I love the Wii commericals. I like how they some anyone acting goofy playing it and show what the games actually look like on screen and how they're played.
  24. This coming from the guy that's got Minmay's boobs featured as his avatar - you made my mom think I was looking at porn one time she came by while I was surfing MW. But yeah on unions. My cousins were autoworkers under UAW too and they got so disgusted about how much of the shaft they got thru them that they quit and are now under different professions. You might have had good experiences with unions, like UPS for some, but others have not. Guess that's the running theme of this thread. It seems like whenever I move to a new area, USPS goes from great to crappy, and this is the 3rd time it's happened. I don't get why this curse followes me around...
  25. Ok I got mixed up with Nintendo's policy. But that's an even better gauge - only those discs would make a profit on PS3's standards.
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