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Everything posted by Wes

  1. Not really, he was just an OK guy, nothing special about him. The only thing memerable he did for me was make the fat pervert do situps and the skinny one push. I'd say I'd like to see Isamu but then it'd probably be M7 sillyness all over again. Unless the story has a previous character as lead, I've seen enough of them as supporting cast. Although it might be funny to see the ghost of Focker or Kakizaki tormenting the main character like in Highlander: Vengance.
  2. Yeah pedo-jedi I've never heard that statement before... The galaxy was pretty much built up as it was, the Empire just added alittle more to it by putting non-humans to work. They didn't handle corruption like the Hutts any better than the Republic did. And they got owned by Ewoks. AND THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE HELL AN ALUMINIUM FALCON IS!
  3. You've seen the engrish thread I see?
  4. Yeah and it's a good thing to bring up when some people want to system-fight. Nintendo's laughing all the way to the bank.
  5. The OVA's were kinda short (and Plus didn't even take place during a war, so...)but I think they did their part well. They had their characters deal with the aftermath of an event, rather than during it like the last 9 eps. of the original series. Plus's is oblivous, Zero has more to do with how they're going to live with their survival mechanisms now that the war is dying off. 7 on the other hand had the characters far more relaxed in their common lives than they ever were in the original. And their stories were alot more silly in most cases, enough of comedy to enjoy but hard to take seriously. Nadesico is an example of what they should have strived for. I hope we get to see some of the Supervision Army, but with the Protodevlin gone shouldn't they be as well?
  6. Don't even go there. We could argue for months about the rational behind regioning stuff, just google it. But I would like to know if anyone has heard of a way to hack into Japan's Wii Shopping Channel like they have for Jap-XBox live?
  7. Hey Al you still working on this? I saw the commerials so it seems that it was picked up.
  8. Yeah I hope he shows up too...as a fat washed-up singer trying to do something with his life. It takes place in 20X6? So why's Max's VA involved with this? I'm glad Yoko Kanno is back on this. I know some people like variety but she seems to make half the songs I like from Japan.
  9. I didn't get all of the last thread(I should have kept on top of it early on, it was a dozey!) But one of the things people were talking about was using lasers in place of the gunpod?! MADNESS! The one enduring sound I think of when I think Macross was the gunpod recoll noise, it's like the lightsaber hum of the series!
  10. I guess I'll bump this ancient thread now that I'm ready to post. I've spent the bulk of my time that I've been a member on MW working for these things in one form or another, so I didn't want to call the ball(heh get it? ) until I got them. I'll fly P-3s.
  11. That and 0083 are really the only ones I like. I guess the fact that a Macross-guy worked on both blessed the projects.
  12. Yeah, I heard they were going to have Jim Brynes in it, and I was wondering why? Then I looked up his IMDB info and apparently he's no VA amature. btw I'm going to wait a couple of months to buy this as the SE is supposed to have more footage, athough it's easy to find the current one for $10.
  13. So are you based off the Gecko in this one? I hope someone puts out a good FAQ for this one that actually will go over the plot points
  14. I liked it. The number of previous encounters was far too rediculous, but it's nice to get a villain in a movie that's not a Kurgan wanna-be. If they could to more side-stories or stuff that isn't necessarily cannon it will keep my interest
  15. Bumbing this thread. In case you don't know, it's been released on DVD, and it's supposed to be one Sci-Fi TONIGHT at 11PM EST
  16. I heard it. I think he was saying he America knew his stuff from Robotech and Macross series, but who knows.
  17. Why has nobody said "Robocop vs Terminator"?! Yeah Robocop is dated, but they actually did that one.
  18. Why would they reveal them at all? The "older generation" has nothing to gain by going all flashy and throwing their powers about. They're worth millions, they got people to do their stuff for them. And they're not in their prime, so showing their abilities to the wrong people makes them targets more than anything. Linderman only showed his in hopes of getting Nathan to willingly join his cause easily. Mrs Petrelli and Hiro's dad don't need to do that to gain their children's trust. A smart person would hide their abilities to the last moment, especially with a hunter like Sylar out their. Just another card hidden in their deck.
  19. Wow talk about a blow that your ancestors would feel! But I was hoping for more of a fight than that. I guess they won't do much on TV shows...
  20. That just looks like some tired emo kid.
  21. I was always hoping they'd script Mark Hamill as Joker again...
  22. Yeah and Jackie Chan's making a Rush Hour 3. Enjoy.
  23. I guess he still likes money. Man the whole appeal for me to see a movie with Jason Statham was like Transporter 1 and Crank, where all he was doing was going around beating the poo out of people, not generic martial arts still(well it's flashy, but same-old same-old). With Jet Li I doubt we'll see that.
  24. War is war no matter how much you cool it up. And assassins help the effort, but they don't win it. You got to have troops on the field, maintain control of your useful resources and deny your enemies access to their's. And we could go on about how that would play out, but if you're going to have a movie about a war then that's going to be shown. I could see them having not so much Star Wars-type movies where the main characters are the driving force to the conflict, but small stories about those living within the world. An "Enemy at the Gates"-type movie could really be something to watch. How was that T3 sidestory game, any good? They could make a movie about that. If they tried to play it the same as the first movie for every one, people would batty and moan about it being the same old same old. And they had to have more synthetic T-800's than Arnold, or they'd be spotted a mile away like the previous one. PS: Nobody's got my truck-reference yet? Jeez I thought you kids of the 90's would remember...
  25. She was dead before the 3rd remember? So she wouldn't know anything past that, much less the milking of the series... I'm see the Terminator fear-factor differnent than you guys. It wasn't so much the intelligence factor, it was the classic invunerability of the staker as seen in other cheezier horror movies. How are you supposed to stop a machine that your tech just can't touch? THAT'S what T2 really killed - I mean, what's more tougher than a machine that can reform itself at will? Very hard to top that. And at the end of the first one it wasn't all happy, but hopeful. Sure the second made it seem possible to stop, but they were able to push it back. Mankind just sealed its own doom later. Starting to remind me of Berserk here.
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