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Everything posted by Wes

  1. From what I've always heard, apocalpytica or something like that is a greek style of figurative writing, of which Revelation is the most famous, and it's a favorite of the BSG writers too as you can see. Where people have taken it is their own thing An I think that 3rd pharagraph should be dropped already. I mean jeez doesn't this episode put the final nail in the coffin given what was shown? Those things were only beginning but enough work was done to make the Cylons happy. Ok on Caine. I think they were trying to paint her as a good-intentioned person, but really hated to lose. I mean she never backed down from what was a bad idea, even when it was obvious to her, and she'd kill anyone who didn't believe in it. I think they needed to show more to make it work, but that's what I think they were at least aiming for.
  2. Damnit you beat me too it! "Don't worry, he'll be back...What?"
  3. It used to be around 2000 members with 200 active regularly. So I'd say 10% of registered is a good guess for those who use it often as opposed to once a blue moon or used it for a short time. We really haven't banned to many people have we? Can count the one's I've seen on one hand, but I stay away from the toy and model threads.
  4. This issue has been coming up alot. You can check a couple of the other threads in this section to get possible ideas but it's somewhat of a mystery.
  5. You (for donations) are forgetting some of the caveats of the internet. INTERNET = LOL DRAMA
  6. Has any sub group announced they're goning to pick this up? Hopefully someone that doesn't suck?
  7. How? He hasn't killed anyone yet. Not gonna earn any EXP off of just running. He's goning to have to hit up some serious goblins or slims or something.
  8. Says the people who never played the Macross PS2 game. No way you could run out of missles!
  9. Reuters TOKYO (Reuters) - A 5-month-old baby was caught by neighbours after her mother threw her from the third floor window of a burning building in the western Japan city of Osaka on Monday, police said. Baby Rion Morioka was uninjured in the fall but was being treated for smoke inhalation, as was her mother Miyuki, 24, Kyodo news agency said. She and the baby's father, sports instructor Junichi, 22, both jumped from the window, about 7 metres above the ground, Kyodo said. Junichi suffered broken bones. Neighbours had spread bedding on the ground and shouted to the couple to throw the baby down after the fire broke out, it said. Guess that whole throwing-Komilia-thing wasn't too far-fetched.
  10. If you look on some of the 'deal' sites, you'll hear horror-stories from people realizing their kid wants a Wii and now's too late to buy one with the constant demand. I hope I could get a PS3 at a steal but I doubt it.
  11. Theature? Where was it paying?!
  12. I'm sorry who?! Nobody new anyways... Ending was a cop-out. I think Parkman's tastes of the Darkside will be alittle amusing. So is the seaon going to end in 2 weeks? That's it for the year? I hope they don't rush this ending into something stupid. I would rather wait a year and enjoy a finished product.
  13. So is everyone going to watch Razor this week(it's this week right?) or just boycott and watch the torrent?
  14. Am I the only one interested more in that last frame? looks like someone watching on from a Zentraedi-like organic ship. Friend, foe?
  15. I think the reason why the Adam hasn't aged because his regenerator-type abilities keep the person from growing 'old' ie there's that ideal age around 30 or so where instead of everything would start to decay and go south just didn't happened and his body was able to stop that. But I'm wondering how a mercenary, even a cowardly one like him has never gotten a decent scratch that would heal up oddly quick. Also leading me to believe regeneration is 'triggered' by a first death like Highlander. Even Peter didn't use his until he was pretty f*ed up.
  16. Try their online website they'll ship it to you. Don't know about the GC either, got too many games to finish yet.
  17. Well it's merged or something I dunno. Maybe they just give the money to themselves?
  18. If you don't know, you don't wanna know. The problem is there isn't enough FIRE! Isn't that what was (rumored) responsible for stoping the first Sentinels attempt? That's what the fires were about in California, God was trying to help!
  19. I thought we were in the Youtube comments - where are you?! As long as there's decent fights I can overlook the fear of getting Yellow Belmont part 2. I don't necessarily like all the things about how the CGI-normal animation and all that work out, but I kinda like the small stuff like the blonde woman with the classic UN Spacy uniform and such. But let's not try to go over 2 min of video for 6 months. I hope we get a year-long run, but not if the story gets watered-down for it. And I think the aircraft upgrades make sense - in wartime you need newer stuff to keep up with changes and needs. With peacetime they're less based upon technology and what you think you need to take out the other guy. Hey it could be worse - my platform hasn't gotten and upgrade FOR ABOUT 50 FRICKIN' YEARS!!! Another note of interest - I heard Banpresto just got bought out by Bandai-Namco. They're the ones I've seen in the opening of alot of the Macross games, so I'm thinking with Bandai's better US distrubutors we could have a good chance of getting Frontier in at least game-form.
  20. Try plugging yours in direct into the cable modem or whatever you got. Best way to check.
  21. I'm not impressed by the villian sheet. We still got Sylar, which is pretty much comic relief because he can't to much of anything, when he prided himself on being 'special' before, so you can laugh at his ineptitude. Then Adam? Hiro or Peter need to send back in time for him a copy of Jim Croce's 'Operator', let him have a good cry and get over it. His background is about as retarded as the Highander 4's villian was, though I liked his psycho-side. Speaking of which, why hasn't anyone taken his head yet, and with it his power(ohhhhh, maybe THAT'S why Sylar is still around!)
  22. Wes

    PS2 Macross

    The problem with the Swap disks is I find them unable to take punishment in comparison to other disk media that I got. You have to do some funky swapping to get Berserk to work, and it can take FOREVER to get the CD swap disk working right. Then again, PS2's suck reading stuff, and mine has seen some things. I'm wanting to try the HDLoader thing maybe. Anyone have any luck with that?
  23. OK I think my problem is with my Linksys WRT54GS router. Once i unplugged that everything worked out fine. But I had even updated the reset/firmware updated the thing and it still doesn't work.
  24. That or they were smart enough to keep him where they could control him - far away from anyone else.
  25. I like to call it Engineering - he can figure out how things work, and can improve upon them. If he actually had the balls to come up with his own career maybe he would have been happy building all kinds of stuff and getting mad rich instead of lurking in the shadows eating brains.
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