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Everything posted by Wes

  1. A virtue is middle-ground between two extremes. That doesn't warrant having too much of it. Think about it; how long have we waited for new Macross, and for a new Macross series, and how long for one that didn't suck?!?! We've been bumped out of middle-ground for some time, friend. We need something good.
  2. Some places seem to get none. Then we got people buying some up and selling them on ebay. I wish I could get one at retail price now, I had a chance but I blew it a month ago and now I can't find one.
  3. AND THIS IS WHERE THE FAILURE BEGINS. Weren't they the one's that did WB toons TO THE EXTREME! style awhile back? Now Liono has no muscle? Will he actually get hoes in this one? (probably not if it's headed for 4Kids... )
  4. First reaction - marry Misa, have affair with Minmay! But I'd probably go with Minmay if I could. They both had their problems, Misa too bossy and Minmay too spoiled. It seemed like each one got better after the end battle, but it would have a harder time dealing with a bossy woman than one who'd just be alittle self-absorbed.
  5. Man I should have really stuck my head out of the "Other..." thread like a month or two ago. Then I would be trying to catch up to a 16 pg discussion! I hope it's not a sidestory, and that it isn't longer than it should be (Macross 7 being the example). The one thing I don't want to see that I don't believe I saw anyone else mention is having a 14yr old kid being sexually assaulted every few episodes. You would have thought Max would have bought his daughter a gun after the first couple of times! And hopefully we don't get a bunch of emo teenagers. Well-adjusted adults will do fine.
  6. I'm sorry but I thought it was shown the first time Adama met Tigh was in a bar fight well after the first war. I could see them being placed after, but it wouldn't make since for them to show up before the Cylons even revolted. And it is interesting to see Tigh younger if he's supposed to be a robot. I'm not even given credence to commentary. Unless it's actually in the show, it could change easily, and even then they can "forget" about it. (Zakk who? )
  7. Sucks to be them I was almost expecting Starbuck to come out of "the box" this week.
  8. Yeah that's one of the reasons I catched the 2nd showing, there was alot of information and it what hard to analze all of it. I'm just thinking it might be a perspective thing with the camera - their voices are always or almost always normal in their own cockpits, but over the radio and when they're not being show, like heard on the Galactica, they're distorted. I heard her coming up broken on the radio when it was showing Lee in his cockpit.
  9. Also now I'm wondering, why didn't the prosecution call Caprica Six? I thought she said she was willing to testify for them, yet nothing.
  10. That's old news. It sucks, yes, but they said initially they would put out 13 episodes starting in January for Season 4. Now they're saying 22. At least Heroes is good.
  11. So the song was a nod to the last episode of the original BSG. Interesting rendition of the song though. Now barring death and dismemberment of important characters or possibly the Rapture, the new series will finally go farther than the original! (and if one of those did happen, well God really would have it out for this series wouldn't he? )
  12. Delicious cake?!
  13. Wonderful on both accounts. Tigh always needs alittle help. I mean mental-war problems, alcoholism, his wife, etc. All the same it's kind of suprising how functional he is after that. I think Adama expects his son to be able to take care of himself by now, which is why he said he was through giving Lee orders. I want to have a discussion about the whole real-world influence on the BSG series thing, as some people have complained about. I always thought that's a typical occurance in shows. It doesn't really bother me in Galactica because it doesn't seem to preach in favor of one view or another, but there to try to connect to situations we're trying to figure out IRL. I don't like it when they try it too much for shock value. How do you guys feel about it? Does it become a killjoy when they start talking in favor of things you don't like? Think it can be alittle preachy? Or do you want to watch fiction-stuff to get away from all that crap?
  14. lol. Yeah the original tralier got it noticed, but it got nowhere near the internet amusement that Snakes on a Plane got. I think some people wanted to recreate that.
  15. That is incorrect - it's typical for very successful military empires to have very rigid and simplistic methods. That's why it's always called "The War Machine" not the war limbo. The Roman legion's big method was to get everyone in a wall of shields with little space and stab thru with their gladius's(or whatever their short swords were it's late and fading me). You rarely threw the fight to how "good" your guys were. Even the British kept nice tight consistent firing lines that worked in unison, and most of that ideology could still be found today. That's not to say the commanders of such units could not throw in innovation. I believe one of those History Channel specials had Alexander doing a move during his final fight with the Persians where he lured their cavalry to rush his phalanx, and they just split up down the middle and threw their spears at the Persians, causing heavy loses. Of course that was well planned. Then there's time times where holding to that rigid structure fails. The Vikings had their berserkers, and I remember hearing that US vessels would be able to mess with British fleets because of their refusal to let go of their standard(general?) orders for fleet movements. Still empires get big for a reason - they have proficient, no-nonsense methods of killing people (yeah and they can feed them, not get major disease, have not retarded generals, etc.)
  16. I really enjoyed it. Like I thought, there's going to be a verdit read read right when the Cylons attack again. The lawyer is great. And again like everyone else I wonder why Lee's got to be a punk all the time. I agree with him somewhat but he really just loves to overwork it. And just when Starbuck bites it and I thought we could get away from this for a little while.
  17. Yeah have you ever hear of this 20+ year-old one called "Macross"? Seems like no one's heard of it. I think this kind of mindset is typical of us. I'm not really a big fan of anime because alot of it is junk. It's either trying to be too off-reality in an attempt to be interesting or too pointless in an attempt to get more money. I do like the ones that are really well done and have something special to tell, or when I have an ultraviolent itch going on. But anime is still pretty non-mainstream, I can't find anyone IRL who's ever heard of Hellsing or Berserk. But it's getting to be bigger.
  18. It's now being called "the search for vengeance" http://www.highlandersearchforvengeance.com/ Doesn't seem too bad. On a related note, Highlander: The Source was just finished and should be released in sept.
  19. Is there anything big on configuring the Wii's? I got one from Sam's Club, but the Navy Exchange is selling them for cheaper(plus no tax) and I'm going to return one to Sams. Can I just give Sams the one from the exchange or is there problems with that?
  20. I'm thinking Baltar's trial (or verdit) will be delayed at the end of the season pending either a Cylon attack or Final Five appearance. Something to make us really have to see the movie. Why can't seasons just end gracefully and not leave us in suspense?
  21. I give this guy about 27 min before George Lucas sues the crap out of him. Great stuff. Those thicker-type papers are always better for this kind of stuff.
  22. My old university had an old DYRL machine but they kept it in shitty condition and it disappeared. I would have bought the thing too. It would probably be better to get some TV's set up to game machines. They (after they got rid of the macross machine ) put in some X-Boxes and had Halo setups for multiplayers, and I'm sure you could bring in your old games. Of course I could understand the problems of keeping track of all of that, you can have them give you their IDs or something until they return the stuff.
  23. Well, to quote a competing design group from way-back-when, "Well, um, it's all made out of titanium, so it's fine."
  24. That's the impression I got. I wounder if we'll ever see a CG-cylon again?
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