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Everything posted by Wes

  1. It makes sense. If this is all supposed to be genes, they should express themselves similarly. How it works out would be something probably written in, like it doesn't relate to parents for some reason.
  2. I was just about to ask the same question. I've not been able to even get the mainpage up for over a month, without anonymizers. I've tried IE and Opera. It's only this site. I use Comcast.
  3. If that were true, why would someone that knew him well throw him off a building to kill him? I suspect it was the assasin with that power. I wasn\'t expecting much, but it moves the story along. So it that Hispanic girl a vampire or somthing?
  4. I wish I knew about the Endgame workprint before it disappeared from the internet. The Source one that was going around the internet was really no different than this one, just with narration at the beginning and end, a few dialog changes here and there. This was kind of a different take on the Gathering concept, when at the end of civilization a few of the remaining immortals feel the need to gather and find the location leading to the Source. In the end only one will prove worthly, but not by being the best but renouncing the fight. Those who tried previously failed by trying to run away or use violence to take the prize. I can see what their goal was, but I think the execution was horrible like everyone else. And I\'ve always hated it how they\'re supposed to gain \'knowledge and power\' from their fallen enenmies but you never see the good guys get strornger or anything. Doesn\'t make sense
  5. Feedback?
  6. Feedback?
  7. Such is what it means to be a Macross fan...
  8. fyi they\'re going to be showing this too on the Sci-Fi channel TONIGHT at 9/8c, and it\'s now billed as a Sci-Fi \'original\' movie. So in case you haven\'t put two and two together this movie\'s gonna SSSSSSSSSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Should still be fun to watch.
  9. I\'m having a similar problem too - I can\'t even get the frontpage to load up. I thought the site\'s been down for a week, and the only way I\'ve been able to get on now was because of a proxy server. I got Comcast too, but this has been the only site affected
  10. But Mechwarrior's initial designs were Robotech-owned...
  11. I'd suspect it'd be a Macross 2 rip-off. Everything like the original just a little off, they call the Macross something else for some odd reason, and then, just when you think it's passable, an ending to ruin your childhood.
  12. Now that's more Megas XLR Coop - Two bucks, huh?
  13. Oh Holy Floating Head, how have we offended thee? Forgive our media for its trustpasses, as we forgive you for Macross 7. I don't even know how they'd set it up. Original Macross timeline, something after Mospeada(for like the 3rd time), is 1st Border Devil praying for the infinestimal chance it's Southern Cross based somewhere? I could see them doing anything with this movie, but it'd better not be kid-targeted, I wanna see blood. And so help me if they pull a Samus and make Millia blond I'll nuke California and be done with it (Jay Sherman - And nothing of value was lost! )
  14. The new one is up now and it's awesome. ...comon, you know you all did it.
  15. I don't want Jay to be the last Cylon.
  16. Oh thank goodness! I was just cruising the site last week hoping they'd continue.
  17. I feel like watching Focker the first time I saw DYRL - you know it's gonna happen, just not how and when.
  18. To bittorrent sites I go!
  19. I have never been more disgusted with you now than ever before. YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN YOUR OWN SPACE GUNDAM V COPY AND YOU PASSED IT UP?! Get the %^ off my internet, buy that thing and torrent it for the rest of us! For great justice!
  20. I was just saying Superman was probably the first with the chest symbol. But yeah other heros may have delevoped their own reasons to maintain the standard.
  21. Realistically I doubt there was ever a "main" fighter, especially with a multinational unit. Even different branches in the same nation don't have the same planes for their own mission requirements. Every nation just brought in what they had. Focker was American so they probably had another plane up for delievery, the F-203, when the war got going. You can't expect the creators of the series to envision the F-22 or anything in the early '80s.
  22. No it was actually the running idea for the next Robotech series in the '80s
  23. Superman was probably the first, and he's set the mold in many ways. I'd figure the bigger reason for the lack of detail was back then they really didn't want to spend that much time drawning Batman if they didn't have to. His costume should be rationally stealthy, meaning features should be hidden not embellished. I saw the teaser at the theatures. Not bad but I still want Mark Hamill.
  24. That's just it - they'd have no limiter or counter in the Zentraedi with how the UN Spacey has been fighting them (although there is still a bunch of them). I'd be interesting to see how they handle it when "culture" is unlikely to be a main weapon.
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