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Everything posted by Wes

  1. He just wasn't thinking. Matt only seems to get "voices" right now, so his power is still rather weak. I was always thinking at the end Peter could use Sylar's power against him once(if) he beats him. Then he'd have the powers Sylar aquired premenately. I'm saying Sylar dies in a week, and Candice is really a man(baby!)
  2. You play Resident Evil 4?
  3. You're saying you didn't know after seeing 3? Yeah from what I heard it's supposed to be in the future, the only period I really cared about. So long as I'M NOT the one defending that pick-up truck this time! I mean seriously, what the leader of mankind's resistance doing driving around in that jalopy?
  4. You can try to get one 2nd hand off Ebay, or if you have a good (i mean GOOD, not gamestop-poo ) video game store they might have an import one or two in hand. I made out with some good stiff in this shop near my cousin's home a couple of weeks ago. You could be suprised by what you find, or they may be able to order one for you. Of course if you really care about the color that much it's gonna cost yah.
  5. The thing that bothered me about the movie was that they seemed to forget that they originally had the infected very light-sensitive, so you could roam free during the day. Now half the time they're running from them during daylight. Not bad, worth going to the dollar theatre, had some girl behind me that was far too jumpy. Just wish it was more than 91 min.
  6. They could easily make it to where they find Earth at the end of the 4th season, then start to resolve all the issues finding it would cause in the 5th. It seems that shows like this can't avoid getting retarded after 5 yrs, so it's better to end early than later. I don't see why it should take very long to find Earth, they got a good general direction througout and they got a fact ship. Kinda reminds me of Homeworld.
  7. Just watch it on their online website.
  8. Alright I guess I see that after re-watching it. The "bang" translation still seems kind of weak to be a gunshot. Maybe their powers grow as they use them more and get older. The Haitian was able to block Matt's mindreading, but it was probably more to deal with his mental abilities. And Sylar is supposed to be able to "improve" upon other's powers, maybe he can make the illusion shift even farther. I think the corniest part of the episode was how Sylar "accidentally" killed his mother. I mean honestly, he can throw down with just his mind, but you're telling me he can't control a histarical 90-lb old woman?! He'd better not live past this season.
  9. Netflix man, Netflix! But to sum up the commentary Producer: "Well Elizabeth was going thru alot, we tried our best...but she was kind of a batty" Lead-Guy: "Elizabeth and I had different acting styles that kinda came in conflict alot (aka battyy)" Elizabeth Gracen: "Yeah...I was kind of a batty back then!" One of the few commentaries I actually enjoyed because you can tell exactly what it is they're trying to say but they're not comfortable with leaving that in someone's DVD collection.
  10. Watch the Raven DVD commetaries if you want to know why that show was destined for failure. Kinda funny.
  11. More than that. His picture was kinda crappy, actually made the character look more like Sylar than Nathan. Probably what gave him the idea. I don't think Parkman knew anything. He's a nice guy, but low on SA, the last one to know anything. Probably made his future job more appealing, but he wouldn't willingly send Claire to her death. I think everyone believed that Sylar blew up, that's why future Hiro was supprised that Claire was still alive. I think only Nathan and Issac know/knew that Peter blew up. Also, in the comic, doesn't it look more like Hiro is cutting Nathan instead of Sylar? Again one of the things that sucks about seeing the future: just because you got a picture of the future doesn't mean you have the whole picture
  12. You got Joe what else do you need?
  13. Tell me that I wasn't the only thinking they should have either passed out or existance explodes Did he have enough time to get it? I don't recall exactly, but I know Hiro found her body pretty quickly.
  14. The "Highlander: Vengance" thread already hit alot of that, and I know I mentioned the Source in that one. So look that one up.
  15. I thought that Linderman, Hiro's Dad and Peter/Nathan's mother were of the same generation of 'heroes' or whatever we're calling them, seeing as they all have powers and their kids have them. And they were peers, just that Linderman and Sulu there are 'board members' for the company, while the mother was against them, which is why she knew of them and was able to take care of Claire despite them. Their differences is probably why Linderman attacks her family on occasion. I thought the fight was weak. A few blows, then...glass? Jeez he should have just gotten behind him and then he'd be covered.
  16. I think it should just be called Evangelion 2: The Search for More Money. After the success of the FF7 extras, I think they'd be foolish business-wise not too.
  17. For those asking for an upgrade: The last time we got hacked it took awhile to contact Shawn, much less make the upgrade. And he's the only one I believe who has that authority. If bots spamming is a problem, I'd say, if possible, make it to where new members could only post once every 12 hrs for a week or so. This board isn't that fast-pased, so it shouldn't be a huge inconvience. That whay the bots couldn't hammer us. But good job mods. I look up MW at various hours and have yet to see spam here.
  18. You forgot to mention such events would play out over at least 3 episodes.
  19. THAT'SITNOMOREINTERNETFORYOU!! Go outside and play catch or something kid, see how the real world operates. That being said, Macross7Trash was pretty good.(the only good thing to come of something with Macross7 in the name IMO)
  20. Fool! Everyone knows the 2nd one was the only good one of the NES line(followed by the 3rd)
  21. I liked the good old RPG-Adventure games. Cyrstalis and Terranigma were great. Also Earthbound(and the NES version) were fun. blue blue...
  22. How did Macross 7 get into the "related" category? The cheeziness or the bad music?
  23. Exactly. This is the Internet, a nerd board at that. It's our right, nay, duty to batty and critize entertainment as much as we please. What else are we going to do, make the world a better place. If you disagree this thread is not for you.
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