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Everything posted by Wes

  1. It's kinda hard to top last weeks episode. I liked Ando's return. If he dies at the end I might just cry (MIGHT!). So they got that dude playing Linderman, good choice. I think his hint means the next season will take place 2-3 years from this one. And APRIL 23?! WTF?
  2. It's probably a convient way of getting rid of the unlikeable characters. They just "go their own separate ways" instead of killing them.
  3. You speak like that's new...
  4. Oh I see, wordfilters are only for us commoners are they?
  5. From what I've seen, it's the gayest thing since gay came to gaytown. It makes dragonball z look like quality. I honestly don't see why these series go on for so long.
  6. That's what I was thinking. I mean it seemed like he told him when they meet in Las Vegas, but he didn't seem to think it was a big deal. Either he thinks he's imagining it from his youth or maybe he thinks he can control Hiro well enough.
  7. Well, the preview of next episode had her walking around, but who knows what twist it could be.
  8. Waitaminute...SULU'S RELATED TO BENNET?!
  9. LEAD MUST FLY, B*#$@!
  10. That would be an interesting nod to the '83 series, wouldn't it? But MAN, this was a good episode! Baltar can make anyone like him, well except maybe the CO and XO, but now we have a maybe as to why he has that accent. I wouldn't be suprised if it's a lie, but when he switched to that Celtic accent it kind of creaped me out a little. NOW GIVE ME SPACEFIGHTING DAMNIT!!
  11. So when is the Fatal Frame coming out? I want to enjoy video-game movies again. At least give us like a World War Z movie if you got to go zombie...
  12. I was hoping to actually see some more of Adama's past, but it seems more like they were trying to nudge people into believing he's a cylon, which probably won't turn out so. They always have Adama battling with being both an effective leader and still a man, which is a good thing to play with him. But that preview's kind of interesting - Baltar trying another angle to keep himself alive? Again it seems that it's the advertising team that needs to be thrown out of an airlock.
  13. Hiro's the nerd-dom magnet. Hopefully this continues.
  14. This show keeps getting better and better. But if Peter goes Anakin on me I'm going to be mad. Hiro made me sad.
  15. Please tell me someone else saw the Daily Show Heroes's "elastic balls" spoof.
  16. Not a whole lot to say. No real revelations happened, and the Sylar thing was shown in the preview.
  17. He was an initial Quorum of Twelve member, back in the 1st season when Roslin nominated him for her vice president, but I really don't remember where it said he was from.
  18. The refugee issue has been happening since they got off New Caprica as stated earlier. That's why all the Galatica personell are alot more crampt than they have been. But I've been having a hard time following it. Can anyone help?
  19. This one was really good. All they need now are some spacefights! Yeah... When Baltar showed up I kinda jumped. Glad they remembered that, but he really didn't have much to say. But man I just hate the ad guys so much. They really overdramatize everything that happens. And if I here that goddawful "WHENDARKNESSENDSTONIGHT" poo I'm going to punch someone.
  20. Damnit why? Looks like they've FINALLY got another doctor - one per 50,000 seemed a little rediculous. Personally I was hoping it would be Dr. Kelso or Cox myself.
  21. Oh no, Star Trek exists, it's just that Hiro's dad looks alot like Sulu to us non-Japanese types. Let's be honest, they all look alike to us unless we've seen alot of them. So back me up/shoot me down some othe those who've been more attentive during the episodes, as I don't always catch the episodes as they air, mirrors or anything that casts a good reflection is the catalist for the Nikki/Jessica switch, correct?
  22. This one was a very good episode, although I though Sulu would do more. Maybe later. I was suppised about Claire's dad. Make's Starbuck almost seem like a moral character! So Sylar pulled a Lazarus, and now he's kind of untouchable again. I don't see him surviving(or at least remaining interesting) past this season.
  23. I fear your "animation" is lacking animation...
  24. [sarcasm]You mean he'd have to lie to regain trust with his ex-girlfriend instead of telling the truth that he was abducted by government spies, one of which being that he was handled by a hottie that could litterally force him to do anything she wanted?!? Totally left-field there...[/sarcasm] Yeah he was pretty worthess to them, plus after Eden dieing and the FBI on them they're not going to miss him or a few of his works, seeing as they could just keep spying on him and get more out of it.
  25. I wonder when they're going to show this "Linderman" guy that's been kind of a hidden entity connecting them all in some way. They need to show him soon. Other than that it wasn't all that interesting of a show. I think it was better than Galactica the other day, but there was nothing special here, no big revelations other than that sword maybe more than a trinket.
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